Dean X Reader ~Meet my niece~

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Before we start yes I know Bobby does not live on a farm and yes some of this farming shit is made up lol....

"A hell raisin' sugar when the sun goes down
Mama taught her how to rip up a town
Honey drippin' honey from the hollerin' Kentucky
Get ya flippin' kinda trippy like a Mississippi hippie
She's a Kansas princess, crazy mother trucker, undercover lover
Thick southern drawl, sexy swin' and walk
Brother she's all

Country (shoot), from her cowboy boots to her down home roots
She's country, from the songs she plays to the prayers she prays
That's the way she was born and raised, she ain't afraid to stay, country
Nothin' but country"

I sang along to Jason Aldean when I heard my uncle Bobby calling for me. "Y/N! ITS DINNER TIME!" I heard him call from the house, so I got onto the ATV and made my way up to the house. When I arrived I noticed a nice 1967 Chevy Impala parked up by the front  porch. Wow nice car I wondered as I made it up the stairs and into the house, where I saw a short man along with insanely tall man.

"Sorry I was late had to feed the animals." I spoke up as I walked into the kitchen, grabbing my food. "Sam, Dean. This is my niece y/n. Y/n this is Sam and Dean Winchester, they hunt the same things we do." "Nice to meet you all but a want some food sorry." I chuckled as I sat down at the dinner table. "Sam." "What Dean?" "This chick is hot." "Dude" "What she is." I heard the two men whisper.

"So boys, why are you here?" "We needed a place to stay for the night before we head back to Lebanon."Dean said "Ah, I see. Well you boys no the drill, make yourself at home." "Okay, thanks Bobby." Sam said. As I was taking a bite out of my potato the shorter man sat right across from me.

"Hi, im Dean." He said as he shook his hand out. "Y/n" I shook his hand. "So you hunt?" "Uh, yeah isnt obvious." "Well, um. No not really." "Your the first to say that to me." "Really." "Nope." I saw Dean scrunch his eyebrows together as he processed my snarky remark. "Sorry to leave you shocked but I'm gonna hit the hay. Night guys."

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