Dean X Reader ~Ugh Migraines~

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Me and the boys were currently heading our way down to Jacksonville, Florida for some unusual deaths, so of course we had to check it out. I was driving whille Dean sat up front with me while Sammy was taking a nap.

I looked over at the radio and turned it to a country radio station as Dean gave me a glare of disapproval. "What?" I said as I made a quick glance at Dean. "Oh nothing." "Really? I know your lieing handsome." "What me lie," "Ah ha ha, your a terrible lier." "Fine, you got me. I hate this music." I gasped really loud as I swerved close to the center line. "Hey what the hell?" Dean yelled as Sam stirred in his sleep.

"How dare you?" I sarcastically said. "What, it's not old rock." "Sir, you need to open your ears and take in the soothing music, because believe me I would fall asleep to this shit." "Yeah, yeah." "Really asshat?" "Who you calling asshat, asshat" We both started to chuckle when a sharp pain hit me in my head.

"Ow." I shook my head and continued to drive. "Sweetheart, you okay." "Yeah, I'm fine just a small headache." "Okay, just making-" "Shit!" I swerved again as another shot of pain hit me. "Your driving." I groaned as I pulled over to the side of the road and hit the four way flashers "Y/n?" "Dean, don't ask questions let's just get to a damn hotel." I said as climbed out of the car and walked over to the passenger door. I opened the door and climbed back in and shut my eyes.

I then leaned my body next to Dean as I heard the rumble of Baby starting up. "Y/n, sweetheart is everything okay." I shook my head in response as Dean got back onto the road. "I- I think I'm having a start of a possible migraine, Dean." "Okay, do you want me to do anything?" "Just, cuddle with me please." "Sweetheart I can't do that." "What I ment is comfort me pwease." "Okay, sweetheart."

I felt him wrap his arm around me as I curled closer into his body; I felt him laugh as I did a slight chuckle to. He started to quietly hum to a song that was playing as he started to rub my back. "So rock me mamma like a wagon wheel, heyyyy mamma rock me." Dean sang softly. "Rock me mamma like the wind in the rain, rock me mamma like a South bound tain, heyyy mamma rock me." "Mm" I groaned
About an hour of driving I had fallen asleep and we had arrived at a hotel for the next couple of days. I felt Dean slowly pick me up from my resting position and out to the humid Florida air. [A/n: Legit when me and my family got our luggage from the baggage claim it was damp/wet.] "Damn it's muggy out here, ain't it Sammy." "Yeah, it is Dean" *Yawns*

I heard the room door click as a coolness hit our bodies. "Dean, it hurts" "What hurts" "My fucking head." "Sam could you turn off the lights." "Okay?" The room became dark as I slowly opened my eyes to see a very worried Dean. "You good?" "Yeah." "I'm gonna put you on the bed ok?" "Okay, thank you" I felt the plush bed beneath me as Dean had laid me down. Me being a cheeky shit that I am pulled Dean down with me.

"Hey!" He chuckled as we started to cuddle. "I love you sweetheart." I love you to Deano

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