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Daizee was up way too early the next morning. She watched the first rays of the sun poke through the dark night, washing away all the bad stuff that had happened during the night. She held on the her coffee cup with a death grip, waiting for some sign from Nestor that he was still alive and coming home.

Daizee had woken up to a cold bed. The guest room bed, which sometimes Nestor would crash in when he came home super late, wasn't even slept in. She also woke up to no text or calls from him. Daizee was worried about him, and in the back of her mind, she was worried about Angel too.

Daizee jumped slightly at the sound of the door opening and shutting. She stood up quickly from her spot on the couch and looked at Nestor. His face was hard to read, as he looked at her.

"I'm sorry," Nestor said and Daizee shook her head.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that to you. It's just- he wouldn't stop crying, and it was driving me crazy. I needed a fucking break-"

"I'm sorry for not being there for you. I promise," Nestor said and stepped closer to her, "You need me, I'm there. I don't want Mateo to grow up like me, or like Santiago. I want us both there, right here."

Daizee nodded and hugged Nestor tightly. Her heart felt content, but not full. A part of her still felt like it was missing, and she knew what part that was. Daizee pulled back from Nestor and looked at him. She leaned forward and kissed him, as a cry came over the baby monitor.

"He always knows," Daizee groaned and pushed away from Nestor to go get Mateo.

Nestor smiled and watched as she disappeared around the corner. He had felt the weight on his shoulders after the shit that went down last night. He knew who killed Flaco, he watched Angel do it. How was he to explain that Miguel wants EZ and Angel dead? Nestor knew the second those words would come out of his mouth, Daizee would be running to Angels side.

"Someone is hungry," Daizee smiled, handing Mateo to Nestor.

"Hey buddy," Nestor said and hugged the little boy tightly, kissing his forehead, "He was good last night?"

"Yeah, Gaby told me a family secret of using tea tree oil on his gums. Seemed to calm him down pretty good." Daizee said running her hands through his hair.

"Did you have a good night for momma?" Nestor asked tickling the boy.

Daizee was about to answer when her phone rang. She rolled her eyes and apologized as she stepped into the other room to answer the phone.

"You went to a middle school summer camp with Gaeta?" Angel asked over the phone.

"Yeah, why?" Daizee asked.

"What kind of a bitch has a camp year book still in his house?" She heard Gilly yell on the other side.

"Man shut the fuck up." Angel yelled to him, "You good though? Nothing going on?"

"If you're asking if we're safe, the answer is yes. No one has been here all morning." Daizee answered.

"Would you please consider going to the clubhouse? I know you don't want to, but it would give me some peace of mind."

Daizee heard Nestor's footsteps approaching and sighed, "I am more safe here, where no one knows where I'm at, than at the clubhouse. I'm sorry, but i have to go." She said and hung the phone up. Daizee smiled at Nestor, who's face was hard to read, "You know what went down last night."

"Yeah. I know it was Angel." Nestor said, "I'm guessing they're up north."

Daizee nodded, "It's none of my business though. I left that part of my life for this. I don't want anything to do with them."

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