Jensen X Reader ~Deer SMUT? Pt. 2~

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"So, why are you out of all the people wanted to come out here to go hiking. Mr Ackles?" I said as I wiggled my eyebrows. "I dunno, just to get away from civilization, yeah know." "I hear you." "Soo? Whatcha hunting for?" "10 pointer deer, I actually have a cabin up in this area."

"Do you really?" "Yeah, I do." I blushed. "Wanna come over and maybe stay the night?" "What the hell did I just say!" "Yeah that sounds good actually." "Ok cool. Uh here." Jensen handed me his phone so I could put my phone number in from him. "Thanks...." After a long awkward silence Jensen spoke up. "Well, I should get going to leave you hunting. I guess." "Yeah, it's getting dark so I should follow you so you don't get lost." I chuckled.

"Yeah, that would be a good idea." I started to pack up my hunting gear as I made my way down the ladder as Jensen followed down to. I slung my bow across my chest along with my backpack. "You ready?" "Yeah." Jensen started his way towards his truck while I followed close behind.

"Hey I'm going to FaceTime my buddy Jared is that okay with you." "Yeah sure." Jensen started to call this so called Jared while I was in my own little world.

Suddenly I ran into something hard and then I fell down. "Owww my nose, ow my arm!" I whined as I held onto my nose. "Hey you okay?" I looked up and saw Jensen kneeling down besides me with concern. "Well I hit my nose pretty hard, so yeah." "Hey Jared I gotta let you go." "OK see ya later man!"

Jensen ended the call as his attention came back to me. "Can I see it?" I nodded as I carefully removed my hands from my nose. His hand came up by my face as he lightly touch the flat part of my nose. "Ouch." "OK. You might have slight bruise there." He got closer to me making sure I wasn't hurt anywhere else. He smelt like pine, mixed with winter mint, I felt his breath fanning over my lips as we both leaned in.

I felt his smooth lips lock with mine as we moved in tangen, his hand was brought back to my neck as he pulled me closer. I ran my hand through his sandy blonde hair, as we broke from the kiss. "Wow." We both whispered. "That, that." "Was awesome." I blushed after saying that. Jensen smiled as he got back up, he lent me his hand as he helped me up.

"Come on, we have a nice warm cabin to attend to." I chuckled as I ran towards his truck. I heard him chuckled as he followed close behind me.


"Come on its just up here!" I said as climbed up the stairs. "As you say!" He chuckled.

Once we got up to my cabin I was greeted by my corgi Flower. "Hi my baby." She let out a little awooo. "Cute dog." "Thanks." I blushed as I hung up my hunting gear on the rack. "Make yourself comfortable Jensen, I'm gonna go and take a shower." "Okay y/n." He smiled as I ran up the stairs.

Once I made it upstairs I grabbed a shirt, shorts, underwear, bra and some fuzzy socks as I made my way to the bathroom. I opened the door and closed it behind me as I started to strip down my clothes. "Fuck." I heard a low growl from Jensen.

"Ah, Jensen what-what are you doing." "Admireing the view." I blushed once again. I felt his presence behind me as he started to leave open mouth kisses on my neck. "Shit." I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Isn't kinda weird that we're gonna do it, and we barely know each other." "Yeah, but have you've ever heard of the friends with benefits thing." I smashed my lips to his as he broke away. "I guess you do." He chuckled as he picked me up by my thighs.

He walked me through the upstairs trying to find a bed to lay me on, once he did that he laid me down. "Wow, the nerd I knew is hot." "You sound like Dean. Jensen." "Yeah, well." I pulled him down so we could make out.

"I'm basically him " He chuckled as he kissed his way down towards my breasts. I felt him suck on my right nipple as he started to toy around with my other nipple. "Fuck.." I sighed as I ran my hand through his hair. He suddenly stood up and took off his clothes leaving him nude. "Your huge!" He chuckled as he started to kiss my thighs, then I felt him kiss my clit.

"Shit Jensen." I felt him smile as he started to eat me out. I sat up on my elbows while tugging on his hair. I noticed that he started playing with himself making him rock hard. "Jensen!" I moaned as he looked up at me. "Mm fuck you taste good. But I want to be inside you."

Jensen got up and wiped his lips off with the back of his hand. He then leaned down and started kissing me as I felt him slide into me. "Jensen." I looked at him in the eyes as he started to thrust into me. "S-hit I'm not gonna last long." Through out the room you could hear me and Jensen's moans, along with us panting.

Jensen then put me on all 4s as he slammed back into me. "Jensen!" I whined as I came, minutes later I felt his cum on my back. "Fuck!" Jensen laid next to him as he slung an arm around me. "On second thought, I think we would be a cute couple."

"You think so?" "Yeah, I do. If that's okay with you?" "Yeah, we can give it a try."

6 months later........ Jensens Pov
"Please welcome Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles!" I heard Rob yell as me and Jared walked on stage. "GOOD AFTERNOON CLEVELAND!" I yelled into the mic. Cheers erupted everywhere, as I sat back and waited.

"So obviously we gotta have some questions right? Right everyone" Cheers erupted once again. "Yeah we would love to answer some questions." Jared said as we both looked out at the crowd.

"So we all know that Jay-" My phone started to ring so pulled it from my pocket and saw that it was y/n. "That I'm taken and she's calling me right now." I said as I put the phone towards the projector. "Hey, y/n is everything-" "I got it! Holy shit- ouch." "Y/n?" I looked down at the screen and saw darkness. Panic rose in me as I walked off the stage as people looked at me worried.

"Hey, y/n you there?" "I fucking did it. Jay I got one!" It sounded like she was out of breath. "Holy shit! Whoa! Yes finally!" "Y/n what's happening." I heard crunching of leaves beneath her feet. "Jay!" I saw her face, that had tears streaming down her face. "Princess what happened why are crying?"

She turned the camera around and saw a nice 10 point deer. "Wow, you did do it." I chuckled. "I just gotta tag it, and gut it out and yeah." She chuckled. "I love you, but I gotta go and see my fans." "You love me?" "Yeah, I love you." "I love you to Jensen."

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