Dean X Reader ~I luv u mother nature~

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I let out a loud groan as another cramp washed over me. So I got up and headed to the washroom to find some Midol, once I did I took the 2 small pills
and went back to my room. "HEY Y/N. I MADE SOME BREAKFAST!" I heard Dean yell.

I let out a grumble as I entered my room and laid down. I stared up at the ceiling and started to daydream when I heard a knock on my door. I looked over towards the door and saw Sam in the doorway with a plate of food. "Hey y/n." "Hi, Sammy." I sighed as I sat up in bed buy I was interrupted with a cramp, so I let out a groan.

"Hey, you okay," Sam said as he stepped closer to me. "Yeah, I'm fine just a cramp." I groaned. Sam backed off. "I'm assuming no food for now?" "Yeah, sorry." "Don't be, you can't help it." "I know." I sighed. "If you need anything I mean anything don't be afraid to call one of us." "Okay, Sam" "Right, well I found us a hunt and I'm assuming." I cut him off. "Yes, I'm staying back for this one."

"Okay, cool. Well like I said if you need anything." "I know to call you, Dean or Cas." "You got it, girl." He chuckled as he left the room. Sam and I are like siblings attached at the hip while Dean, he just knew me as well me. We have been dating for about 5 months now and I sense jealously from him.

I still remember that day when I met him...

"You mother fucker" I snarled at the vampire as they attached an IV into my arm. "Oo, Missy you don't cuss." The vampire on my right said to me as he punched me in the face. "Yes, the blood looks mighty fine tonight." The other vampire said to me as he stuck another IV into my other arm.

I let out a groan as I felt the blood rush out of me. Then all of a sudden I heard yelling and a door being knocked down. I looked up and saw Dean Winchester thee Dean Winchester with a machete in his hand swinging at the two vampires in one go. Dean was a legend in many eyes, but not mine. I just saw him as another extremely hot hunter.

My vision started to blur as Dean yelled for someone. "Hey, you gotta stay with me okay?" I nodded as I felt him carefully remove the IVS. "What's your name?" "My name is Y/n" "Well nice to meet you I'm Dean and I have my brother Sam with me, we're gonna get you out of here alright." I nodded as another man came into the room. I felt Dean untie me as I slumped into his chest. "Hey, listen to me y/n." I looked up at him. "You gotta stay awake for me okay?"

I nodded as I felt him carefully picked me up as we headed out of the warehouse. I felt my eyes start to slowly close as I heard a creak of an old car being opened. "Hey, come on y/n stay with us." His last word echoed throughout my head as I fell unconscious.

End of flashback.....
Suddenly there was a soft knock on my door. "Come in," I said as I laid on my side. I heard his feet carry him to the edge of the bed as I felt him sit down.

"Sammy said that you won't be going on this hunt. Is everything okay?" Dean asked as I let out a groan. "No Dean, my uterus is trying to kill me because I'm not producing a baby." I sarcastically said. "Oh. Okay. Well" "I know if I need anything, I call you, Sam or Castiel." I grumbled as I pulled the blanket tighter to me.

"Alright, well I'll see you whenever. I guess." I felt him kiss my forehead as  I started to regret what I said to him. Thanks a lot, mother nature.

The next morning I noticed 4 missed calls from Sam, so I decided to call him back. "Hello?" "Hey, good morning y/n. How are you?" "Emotionally not all there but cramps yet." I chuckled. "That's good." "Hey, Sam?" "Yeah, y/n." "Sorry for being a smart-ass yesterday." "Your good, I'm used to your sarcasm." He chuckled.

"I know, but I was an ass towards Dean yesterday and I feel bad." "Yeah, I think he's a little upset." "God I feel bad." I groaned into the phone. "Relax y/n you're fine." "Okay, well I'm gonna eat an insane amount of food. Wait before I hang up put me on speaker?" "Uh okay?" "Dean. Listen I'm sorry for being a jackass." "It's OK. I get your on your period."

I let out a sigh as Sam came back onto the phone. "I'll call you guys later bye Sam." I hung up the phone and started to cry. "I'm sorry Dean." I cried as I heard a sudden flutter come into the room. "Cas what the hell man, I'm crying leave me alone." "But y/n your bleeding down there." I looked down and saw blood on my shorts.

"Can my week get any fucking better!" I yelled as I got out of bed and grabbed new clothing before heading to the washroom.

After that, I headed to the kitchen to see red roses on the counter. "Cass?" I yelled out, as soon as I said that I heard wings fluttering in. "You called?" "Why are there roses here?" "Dean, wanted me to deliver them to you." "Huh." So I pulled out my phone and called Dean.

"Babe, thank you." "Your welcome baby girl." "God I'm so sorry if I was an ass to you yesterday, that was not me." "Babe it's alright, I understand." I started to cry. "Fucking period." I sobbed into the phone. "Y/n, it's okay. Do you want me to head home?" "Fuck yes." I sobbed.

"For fucks sakes I thought I got rid of you cramps." I cried, but the pain was too much this time so I passed out. "Y/N! Y/n! Are you okay? Fuck were heading home baby girl."

Dean's POV
I pressed the gas pedal to the floor as we were just 15 minutes away from the bunker. "Dean what is going on." "I heard her fall down." "Yeah, so?" "Sam that's my girl that is  alone and in pain!" I yelled.

15 minutes later I pulled into the garage and parked baby, not caring in the world what Sam was thinking. I ran down the steps and I made my way to the kitchen. I saw her with her phone in her hand while the other was clutching onto her stomach.

I heard her let out a groan as I crouched down next to her. "Hey, baby I'm here."

Your POV
"Dean, I'm sorry." "Shh, I'm gonna take care of you okay?" "Ok" I felt Dean pick me up and he started walking to the washroom. When we got there he placed me down and started a nice warm tub for me. I started to strip all of my clothes as Dean left to go get some fresh clothes for me.

By the time he came back I was already in the tub. "Hey, sexy." He chuckled as he placed my clothes on the toilet. "Hi." I sighed as I closed my eyes. I felt Dean come into the tub with me so I opened my eyes to see him in his boxers. "Scoot forward babygirl." I nodded and moved forward so that he could sit behind me.

Once we both got situated, he placed one of his hands down where my ovaries are and started to massage the area. I let out a groan as he hit the right spot.  "Right there?" "Mmm-hmm." I hummed as I rested my head on his shoulder.

I felt him place a kiss on my forehead as he moved onto the other side. "Dean...." I groaned as he hit the spot again. "Relax." I listened to him.
About an hour later of being in the tub, Dean helped me out of the tub. Where I then put on everything, I waited for Dean to get out and change. Once he was done, he took my hand and lead me to our room. When we entered Dean closed the door and got into bed.

"Come on baby." I nodded as I crawled under the covers with him. I felt him wrap his body around my side as I felt him kiss my neck. "I love you, babe," I said as I turned to face him. He placed his hand on my face and rubbed my cheek. I leaned in and kissed him as he kissed me back. After that, I rolled back onto my side. "I love you too babe and never forget that." He said as I drifted to sleep.

God the beginning was crap, but I had other ideas of where it was going. But it wouldn't make sense lol. Anywho I hope everyone is having a fantastic day and summer! See you in the next story 😉

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