Dean X Reader ~Ah, ha ha~

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"I can feel it in the air that it's on tonight
I don't really care if it's wrong or right
Petal to the metal baby hold me tight"

"Stop it you stupid alarm!!" I tossed the phone across the room as it became louder. "You bitch." I got up and retrieved my phone from the floor and shut my alarm off. "Y/N COME ON WERE WAITING FOR YOU!" Dean yelled throughout the bunker. "Shit" I mumbled as I grabbed my duffle bag and shoes; I ran out to the garage as Dean was already in the driver's seat and Sam in the passenger seat.

I opened the trunk and sat my things in there before closing it. I then made it to the back seat but as soon as I shut the door Dean sped down the road. "Dean, what the hell? And Sam what the hell?" "What did I do?" "Sit next to my husband." "Oh, now I can't next to my brother." "Dumbass!" "Asscheeks." "Enough!" "Sorry" I sighed. "Your fine." Dean sighed as he looked at me through the rear view mirror. I blew him a kiss as he puckered his lips at me.

"Soooo, where are we going?" "To a high school called Truemen high. Sammy and I attended there for a week." "Noice, ghosts?" "We think so." "Huh, undercover plan?" "Sammy a janitor, me a gym teacher and lastly sweetheart a animal science teacher."
"Fuck yeah" I giggled. "Why the hell am I a janitor?" "I dunno, Sam." Dean chuckled. "Then how the hell did y/n get animal science?" "Before I met you two I was a teacher/FFA advisor."

"Oh." "Aw poor Sammy." I petted his head as he shrugged me away. Dean let out a low chuckle. "Your both an ass." Sam said as he sank down in his seat.

It was around 7 when we made it to our hotel, so here I was waiting in the car for Sam. "Dean." "Hmm" he hummed as he turned around in his seat. "I love you." "I love you to sweetheart, now come up here. I missed you today.

I let out a chuckle as I climbed over the seat and sat next to Dean. Instantly his lips were on mine as I climbed onto his lap. I placed my hands on his cheeks as he looked up at me. "I'm pregnant Dean." "You are?" He whispered. "Yeah, here." I grabbed the pregnancy test from my pocket and showed it to him.

He took it from my hands and smiled. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He yelled as he kissed me. "Holy shit! There's my kid growing inside of you!" I smiled as I placed his hands on my stomach. "How far long?" "Mmm, 4 weeks." I said.

"Fuck yeah!" Suddenly there was a knock on the window and there was a soaked Sam with a key in his hand. I carefully got off of Dean's lap as we both opened the doors. The three of us ran to the trunk to grab our things, then we ran to the room. Sam scanned the key and opened the door.

When we ran in Dean dropped his bags and picked me up, wrapping my legs around him. "What the hell did I miss?" "Your gonna be a uncle Sam." Dean let me down and went over to hug his brother while I awkwardly stood there. "Really, wow, congrats you two." Sam said as he broke from his brother's embrace.

"Well, then I'm gonna grab us some food, okay?" "I'm coming with you baby mama." I rolled my eyes as I headed out the door as Dean followed me. "Damn rain!" "I know."

The next day when we arrived at the High school Dean and I held hands as we walked up to the doors. He had on his gym teacher uniform, I had a old ffa shirt on with some jeans and boots, while Sam, well he had overalls on. "I look ridiculous Dean." "Well Sam we can't help it. I hate the fact that I'm wearing red short-shorts." "But y/n is in her normal everyday clothes." "Sam your fine, I can't help that Dean sighed you up as a janitor."

Sam let out a huff as we entered the front office. Dean let go of my hand as we stood awkwardly at the desk. "Can I help you?" "Ah, yes. I'm Jimmy Steven and and I'm a substitute for gym." "Ah yes, Mr Steven. The teacher left the sub notes for you." Dean patted the desk. "Alright thank you." "Yep."

"Can I help you miss?" "Yeah, I'm subbing for the FFA." "OK name?" "Taylor Steven" "alright here are your sub notes." "Thanks."

I walked over to Dean and held his hand. "You okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine Mr. Steven." "OK that is good Mrs Steven." Dean placed his hand on my stomach as Sam came walking over. "Really guys?" "What?" Sam just rolled his eyes as he took off for his duties for the day.

"See you around yeah?" I chuckled. "You bet." Dean chuckled as we went our separate ways.

I walked down the corridor when a older lady stopped me. "Where do you think your going to young lady?" "Young lady? I'm the substitute for the FFA." "Oh sorry dear you look like a student." "Does a student have a small baby bump?" "Sorry, my apologies."

I continued to walk down the hall when I found the shop room. All around the walls were awards, FFA banners, newspaper articles, sponsors, etc. When I spotted the desk I saw the sub notes. "Nice a tractor class." I chuckled.

Suddenly the bell went off and you could hear chatting coming down the hallway. "Oh, God here we go." I whispered. The first few students started flowing into the classroom. "Welcome!" "Hi...." They all came filling in as the last bell rang.

"Alright, good morning everyone. I'm Mrs Steven and I'll be your substitute for today. "

The lunch bell had finally rang so I walked over to the gym, hopefully to find Dean there. "Alright we are gonna play Dodge Ball." I heard him yell. "Hey" I turned on my heels to see Sam watching to. "Hey." "How was your first class?" "Meh, slow, quiet." Sam chuckled.

"We should go in." I whispered. "Totally." I opened the gym door and saw Dean stare at me and Sam. "What's up guys!" I smiled as I saw some kids that I already had in class. "Hi" Dean said surprised, as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "What are you two doing here?"

"Lunch break." Me and Sam both said. "Well, I still have these kiddos on my hands." "Well, your gonna have to deal with it in a couple of months." "Toche."

"So Sam and y/n any weird feelings or whatever." "Nothing yet." I sighed. "Huh." "Unusual right?" "Yeah, we might have to come back tonight." "Sounds like a plan." I chuckled.

The bell rang indicating that the 1st lunch was over. "Alright everyone get changed and get your butts to lunch." Dean yelled. "Yes, Mr Steven." "Ha, you got them trained." "Yeah well."

Dean pulled up to the school as night had just fallen. "COME on let's kill this son of a bitch." We all exited the car and went straight to the trunk. I grabbed my trusty crossbow with salt infused arrow tips. I slung my quiver across my chest as my husband loaded his gun. "You guys ready?" "Hell yeah!"

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