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"How did you get away from club stuff to do this?" Miguel asked his sister, as she sat on his bed with Cristobal in her arms. Daizee had the same goofy smile she always had on while around the toddler, or any baby for that matter.

"I said we had a business meeting to do. Besides, some shit went down up north. Pres said he needed guys back here to help handle stuff, and Angel wanted me to stay close to Adelita. With her being due soon, and a running fugitive-"

"Angel asked you?" Miguel asked. He had been skeptical of Daizee and Angel being back together. He had also been watching the interactions between Angel and Adelita. Miguel had his suspicions, but never did bring it up to anyone.

"Yeah. Adelita means a lot to both of us. I know what it's like to feel unstable, and I don't want her to feel like she has no one."

"She ever tell you who the father is?"

"No, and I've never asked. I think it could be Pablo." Daizee said and Miguel sighed.

"Ever think it could be Angel?"

Daizee paused a second and looked at the child in her lap, "Angel wouldn't do something like that to me. And even if he did, he'd be bursting at the seam to tell someone about it, we would already know if it was his. Mayan men don't cheat, it's in the code of ethics."

"Prison or Run clause?" Miguel questioned.

"He never went on a-" Anger heated into Daizee's veins as she thought of the times Angel said he was going on runs with Coco and Gilly, and no one else knew where the three were going, "She wouldn't do that to me. I trust Adelita and I trust Angel. The baby isn't his."

"Who's baby?" Emily asked, walking into the bedroom, dressed in a body con red dress. Her hair was up, and she was finishing putting her earrings on, "Are we talking about Adelita?"

"No, were talking about you." Daizee sneered and Emily rolled her eyes. The tension between Daizee and Emily had been rising for months now, and the two had done what they needed to stay away from each other. Miguel also tried his best not to get in the middle of the girl fight.

"The hell is your problem now, Daizee?" Emily asked the girl.

"I don't have a problem, Emily." Daizee responded and stood up with Cristobal in her arms, "I'll be in the living room."

Miguel sighed and listened as Daizee's boots faded down the hallway. Emily sighed and rolled her eyes again.

"God, does she always have to act like that. I don't even know why she's still so upset about that." Emily said walking over to her husband, and fixing his collar, "Could you say something to her?"

"She was very hurt by what you said. She even used the word offended. Maybe you should apologize." Miguel said to his wife. Emily looked up at him confused.

"I am just trying to make sure she doesn't ruin our business. I just suggested what I think would make her and you feel bet-"

"You suggested she gets plastic surgery to fix the scars." Miguel said cutting his wife off. "And it's not 'our' business, it's 'my' business, Daizee's business. It's the Galindo cartel, not the Galindo-Thomas cartel." Miguel pushed past his wife and down the hallway towards his sister.

Emily was appalled. Miguel hadnt snapped at her like that in months. He did his best to keep level headed in the Emily vs Daizee contest, but he had enough of the women in his life fighting. Dita and Daizee never got along, and now Dita didn't like Emily. Miguel didn't know who the culprit was, Emily, Daizee, or Dita. but he was determined to solve the issue.

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