Jensen X Reader "Oh Sh*t"

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The San Diego Comic-Con was happening to have the cast for the Supernatural Con. Hell, I was scared as hell when it came to the public eye because you know I'm kind of an introvert.

Currently, I was flying in Jared's private jets listening to the three cast members I call family. Back in 2005 I auditioned for a role on the show Supernatural and look where I'm at; on a plane heading to my first convention. Like I said before the cast and crew were basically my family; Jared and Misha brothers I've never had and Jensen well let's just say I had a huge crush on him.

Anywho, I was interrupted by my train of thought when I heard the pilot announcing that we'll be landing soon. So I re-buckled my seatbelt and waited till we landed. To be honest, I was the 4th wheel, Jensen, Jared and Misha all had a very close relationship with each other while I was just there.

When we landed, I un-buckled myself and grabbed my luggage And as soon as the door was opened I bolted out to the car leaving behind very confused men.  Once i was in the vehicle I started to slowly scroll through my Instagram.

@ your Instagram name:
Hello Cali!!

After I posted that picture the boys came into the car. "Hell yeah we made it to LA!!" Jared yelled as we started our way to the hotel. "Hey y/n you excited for your first convention?" I heard Misha say a little bit. "Huh, what?" I looked at him dead in the eyes as he asked me the same question before. "Are you excited for your first convention?"

"Pfft, yeah totally." "I scence sarcasm!" Jared giggled. "Yeah, well. Just, I don't know." I scoffed as I looked down at my hands. I felt my phone vibrate so I looked down at the text.

Moose: Wanna talk about it later?
Me: Yes, jensens been all quiet
Moose: I know, just hang in there okay 😉
Me: Will do lol

I set my phone aside and tried to calm my nerves. Jared knew I had a thing for Jensen, but Jensen is being a complete asshole towards me since we were flying. Yeah, I get that men sometimes get there "man period" which is way worse then us women's attitude. But still, be nice to your co-star that has the hots for his character.


When we arrived at the nice hotel, we all grabbed our luggage and headed for towards the front desk. Of course Jensen was first, then it was Misha, then Jared and lastly me.

After I got my room card I beelined to the elevator and pressed the up button before Jensen or Misha could climb aboard. Jared, got lucky because of his insanely long legs. "You okay?" "Just anxious and irritated with Jensen." "I can tell." He sighed.

I looked down at my room key and noticed that me and Jared were on the same floor.  "Neighbors?" "We'll see." I chuckled.

When the elevator stopped I looked at the numbers and followed them. I noticed that Jared was following me so I started to fast walk. Suddenly I felt Jared scoop me up and placed me over his shoulder as I started to giggle. "JARED YOU DUMBASS!!" I cackled. "Gimme your card" "Never!" Jared started spinning us around until we heard someone say.

"Let her down Jared." I looked up and saw a very pissed off Jensen.  "Jared put me down please." I sighed as I looked down. I felt Jared slowly placed me back on my feet. "See you later Jared." I sighed as I turned to my hotel room and scanned the card. Once I heard the click I pulled my luggage behind me and shut the door.

The Next Day......
Once I has settled into my hotel I cried the entire night thinking that Jensen really hated me. But by morning I completely forgot about him until we had to do meet and greets. Suddenly there was a knock on my door so I got up from the bed and walked to the door.

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