Jensen X Reader ~Skype~

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I picked up our 6 month old baby Ada from her crib and carried her downstairs with me. "You ready to see Da Da!" She let out a loud squeal as I placed her next to me on the couch. I grabbed our laptop and opened up the Skype app. I then called Jensen to see how he was and if he was ready to see us.

The phone rang and rang until I heard his voice. "Hi baby!" "Hi Jensen, how are you?" "Tired." "You sound tired." I chuckled. "Yeah, late night filming." "Oof." "I know right." "Hey I just sent you an invite to Skype." "OK," I heard him clicking on things as the spinning wheel started to work.

Moments later I saw his face. "Hi, y/n and of course Ada!" Ada let out a loud squeal as she heard Jensen. I picked up Ada and cradled her on my lap. "Hi my princess." Jensen waved at the screen. Ada smiled and waved to him. "Is that daddy?" She started to bounce up and down on my lap. "Hi!!" He chuckled.

"How are you doing babe?" "Oh, you know tired, she's just like you a night owl." Jensen chuckled. "I bet." "I miss you" "I miss you to y/n just a couple more weeks."

Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now