Dean X Reader ~Close to death~

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Pain, tears, and screams were all I knew right now. I was cornered by a pack of demons down in Oklahoma I didn't tell the boys; I was heading down there. But like I said here I am in an old building tied down to the ground with cuts all over my body.

All I could do now is a call for Castiel and that's what I'm doing right now. "Castiel please I beg you help me! I was surrounded by demons and I'm sorry I didn't tell anyone! I'm in Oklahoma and if I die, tell Dean I love him!" That was the last thing I thought of before passing out.

Castiels Pov
"Dean, we're gonna find her if and or buts," Sam said as he placed his hand on his brother's shoulder. Instantly Dean shrugged him off and walked over to where the bottle of whiskey was sitting. He unscrewed the top and took a long swig of the amber liquid. "And if we don't find her." "Dean, I'm sure we'll find her. Just have faith in us." I said as I pointed to Sam.

"Yeah, right." He said as he took another swig from the bottle. All of a sudden I heard a familiar voice in my head calling for me. "Castiel please I beg you help me! I was surrounded by demons and I'm sorry I didn't tell anyone! I'm in Oklahoma and if I die, tell Dean I love him!"

I fell down to my knees as I cradled my head. "Cas!" I heard Sam yell as he and Dean ran over to me. "She's in Oklahoma," I muttered. "She's where?" "Dean, she's in Oklahoma. She's not well either, it sounds like demons."
"I'm going to pack my bags," Dean said as he left the room.
Your POV
"Tell us where the Winchester's are!" "Never!" I yelled earning a slap to the face. "You never learn!" The one Demon growled as he punched me left and right into my stomach. "When will I?" I smiled as I spit out blood. "You just don't know when to stop don't you y/n." "Ha, when will I never." "Oh let's see here, oh I know your parents."

"Don't you dare talk about them." I growled. "Oh, we should. Oh, I remember when we took their lives don't we boys" The others nodded their heads. "You were such a terrible child not saving them." "S-Stop it." "Why should we, I mean we killed them and you just stood there scared. What a little wuss."

I clenched my jaw as I felt a single tear rolled down my face. "Aw, the little girl is crying!" He said as they all laughed. "You know what, I think the Winchester's hate you including their little angel friend." "It's all lies," I muttered.

"Oh, honey it's real." I looked up at the Demon as he gave me a smug face. "Well boys let's give miss y/n some rest." He said as they left the room. I dropped my head down and let out a loud scream in defeat as I started to cry.
Dean's POV
I had fallen for y/n and I wasn't supposed to because of our crazy lives. I was scared to lose her and I would blame myself if she died on me but that's not gonna happen. "Cas." "Yes, Dean?" "Where is she at in Oklahoma?" "Oklahoma City, in an old farm," Castiel said.

"Okay, I have an idea where that's at," I said as I stepped on the pedal. That farm was her childhood and that where her parents had died. About 3 hours later we reached the old farm, I turned off the ignition and I climbed out of the car. Sam and Cas both followed me to the trunk where I opened up and grabbed all of the things we needed.

"Dean, please don't do anything stupid." "Oh Sammy I won't, I just want her back." "You like her don't you?" Castiel asked me as I nodded. "Come on let's go get her back."
Your POV
"Wow, I'm surprised that the Winchester's haven't come yet." "I really don't care," I mumbled. "What did you say? That you don't care about the Winchester's." The Demon chuckled.

Suddenly I heard yelling and gunshots echoing off the walls. "Oh look who's here your friends." The Demon cut me loose and yanked me up pulling me with him into the hallway. "Oh, Winchester's I have your girl." I let out a low groan as he continued to pull me around.

Then we saw the trio, Dean had started to grow some hair on his face as Sam and Castiel looked the same. "Oh, there you are. Look who I have your girl Dean." "Let her go!" Dean grumbled. "Why should I. Ha, just 3 minutes ago she said she didn't care if you 3 saved her sorry ass."

"Let her go," Dean yelled as he tried to shoot the Demon, but before he did I felt something cold stab through me. Then another shot rang as I fell to the ground clutching my stomach. I looked down at my hand and saw the deep crimson red of my blood. "Dean, Sam, and Castiel." I gasped as I laid down.

I felt footsteps run towards me and then a pair of arms cradling me. I opened my eyes a little to see Dean carrying me out to the impala. By now everything in my body felt numb. "Come on y/n stay with us." "I can't Dean."

I felt him hold onto my hand as I felt the car come alive. "Yes, you can y/n." "Dean... I like y-you." Darkness surrounded my vision.
I woke up to a searing pain in my stomach as I tried to sit up. "Hey, easy sweetheart. Easy," I heard a voice so I looked over and saw it was a tear-stained Dean. "Dean, what happened and where am I?" "You passed out on the way home but we stopped at a hotel first to patch you up. I'm so sorry y/n, it's my fault."

"Dean it's not your fault, it's mine. I got myself into this." I sighed. "I know but." "But what Dean. I learned my lesson on hunting alone, besides I missed my 3 favorite guys." I chuckled. "I like you too." "Wait what?" I blushed. "Before you passed out you told me that you liked me." "I know, I told Cas while I was praying to him if I died tell Dean I love you." I sighed as a tear rolled down my face.

Dean placed his hand on my cheek and leaned as I felt his breath over my lips. "Can I kiss you?" I looked into his forest green eyes and nodded. I felt him cautiously connect his lips with mine.

"Promise me y/n that you won't leave again." "I Promise dean." "Good, because you almost died back there," Dean said as he started to cry. "I'm sorry Dean, I just wanted to try it out." I dryly laughed. Dean kissed my forehead before climbing into the bed next to me.

He lifted up the covers and carefully cuddled up behind me, being careful of my stomach."I love you, Dean." "I love you to y/n."

A/n: You're getting lucky with a post every day lol.

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