Dean X Reader ~Soulmate?~

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AN: This imagine is probably gonna be shorter than my other imagines. Oh also it's another dinji!!

All I could remember  I was in an old house in search of a dinji. I slowly opened my eyes to see the sun shining through the curtains as a nice breeze blew through them. I heard a grumble next to me so I slowly looked over and saw Dean Winchester. Thee, Dean Winchester.

The man that survived hell, the man that killed death, and lastly the man whore. "What the fuck?" I whispered. "Mmm, baby you wake?" "Uh-yeah, I'm awake." I felt the bed shift as he rested his hand on his head while looking down at me. I noticed that he was shirtless, and he had hickies all on his neck.

I slowly pulled up the covers to reveal my naked body, so instantly I covered myself up. "Hey, don't hide that body from me." "No-no thank you." I slowly got up with the covers wrapped around me as I tried looking for some form of clothing. "Sweetheart are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine," I said as I picked up a bra, underwear, t-shirt, and shorts, where I then walked into a bathroom to change.

"Hey, baby I'm gonna go make us some grub. You want some." "Uh, sure?" "Alrighty then, Dean's famous pancakes coming up!" "Fuck!" I put on the last of my clothes and made my way out to the kitchen. "Hey, I made you a cup of coffee." "Thanks.....Dean" "Anytime sweetheart." Dean kissed me on the forehead as he placed two pancakes on my plate.

I headed into the dining room and sat down in a chair. I picked up my fork and started eating. I let out a groan because these were the best flap Jack's I've ever had. "Holy shit Dean, these are fucking fantastic." "Why thank you!"He chuckled as he sat down next to me.

"Sam invited us to dinner with Jess, said he had some big news" "Wait, who the hell is Jess?" "Jess is Sam's girlfriend. A-a-re you sure your okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine."  I smiled as I got up from the seat and kissed his forehead. Suddenly I saw a dark figure outside so I started to walk out there. But by the time I got out there, it was gone. "has to be that son of a bitch" I mumbled to myself.

"HEY WAKE UP!" "What?" "COME on sweetheart wake up." I opened my eyes to the most beautiful green orbs I've seem. "Hey you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine thanks." "I'm Dean by the way." "Y/n" "As in Ben's daughter." "Yeah," I blushed.

"COME on sweetheart, I'll help you up." Dean lent me his hand as I took it, instantly sparks went off. "Did you feel that?" "Yeah, it was sparks." "Does that mean we're soulmates." "Yeah!"

Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora