JensenX Reader ~Daytona 500~

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A/n before I start yes I already have a Nascar imagine with Jensen but I'm gonna change it up a bit. As in him and Jared come down to Florida to visit you as the reader. You are the first female Nascar driver.

The sound of pounding awoke me as a very loud voice rang through my ears. "Come on y/n, its time for practice!" "Ughh, not now." "Dont make me come in there!" "Fine im up!" I jumped out of bed and got on my fire suit and shoes and ran outside to see my assistant looking at me Eamad. "Look im sorry, I had a long night last night." "Another panic attack?" He said. "Maybe" I sighed as we started walking out to pit road.
"I don't why I've been feeling like this lately." "Yeah I don't know either y/n but we need to have happy thoughts." "Why is that?" "The cast and crew of Supernatural is here for sponsorship." "And thats why." I sighed.

"Why whats wrong with them?" "Me and Jensen dated back in high school" "Hmm." He hummed. "Well, just do your

I walked into the garage as for Ben he went up to talk to the crew chief. I walked up to my car and saw the little sticker for Spn. "Why.." "Why what?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned around and saw Jensen and Jared. "Guys?!" I ran up to them and hugged them tightly. " wow look at you y/n, in the cup series!" Jared laughed as he spun me around. "Yepper, im so freaking nervous, its the fucking Daytona 500!" "Yeah no pressure there y/n, but hey at least you have practice in a bit babe" Jensen smiled. "Oh shit! Derek we gotta get the car out for practice." I yelled as I ran out of the garage and I climbed up the pit perch. "Derek?" I looked around and just saw my spotter Zach. "Zach where's Derek?" "Wife's in labor so I'm sorta in charge until Chad gets here."

"As in Chad Knaus?" "Yeah, I know. I about pissed myself." "ATTENTION ALL RACERS PLEASE GO TO YOUR CARS SO WE CAN START PRACTICE GOR THE POLE WIN." The announcers announced. "Fuck." I said as I slid down the ladder and out to my car where my crew was setting up. "Babe you ok?" Jensen asked. "I gotta go, where's my helmet?" "Here y/n" Jared handed me my helmet as I placed my earphones in my ears. " "Hey Babe!" "Yeah Jay?" "You got this." I nodded as I got into my car. "Wait y/n!" Jensen ran over to me and kissed me hard. This was our first kiss together, my eyes fluttered shut as he deepend the kiss. "Please be safe out there." "I will Jensen."

He gave me a reassuring smile as I put up the safety net. I got on all of my head gear as I heard Chads voice. "Howdy, y/n. I'm Chad Knaus and ill be your crew chef for this race and tomorrow's." "10-4 Chad, it is a honor to have you as a chef." "Thank you, now let's kick some ass."

We all started our engines and started down to pit road passing our rivals and teammates. "Remember 1 pace lap and all hell breaks loose." "Alright 10-4 Chad." "Hey good luck out there!" I heard Jared. "Thanks Jared." "Babe please don't do something stupid." "Jay don't count on that." "Oh i won't sweetheart." "Alright kid Green green!"
I started the car at a slow pace as I drove over the checkard pavement and started to go fast.

"18 car bumping you." Zach said into my earbuds. "He can go fuck himself." "Sassy aren't you y/n." "Yeah so what Zach i don't wanna wreck out tonight." "Tocha" I heard the men chuckle as I made it to turn 1. "Nice and easy kid" "okay Chad." "Drafting Ryan Blaney."
"Not for long" I snarled as I passed my teammate. "Pass, him" "I'm trying Zach." "Hey kid take a deep breath." I heard Chad say.

It was the final lap for practice, I was in the lead. "Come on kid you can do this!!!" Chad yelled as I made it to the final turn of the track. "Fuck come on!" I yelled as I felt the road go straight. I floored the car as cheers erupted throughout my earbuds!

"Holy shit i got the pole!!!" "NOW THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT KID!" Chad yelled. "Jensen you there?" The radio was silent, so I parked my car near the checkard pavement and climbed out of the car waving to the fans. The flag official came running down handing me the flag as I waved it. "Babe!" I heard Jensen yell as I turned around on my heels as he picked me up. "You did it baby girl! I'm so proud of you." "Jensen, I won." I gasped. I took off my helmet but as soon as I took off Jensen gave me a bruising kiss.

Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang