Dean X Reader ~Inscure~

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Here we are at my sister's home in Alta Loma California. She let me and Dean stay at her house for the week, for a 'hunt' but in reality it was just to get away from hunting.

So here we are tanning by the pool relaxing. "Ya know this is very relaxing" "ya no shit Dean" "Hey sweetheart?" "Yeah, Dean?" I pushed up my sunglasses as I looked over at a shirtless Dean. "Why don't you wear swimsuits?" "Because I can." I scoffed.

"Well there has to be a real reason to that." "It doesn't matter Dean, I just. Feel comfortable in what I wear." I got up from my chair and took off my glasses. I then dove into the deep end of the pool, when I surfaced Dean was in the pool. I swam towards him as he opened his arms for me.

"I'm sorry princess." "It's okay Dean" I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he held me up. "Your beautiful, you know that." "Yeah, but I don't feel like it." "What do you mean?" "My body isn't up to your expectations of women. Hell out of all the beautiful out there you chose me Dean! I already hated myself as it is, this fucking weight, my nerdyness like Sam, the way I talk, how I'm a picky eater! Dean I've tried everything to loose some pounds so I could make you happy! That's why I don't wear tight or revealing clothes. I'm scared that if we get to that point in our relationship that you mind find me fat. Dean I hate everything about me!" I started to cry.

"Stop! Babe look at me dead in the eyes." I did what he told me to do. "You are thee most beautiful women I have ever laid my eyes on. Please don't beat yourself up on your weight because it's part of you. I don't care for your curves, or your nerdyness. What matters is your personality y/n, yeah there's more women out there I would drool over. But your the one who stood by my side when Sam died, or when I came back from hell. You helped brake the walls I built over time. It seems like you never have a bad day besides when shark week happens. But that what makes me wanna wake up every morning to see you happy, not a care in the world!"

"I'm sorry Dean." I swam away to the ladder and climbed up it. I grabbed my towel and headed towards the patio sliding doors. "Dean, it's not you. It's just me." I sadly said as I stepped into the semi cool house, I then headed upstairs to the bathroom.

Once I arrived I stripped off my wet clothes and turned on the shower. Once I stepped inside I broke down crying. I wasn't ment for Dean, he probably hates me. God my weight, he just faked this whole speel just to make me feel better. My inner demon voices grew louder and louder.

One week later.........

After getting back from California I stayed in Dean and I's shared room. My depression got worse as the days go by, but yet Dean hasn't checked up on me.

"Y/n, sweetheart it's me." I heard the door open as a ray of light came through the door. His foot steps came closer to where I was laying on my side looking at the blank wall. In the corner of my eyes I saw Dean as he knelt down in front of me.

"I'm sorry if your feeling this way, but I want to help you sweetheart. It hurts to see you sad and depressed." He placed his hand on my hand rubbing circles across it. "I love you." "I love you to Dean. Can- can." "Can, what sweetheart?" "Can we cuddle?" "If it makes you feel better then I will."

I scooted away from him so he could lay with me. Dean took off his jeans and socks before climbing into bed with me, instantly I latched into Dean's embrace as tears flowed down my face.
"Shh, it's okay I'm here." Dean hugged me, as he ran his hand through my hair. "Your the strongest women I have ever, ever had in my life. It brakes me to see you all sad and depressed and alone in here. I'm willing to help you y/n because you mean so much to me and hell even Sam."

"I know, I'm sorry." "Sweetheart you don't have to apologize about the way you feel." "Mm, kay." Dean kissed my forehead as we cuddled closer to each other. "Dean?" "Yes, princess." "Would it be okay if I showed you my body just-" "No sex, got it!" I looked up at Dean and smiled. "If it makes you uncomfortable you can stop whenever sweetheart." "Ok."

I got up from the bed and locked the door before turning to Dean. I slowly started to peel off my shirt, then my pants. "That's it, all I'm gonna show you." "Beautiful, just beautiful baby girl." I let out a single tear as Dean came over to me. I felt him plant his lips with mine, getting rid of some of my insecurities.

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