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Miguel stood looking out over his property. The lights of the pool shown back up at him. The ice in his glass sloshed from side to side as he slowly twirled the scotch around in his glass. He was waiting to hear back on if his plan had gone through.

"It's done Mikey." Nestor said as he walked out towards the cartel leader.

"Very good. You're next task is to find out whatever you can about Daizee Ortega." Miguel said not even looking at Nestor.

"Your sister?" Nestor asked.

"Yes. My sister. Find out what you can about her discharge from the military." Miguel said looking at the head of security.

"You got it Mikey." Nestor said walking back into the house. He smiled at Emily who was sitting at the kitchen table looking at her husband.

"Nestor, did i hear him ask about Daizee Ortega?" Emily asked.

"Yes ma'am. He heard some stuff through the grapevine. trying to figure out if it's true." Nestor said simply and kept walking.

Miguel sighed and finished off his glass of scotch. He loved Daizee, he really did. Growing up, she was always known as his little cousin, until Dita and Jose told him the truth. Daizee had come to live with them when Daizee's parents died. Miguel was 20 and Daizee was only 14.

Emily got up and walked towards Miguel. She wanted the truth. There were so many things going on, and if Daizee was back, she wanted to know.

"Daizee's back?" Emily asked.

"Yeah. Saw her with the MC yesterday."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"We have a lot going on," Miguel said pushing past Emily and back into the house.

"She's my best friend, Miguel and you're sister. You didn't think of mentioning it?"

"No!" He shouted causing Emily to jump, "I fucking didn't. I'm sorry i'm too fucking focused on getting my son back!"

"Maybe she could help. She knows military people, probably can reach out to her brother in. . ."

"This isn't up for discussion. I'm keeping her out of it."

"Why!? Are you scared she could be kidnapped or even worse. . .? She was in Iraq, Miguel, I think she can. . ."

"Would you just shut the fuck up about it!" Miguel yelled at his wife. She scoffed and stormed off.

Bringing Daizee into this life, was the last thing he wanted. He tried so hard to keep her on the right track. Miguel was beyond proud of her when she went into the Military. He was still proud of her.

Daizee was different. She was too kind for the world Miguel lived in. She reminded him a lot of Emily when they first had met. But now, both of the girls had thrown themselves into a life they both should never have been in.

Daizee walked into Coco's house and didn't say a word. The whole journey from Sonora back to Santo Padre had been a silent one. Everyone dealing with their own problems from the trip. EZ had wished the three of them good night and went back to his trailer at the yard. Coco went straight to the kitchen to grab a beer, and Daizee went to her room.

"Daze. . .," Angel said before she went into her room, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Thanks for, uh. . . helping me."

Angel nodded and let the girl go into her room. He would never admit it out loud, but it broke him to see her like that. He'd only seen Daizee be like that on one other occasion, and that was when her parents died.

Angel closed the door to his room, and stripped out of his clothes. His mind running a mile a minute. He was still battling the idea of helping Los Olvidados, and his love for Adelita. Or, if he still even loved her. Daizee being back fucked with his emotions more than he would admit. Angel shook his head, and climbed into his bed. His goal was to forget about all the mixed up bullshit that now consumed his life.

On the other side of the hall, Daizee laid wide awake. She was still frozen from the fear of earlier. Why she had shut down like that was still unknown to her. Daizee wrestled with an idea in her mind, until she read the clock on her bedside table. The red numbers blinked back reading; "1:37 AM." She sighed and threw the covers back off of her.

She stood outside his door a good 15 minutes before finding enough strength to knock on the door. There was no response, until she knocked again. The door opened and Daizee stared at him with tears in her eyes.

"I. . .I can't sleep. It's too dark, and I'm alone. And I'm not good on my own, my mind starts running, and I can't seem to shut it off. And We have to be at the lot earl. . ."

Angel put his hands on Daizee's cheeks, and brought her face to his. Their lips met, and it felt like the first time they kissed. Daizee's hands went to touch Angel's and they pulled back. He rested his forehead against Daizee's.

"It's okay, querida. There's always room for you."

"I know how this can fuck up the table, and I. . ."

"You talk so damn much, Ortega." Angel said and Daizee laughed. He pulled her into his room. Daizee went to lay down, but Angel stopped her, "You're going to sleep in jeans? Like a pyschopath?"

"I guess not." Daizee said and Angel handed her one of his shirts. She stripped out of her clothes and put the shirt on.

She laid down and Angel laid down next to her. They kept their distance, until Angel couldn't stand being away from her anymore. He reached over and pulled her into his body. She laid her head on his chest, and Angel kept his warm hands on her back. It was like being back to how they were, before everything went to shit.

this chapter was shit.
give me character ideas on who you think Daizee should be based off of.
Also thanks for the reads:)

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