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Miguel, Daizee, and Nestor headed to the clubhouse early the next morning. Daizee hadn't slept that night, her mind to busy thinking of what was going on with Adelita. She needed to know she was okay, that her baby was okay. Daizee knew what it was like losing a child, and prayed that Adelita wasn't going to feel that pain. Miguel had drove Daizee to the clubhouse, not trusting that she could get herself there safely, with the lack of sleep she had.

"She's going to crash." Miguel told Bishop, as they watched Daizee move anxiously around the clubhouse, "She's in no place to ride today. If she's going anywhere-"

"Jefe, please tell my brother that I am fine to do what I need to do. I spent hours awake in boot camp and in Iraq. This is nothing-"

"It is something, Daizee. There are more emotions involved right now. I agree with your brother. If we go anywhere, you can follow behind in the jeep." Bishop said. Daizee scoffed, feeling as she has been demoted, and walked away from the men, "You sure she should even be apart of this at all?"

"My sister is strong, I think she can handle this."

The rest of the men had arrived at the clubhouse. Daizee stood on the front porch, watching as Taza, Bishop, and Hank confronted Angel and EZ about their run in with the Swole Boys. Miguel had left her there so she could attend to the club. She sat with a blanket and a cup of coffee that Coco made her drink.

"Bishop?" Coco said coming out of the clubhouse, "Alvarez on the burner."

Angel walked up to his girl, who looked tired and broken. He kissed her forehead, before reaching for the cup in her hands. She gave it to him with out a fight, and tightened the blanket around her. She knew what the call from Alvarez was about, it was an update about Adelita. She couldn't believe Angel didn't know. A yellow truck rolled up on the lot, that was driven by Felipe. Confused as to why he would be there, Daizee stood up from her spot on the porch.

"Fuck, mercs got Adelita." Bishop said, "Gotta meet Alvarez and Galindo at the warehouse."

It was like a knife went straight into Angel's heart. He looked at Daizee, who's eyes were glassed over with tears. She reached for Angel, who just walked away from her. He walked down the steps, to where Felipe was getting out of his truck. EZ tried stopping his brother, worried that he was going to cause a scene or hurt their father. But, they were all shocked, when Angel hugged his father and broke down in tears. Coco and EZ looked at Daizee, who's eyes were glued on the Reyes boy and his father.

Per Miguel's orders, Daizee was driven in her blackout jeep by Creep to the warehouse. She hated the feeling of being in a cage, and not having the wind whip her hair as she rode on the open road. Bishop told her it was for her safety, she was too tired and worn out to be riding. They didn't need another member laying down their bike like Riz.

When they arrived at the warehouse, Miguel wore his suit and looked cleaned up. He sat on his pew, and club were greeted by Marcus. Miguel walked over and hugged his sister. He would prefer her to stay at his house and sleep the day away, but he knew it was a lost cause trying to argue with her.

"Thank you for coming." He spoke to the club.

"They're up to speed." Marcus told him.

"Good, we should talk on the way." Miguel said, and Hank opened the gate to the underground tunnel.

The club made they're way down the tunnels and over the border. Miguel and Bishop talking about why Potter would want Adelita. Daizee hung in the back, Creep keeping an eye on her, and making sure she wouldn't pass out. Daizee would stop occasionally to catch her breath, and Nestor eyed her cautiously. It was like her to be this tired, she had trained for moments like these, something was wrong with her.

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