Dean X Reader ~Revenge~

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There was a hunt down in Nashville Tennessee, that involved a demon that killed my parents. Lucky for me I had snuck out of the bunker and out to my Ford pickup truck. I was an hour into the drive when Dean called.

"Where hell are you?!" "Why the hell do you care Winchester." "Because your my girlfriend." "Really, your such a liar." "Fine Sam's worried about you-" I hung up the phone and continued my way to Nashville.

Once it turned dark I found a secluded in the country and parked for the night. I jumped out of the truck and headed for the back seat where I then settled into for the night. Before I went to sleep I texted Sam and Dean in a group chat.
"Don't bother looking for me, I have to do this alone. This hunt is for revenge, if I die, I'll be happier then hell. Thanks for everything boys....... Signing off (y/n).

Once I sent that text I started to cry, I'll miss them if I die but I have to do this. It's been bothering me since I started hunting...


I woke up to hearing screams from my parents room. Immediately I jumped from my bed and grabbed my softball bat , I ran to there room but what I saw scared me. There stood a man with coal black eyes staring at me. "Who are you and what the hell do you want?" "Oh, your parents." The man snapped both of there necks as I yelled. "No!"

End of Flashback...

The next morning I had several texts coming from both men. "Where are you!" "Were gonna help you!" "Please don't do anything stupid." Finally I had enough so I called Dean. The phone rang and rang until someone answered.

"Dean?" I squeaked. "Y/n where are you? Are you okay?" "Dean, I'm *sob* fine." "Your not okay, where gonna find you." "NO DONT DEAN! It's for your safety." "What do you mean safety?" "Dean, I have to do this alone. If you get into this mess they'll go after you and Sam!" "What do you mean?" "Nothing. I'm sorry Dean I love you." I hung up the phone and crawled into the driver's seat to start up my truck.

Once I was back on the road I called the Demon that killed my parents. "Well hello y/n long time not talk." "Where the hell do you wanna meet?" "Just outside of Knoxville in the first barn on the north side of town." "I'll be there tomorrow night." I hung up my phone and drove in that direction.

Dean's POV
"I'm sorry Dean, I love you." The line went dead. "What'd she say?" Sam said as I looked down at my phone at her caller ID photo. "Well?" "Nothing." I said as I ran my hand over my face. "Well clearly whatever she said effects you Dean." I looked over at him as worry filled his face.

"Sam, she said she loved me. And ahem, we'll get into whatever mess she's in." His face soften as he stared at me. "You love her to Dean?" "Of course I just can't." "Can't what?" "I can't tell her because everyone who gets close to me dies. She's already been gone a day and I fucking miss her. We-we have to find her or else she'll die!"

I stood up abruptly and ran to me and y/n's shared room. I packed my bags and headed back into the library to see Sam with his duffle bag next to him. "Let's go find her Dean. I already have her tracked down." I nodded a we both heard to the garage.

Your POV....
The sun shown throughout my truck as I slowly sat up. Today was the day that Im finally getting revenge on my parents death. If I died Dean would be so heartbroken, but I have to do this or else this demon would kill me like my parents died. I let out a groan as I climbed out of the truck and into the front seat and started the truck.

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