Jensen X Reader ~How to save a life~

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AN: Story requested by MissLaurenceZvahl thanks for the idea!


"Mmm, I love you baby." Jensen groaned into my neck. "Love you to Jensen." Jensen snuggled in closer to my bodyas I felt him plant a kiss on my neck, as we both drifted into to slumber.

The blaring of my pager woke me up, so I jumped out of bed and grabbed my uniform. I ran into the bathroom and and quickly got changed, while doing so Jensen started to wake up. "Son of a bitch!" I slipped my legs into the pant holes and then my EMS shirt was slipped on after. I grabbed a rubber band and created a messy bun as I scooted my feet into my shoes.

When I walked out I saw Jensen, half awake. "What the hell, y/n are you okay." "My pager went off." I panted as I ran down the steps, I heard Jensen follow me down. "Keys?" I frantically started looking for the car keys.

"Here." Jensen then handed me the keys. "Be safe baby." "I will." We kissed each other goodbye as I ran out the door. I grabbed the door handle and opened it, once I was in I buckled myself in and put the car in reverse.
Jensen watched in amusement on the porch because his girlfriend is out saving a life.
When I arrived at the station, my emt driver had just arrived. "You ready?" "Of course Jeff." He nodded as we both ran to the ambulance and jumped in.  "This is Jeff and y/n heading to scene." "10-4 be advised panicked parents."
"Oh, god." I said as Jeff drove off the scene.

When we arrived we both got on gloves and the gurney for the patient. I grabbed the medical bag and caught up with Jeff. He knocked on the door and a very panicked mother came to the door. "Oh thank good your here, you gotta help her." Me and Jeff sadly nodded and followed the mother up the stairs and into the bathroom. We saw an unconscious girl aging around 17.

"Mam, I'm gonna check her pulse." Jeff said. He knelt down next to the girl and placed his fingers on her neck. "Barely a heartbeat." "COME on help her up!" Me and Jeff  carefully picked up the girl and put her in the gurney. I put the seatbelts around her body to make her stay still. Me and Jeff lifted up the legs and rolled her down to the ambulance.

"Miss, what hospital?" "Uh-uh regional health." I nodded my head as we loaded the girl into the back. I closed the doors behind me as Jeff took off. Immediately I hooked up a heart monitor to her finger tip. Afterwards I put on an oxygen mask. "Jeff, speed up down heart rate is lower then before. "Damn it!"

By now the sirens and the lights were glowing as I started to put in an iv. The heart rate monitor starts to beep louder and louder as her vitals were drastically lowering. "SHIT, JEFF GO FASTER WERE LOOSING HER!!" I started to do CPR on her. I heard him turn up the sirens as he sped up faster. "COME ON PLEASE STAY WITH ME!" I cried as her heart flatlined. "NO. YOU CANT DIE." I started to hysterically cry. "JEFF SHES FLATLINED WHAT DO I DO?"

"Y/N STAY CALM WERE ALMOST THERE!" I started to curiously look at her lifeless body and started to notice cutting scars, new and old. Shaking my head I went back to CPR.

Not even 3 minutes later Jeff pulled up to the hospital and jumped out. I knew in the back of my head that the girl was a goner, and I knew that in Emt school they told us not to show emotion at all.

Jeff opened the bay doors and helped me unload her. Besides us were ER doctors/nurses taking her away. "Girl found unconscious in bathroom, age ranging for 16-17." I yelled as we ran down the corridor. "Parents, on there way?" "Yes, she also flatlined on the way over. I also preformed CPR on her."

The whole emergency crew gave me a sad look as they took her away to a room. I heard running behind me so me and Jeff turned around and saw the girls parents. "Where's our daughter?" "Down the hall to the left, should be the first room." They nodded as they continued to run.

"Shes gone." I whispered. "How do you know y/n." I turned on my heels and started walking back to the ambulance, Jeff closely followed behind. "How do you know she's gone?" I looked at Jeff as anger rose. "She fucking died of an overdose Jeff, she's probably been to the fucking ER thousands of times because she tried killing herself!" I said hoarsely.

"I saw empty pill bottles next to her  connect the dots Jeff, it was a successful suicide."

When I arrived home I silently cried, I lost a young girl that could of been helped by a therapist or her parents, but she took the easy way out by killing herself.  She probably had a bright future ahead of her, hell she probably had good grades, a boyfriend or girlfriend, amazing friends, siblings, family. I slowly got out of the car and walked into the garage to see Jensen waiting for me. "Hi," I said sadly as I brushed passed him.

I heard him follow me into the kitchen as I took off my shoes and climbed up on the counter to sit on it. I looked down at my feet as tears filled my eyes. I saw him come in between my legs looking down at my face. "I lost my first patient Jay, she killed herself." I whispered.

I took a shaky breath in as I looked up at Jensen. His eyes were filled with sympathy, as he looked down at me. "I couldn't save her Jay, she was gone the moment we were on the road." I cried. "And I feel like it's my fault, for not saving her."

"Baby, you couldn't help it, she was struggling and." "And what Jensen?" "She could've gotten help, but I knew deep down you tried your hardest to help her through, even if she lived." Jensen placed his hand on my cheek as I leaned into his touch. He gently placed his lips on mine as I was now full blown crying. "I love you y/n" "I love you to Jay." He kissed my forehead before engulfing me in a hug.

"Your an amazing women that saves lives everyday." I smiled as his comment. "Let's get to bed my love." Jensen helped me down from the counter and followed me up to our bedroom. I got rid of my pants and took off my bra, I then climbed into bed as Jensen cradled me in his arms.

AN: I hoped you liked it, yeah I know it was short but what the hell lol! Always remember you are loved, you are wanted, and you mean a lot to people. Never forget that! ❤❤

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