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Daizee didn't sleep that night. She couldn't. She felt as though she had eyes watching her at all times. She had called Nestor a dozen times, literally crying for him to come back and explain. She begged him to run away with her, to live the life she knew he so desperately wanted to live. Her last voicemail was one of pure anger, calling him a coward and a pussy for letting Miguel stick his dick so far up his ass, he would go as far as killing the woman he loved. 

Daizee watched over Mateo for most of the night, terrified of what would happen if she looked away for even a second. When Leti came in the morning to work, Daizee handed her a stuffed full diaper bag with clothes, toys, and enough essentials for at least 3 days. Leti had asked her a thousand questions, but Daizee shook her head and told her to keep him safe. Leti looked terrified but of course agreed, she'd rather die than let something happen to the little boy she has learned to love. 

It took Daizee less than 3 hours to pack all her belongings. She sat in her room and looked at the barren room and the haphazard hangers hanging in her closet. She laughed to herself and shook her head. She was letting fear ruin her life, again. It was a de ja vu moment, she had been here before. When her parents died, when she lost her daughter, when she had first come back from running from Angel. Daizee stood up and swallowed her pride. She wasn't going to run anymore, she was so fucking tired of running. It would take a 9 mil to the head to get her to leave her life. 

Daizee swallowed her fear and reached for her phone, sliding it open and dialing that all too familiar number. She was determined to settle the score, claim her ground. The vice grip he thought he had on what was his, was going to come crashing down. The call went straight to voicemail, and Daizee cursed, leaving a message. She threw her phone down and looked around her packed up bedroom. Daizee bit her lip and decided to call one other person. 

"What do you want?" Emily's voice sounded through the receiver. 

"Have you seen my brother?" Daizee said and Emily faultered at the sound of her voice. Her voice was usually strong and powerful, but she sounded weak. 

"No, I have not, not this morning anyway. Why, what's up?" Emily asked. 

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you," 

Emily knew she was serious with that statement so she looked around her house and excused herself, walking out to her balcony, "What the hell is going on?" 

"I know you have a .45 in your closet. Keep that close," Daizee said and Emily's breath caught in her throat, "Emily, I-if you don't hear from me in 3 days, call the cops." 


"Don't ask any more fucking questions." Daizee demanded and Emily nodded although the girl couldn't see her, "You call the fucking cops. And then you take your sister, Cristobal, and anything else you need and get the hell out of fucking Santo Padre." 

"Where am I supposed to go?" 

Daizee looked at the picture on her desk of the smiling boy with bright blue eyes whose arm was thrown tightly around her shoulders, pulling her in for a hug. Daizee closed her eyes, trying to dream of the day that picture was taken, "Charming." 

"Daizee, please just tell me what's going on? Where's Mateo?" 

Daizee closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath, "In Felipe's backyard, underneath the orange rose bush. . . There's a water sealed bag that's full of documents. Tell Angel, he'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Everything Mateo will ever need is in there. Now, like I said, don't ask any more fucking questions." 

Emily went to speak again, but was cut off by the call ending. She pulled her phone back from her ear and quickly dialed again but it went straight to voicemail. Emily dialed the girl's number about 10 more times, until she cursed, realizing that Daizee more than likely turned her phone off. Emily bit back tears as she looked around her house, now hyperaware of all the eyes on her. Miguel had put more security on her after her and Erin decided to take Cristobal into town. 

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