Dean ~Whiskey Glasses~

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I sat on my bed jamming out to some Morgen Wallen while doing some research as the boys were on a hunt God knows where. I sang on the top of my lungs as I sang with him.

"Poor me, pour me another round
Line'em up and knock'em down
Two more let's go
Cause I ain't ever hurt like this before.
Don't wanna think about her, or wear a ring without her
Don't wanna hit the karaoke bar,can't sing without her."

I got up from my bed as I carried my phone around with me into the kitchen.

"So make them drinks strong, cause brother shes gone
And if Im ever gonna move on
I'ma need some whiskey glasses"
As Morgen sang that last verse I poured me a shot of whiskey and downed that one. Then I heard the front door of the bunker open.

"Y/n were back!" I heard Sam yell out as he made his way into the kitchen.
"Hiya Sam, how'd it go?" I said as I got up on the counter.
"Fantastic, it was a easy kill." He chuckled.
"Hey where's Dean at?"
Just as I asked that I heard a high pitched woman's voice and Dean laughing.
"Fuck, me" I whispered.

"Why, oh I know." Sam chuckled as realization hit him.
"No you don't." I groaned.
"Y/n do you have a little crush on my brother?" He said while wiggling his eyebrows.
"What no!"
"Your lying y/n, I know when you look at him you stare into space."
"Fuck you Winchester."
"No thanks."
I punched him in the arm as Dean and his 'prize' walked into the kitchen.
"Hey guys whats up?"
"Nothing, I'm heading to bed." I announced.
As I was turning around the corner I heard the women say "Whats up with that bitch Dean?"

I ran back into I the kitchen and stared her and Dean down.
"I forgot my whiskey." I grumbled as I took the whole bottle with me and went back to walking to my room.
When I got to my room I slammed my door shut and locked it. I set the whiskey bottle onto the bed and hooked my phone up the my speakers. I pressed play as the song continued to play. I then sat down on the floor with the bottle. I occasionally took a sip as I then heard moans and screams coming from Dean's room.

I started to cry because I had developed a crush on the eldest Winchester, but he didn't see me as girlfriend he saw me as a sister he never had. I took a big sip as the moans kept on getting louder so I got up and headed for the garage.

While walking over I heard Sam behind me.
"Hey where are going?"
"None of your damn business Sam." I spat.
"Fine, I guess I'll see you in the morning. Good night."
When I came up to the garage I found a wall that was hidden away from any of the doors and sat down finishing up the rest of the whiskey. I felt a vibration coming from my pocket, so I took out my phone and saw that Sam texted me.

I hate Dean right now he's so fucking loud.

LMAO thats why I'm in the garage drinking my pain away

Kinda figured ha ha

Yep, gonna have a killer hang over

I'll be up in the morning, so I'll see you

Ok, good night


The next morning I woke up with a splitting headache as I was hung over. I slowly got up and headed to the kitchen. When I arrived I only saw Sam sitting there in his running gear and a smoothie in his hand along with his head deep into the laptop. I saw him look up as he straightened himself out.
"You look like shit, y/n."
"No shit Sam, no shit." I said as I pulled out some Ibprofen and a glass of water.
"How long did it take you to fall asleep?"
"3 hours"

"Figured." Sam chuckled.
"God this fucking sucks." I groaned as I rested my head into my arms.
"Yes, yes indeed."
"Bye Dean!!" The woman's annoying voice rang through out the bunker as Dean came strolling in with a big smile plastered on his face.

"Breakfast anyone?"
"Sorry Dean I already have some" Sam said.
"What about you sweetheart?" I ignored him.
"Leave me alone Dean." I grumbled.
"Who pissed in your cheerios?" He asked.
I glanced up at him and flipped him off as I left the room.
In the distance I heard Sam chew his brother out.
"Really dude."
"What the hell did I do Sam?"
"Dont you see it Dean shes in pain."
"Who the hell hurt her, God help me."
Thats what I heard last from Dean as I crawled into bed and under the covers crying and crying.

I heard a small knock from my door.
"Sweetheart I know your in there."
"I'm coming in."
I heard Dean opening the door as his feet carried him to the bed. I felt the bed dip as he sat down.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart, I-I didn't know." He paused.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
I laid there in silence until I felt him scoot closer to me.
I knew he was being persistent, but I kept on ignoring him.

I felt him touch my leg carefully, as he started to rub it up and down.
"Y/n you know I'm not one for words but this whole time since I met you I slept with girls, so that it could distract me from you."
"I remember when we first met, you were scared shitless as you sat on that cold floor in a room. I've heard about you and in my eyes you were a legend, hell even Sammy thought so to. But I knew you were strong and I had to ask you to come to the bunker with us and you said yes!"

I felt the covers being pulled back as Dean laid behind me. He pulled me close to chest and started to rub my back. "Look at me sweetheart." I looked up at him as I saw the little wrinkles were showing today.

"I've liked you from the start and I want to show you." I felt his lips ghost mine as he kissed me. He rested his forehead on mine.
"I like you to Dean"
"Thank god!" He sighed

Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now