Jensen X Reader ~Nature Gal~

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The sun started to show through my blinds as my alarm went off. "Ugh, field trip day!" I groaned as I got up and got my naturalist uniform on, that consists of: Texas flag patch on a khaki polo, army green cargo pants, paired with hiking boots. I went into the bathroom and pulled my hair into a high ponytail, before brushing my teeth.

Once that was done I made my way downstairs to open up the crate that held my 1 year old opossum Maple. "Good morning girl!" The marsupial slowly made her way out of the crate, to come over and sniff my pant leg. "Im assuming you want food?" She made a little noise as she headed towards the kitchen.

As I was preping her food I turned on the radio and started listening to country. Maple was now pawing at my ankle, so I wrapped up making her food and placed it on the ground. "You ready to meet some students today?" I questioned the noisey animal. "Wow I can't believe I'm talking to my opossum." I walked over to the fridge and got out a protein shake and started to shake the bottle.

As I was doing that my phone started to ring, so I picked it up. "Hi, Jay." "Hi beautiful. How are you." "Good, get to take Maple out to work and educate kids about the opossum." "That sounds like fun." "Yeah I'm curious to see if she behaves." "Y/n I think she'll be fine. I think she was born to educate kids." "True, true. Hey I gotta let you go, I gotta head to work." "Okay, talk to you later."

I hung up the phone as I motioned Maple to go into her crate. She slowly walked inside as I closed it shut. I carefully picked up the crate as I grabbed my lunchbox, phone and car keys as I made my out of the house. Once outside I opened the back hatch and placed Maple into the back.

Once that was done I shut it and started  the car so I could go.

Once I arrived at the wildlife center I parked my car and got Maple from the back. I locked my car and headed inside the semi-cool building as my coworkers said there good mornings to me as I made my way into the conference room.

I grabbed a side table and placed Maple on it so I could get her out. As she rested there a bit, I was getting other things ready for the 2 groups of classes. By now Maple was getting restless so she started making the cage rattle. "Maple.." I cooed at the marsupial as she placed her paws on the door. "Why are you so darn cute girly." I chuckled as I finally let her out of the cage. I placed her down on the floor so she could get used to her surroundings.

As she was trotting around I heard a suddle knock from the door. I looked up and saw Jensen looking at me smuggle with his arms crossed as he was leaning on the doorframe. "Jensen." I sped walked over to him as he gave me a big hug. "Jay, how- what?!" "I got back last night, so surprise!" He chuckled as he kissed my forehead.

Suddenly I heard the sound 1of 2 of the  busses coming to a hault infront of the building. "Shit. Jensen could you possibly help me out today?" "Yes! Of course sweetheart." "OK, thanks." I kissed his cheek before running out to greet the students and teachers.

Once the teachers got the students under control I spoke up. "Welcome to one of many of Texas's conservation sites. My name is y/n and I'll be your guide today, so let's go inside and meet a critter that you rarely see up close."

I lead the class into the building where I saw Jensen messing around with Maple. "I would like everyone to meet my assistant Jensen Ackles aka my boyfriend." Jensen awkwardly waved to the small children as he picked up Maple.

"Alright everyone you can take a seat!" While everyone was getting settled in I  carefully removed Maple from Jensens grasp as I took her into my arms. "So from looking at yalls faces you are very confused by what animal I'm holding. This here is a north American opossum, they are the only marsupial in North America making it a very unique animal. As many may think this animal is scared or ugly your wrong. These animals, don't have rabies which means you can't get the disease."

"They also eat ticks which is a big deal around here."
A/n: Hello I'm back, sorry for what seems like a long break, but I'm back ish..... Yes this story didn't end like a normal one of my stories, but eventually I'll come back to it lol.

Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz