Dean x Reader ~Ghosts at Disney~

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And we have another request that came in by travelin3b. Sorry if its crap, its just I haven't been to Disney since I was 4. So basically 14 years. Enjoy my peeps!

"Hey listen to this guys." Sam said as he turned to us. "What is it Sam?" I asked curiously. "So apparently there's been signs of ghosts passing through Disneyland." "Yeah and?" Dean barked at him. "Sammy that place is so fucking haunted, I bet there's millions of lost souls there." "Yeah, well can you explain to me why there was a body found with no eyes on one of the rides?" "Toché Sam, Toché " "Well Sam, what it means that there isn't a ghost there?" "Well, we still have to check it Dean." "Come on Dean this'll be fun." I said as I poked him in the side. "And what if it isn't?" "God Dean, your such a party pooper. If you need me ill be in my room." I grumbled as I walked out of the library and to my shared room with Dean.

Once I got to my room I grabbed my laptop and searched 'Lebanon to Anaheim California.' "Ugh 21 hours from here!!" I groaned as I started looking at the route. I noticed that it was not to far from the beach so I was looking at hotels in the area. All of sudden I heard the door creak open and close as the person came through the room. I looked up and saw that Dean was standing there with a plate that has pie in his hands. I then felt him sit down on the edge if the bed as he placed the plate down on the bed.

"Hi, Dean " I said as I looked up at him closing the laptop in the process. "Hi, sweetheart. I'm sorry " "Its ok, I guess were going?" "Yeah of course." I smiled a little before getting up and sitting next to Dean. I felt him rest his head on my shoulder as he let out a sigh. "Dean trust me when we go, because that place has almost everything you could think of." "Really?" "Yea, but I haven't been there since I was 4 so things might've changed." "I trust you babygirl." "Thank you Dean." "Anything for you." He chuckled before picking up the pie that was on the plate. "Now, im gonna share you this pie." "Of course Dean."

Dean took the fork and cut it into a piece for me, he then raised it to my mouth as I opened it. I savored the pie as he took a piece to. "Mm, I was planning on us leaving tonight. Does that sound good?" "Yeah it does." Dean fed me another piece of the pie. "Thank for the pie." "No problem, you deserve it, for me being a stubborn ass." He said as a took the last piece of pie and once again fed me. "I'm gonna tell Sam." "Ok" Dean planted a kiss on my forehead before leaving the room.

While he was gone I sat up against the headboard and once again opened the laptop. I typed in 'Disneyland' and started looking at the pictures. I saw that Dean came back into the room and sat next to me looking at what I was looking at. "Whats the elephant with huge ass ears." "His name is Dumbo, and actually its a ride there. That was my favorite ride." "I thought I was your favorite ride." "Dean!" I slapped him on the chest. "What" he chuckled.

"We should start packing." I said as I got up from the bed and started packing. "Yeaaaahhh. We should." I let out a soft chuckle as I found my favorite things and just stuffed them in the bag. I stood up and watched Dean pack his things as a soft knock on the doorway brought us our attention. "You guys ready?" "Yeah, just lemme grab my phone and laptop." "What she said." Dean chuckled before following Sam out. Once I grabbed my stuff I headed off to the garage where Sam and Dean where bickering about who's driving.

"Boys, let me drive I know the way there like the back of my hand."(starts singing Sam Hunts body like a back road) I said as i grabbed the keys from Dean's hand and opened the trunk to throw my shit in the back. Once I did that I got into the drivers seat and started up Baby. "I call shotgun!" Dean yelled as he sat next to me. "Come on dude!" Sam groaned as he got into the back seat. "She is my girlfriend therefore I watch for her with my baby." In the rear view mirror I saw Sam roll his eyes at me. I then put baby in drive and drove off to California.

Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن