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Bishop and the MC rode from Vicki's, all the way to her neighbors, about 2 miles up from her's. All the patches parked their bikes in a line, EZ and Daizee parked behind them. They walked up to a bunch of white men sitting on their front lawn, just drinking and talking. Daizee spotted two hardworking Hispanics near the gate of the property.

"What's going on Denny?" Riz said walking up to the house.

"What's this about, Ariza?" The guy, Denny, said. Denny was a tall white man, who wore a grey cut off tank shirt, and jeans. His muscles popped out of the cut off sleeves, and judging by his hair cut, he looked Ex- Military.

"Just want to talk." Riz said calmly, "Where's your mom?"

"Maybe she aint here." Denny shot back defensively.

"Maybe she is," A woman said coming out of the house and slammed the door shut. Denny's tough guy facade quickly dropped, and became a scared little boy afraid of a punishment from his parents. "Big day at Casa Reed." She laughed walking up to the MC, "First the good guys, now the bad guys. Or maybe I got them turned around."

"So hard to tell now a days," Bishop spoke calmly. "Maybe you and the uh, peckerwood patrol are just humble servants keeping our border safe, or maybe just a fucking racist yahoos gunning down kids with high-powered rifles."

Denny stepped up behind his mother and acted tough again, "Listen, if you're talking about the shooting last night, we already told the cops. . . We don't know nothing about that."

"Nothing more than our neighbors." Mrs. Reed said. "Although it might be hard for some of them to notice shit when they got a dick in every hole. Oh, and I see you brought one of them with."

Daizee grew angry and stepped forward. Coco put his arm out and gently pushed her back. Mrs. Reed smirked at Daizee. The girl prospect wanted nothing more than to shoot her white Redneck Racist head off her fucking body.

"Come on Alice," Bishop said, ignoring her comment about Daizee.

"Come on Bishop, what the hell you are about some dead Mexican." Alice said, "You running protection on civil rights now? See you already got started on it with the girl y'all hidin back there."

"Cops found scripts near the body, oxy. They think he was muling."

"That changes it from target practice to drug running." Taza said behind Bishop, "That does make it our business."

"Alice." One of the guys called her over. Alice rolled her eyes before walking back to her crew. Angel called over Bishop to talk to him.

Coco took the time to pull Daizee aside and smack her upside the head. Daizee growled and glared at him, "The fuck was that for?"

"Keep a fucking level head, shithead. Can't be blowin stuff up right here. Who knows what these rednecks would do." Coco said and Daizee nodded, grabbing the upper sides of her cut. She watched at a conversation went down between the other patched members. They walked over and caught the tail end of the conversation.

"I recognize the big one." Daizee added looking over at the white men, "One in the fatigue's. He. . . he used to date some girl in my ranks. He was stupid as shit."

"Makes sense with what EZ was saying." Taza said and Bishop nodded.

Alice walked back over to the MC, "Like my son said, we don't know anything about some drug-muling wetback. Now get off my land!"

The MC just stared at Alice and her crew as they all walked off. Daizee stood ready to fire off a weapon if she had too. She watched as they all retreated and waited for Bishop to move first. Bishop turned around and gave Angel an order and sent the prospects off with him.

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