Jensen X Reader ~Deer~

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Perched a top a big oak tree I sat in my tree stand watching, waiting and listening for a nice buck. Today was the first day of bow season, and here I was all alone. Suddenly my phone started to chirp as I pulled it out of my pocket and saw the caller ID. I answered it. "Hello?" "This is regarding about your car extended warranty." "Fuck off I'm hunting." I hung up the phone and decided to go onto my Instagram account to be a little twirp. As i was scrolling i saw that Jensen had posted on the platform.

Of course I liked the photo, because wellllll. He's the most sexiest man I have ever laid eyes on! Ugh the brown hair with the sprinkle of freckles, but them green eyes! He just was a beautiful nice man that never knew a girl like me existed, because well I was a nerd at school. He was part of the acting group or jock group but there I was.

I had fallen asleep when the crunch of leaves brought me awake. I sat up fast and pulled out a arrow from my quiver I locked my arrow in the notch and pointed it towards the direction of the noise. I heard a voice as my phone gave off a notification, I looked down and saw that Jensen was now live; so I looked into it. What I saw shocked me, I could see my tree stand legs in the background. So me being the little shit I pulled back my arrow and pointed it into Jensen's direction, immediately I looked back down at my phone as he pointed his phone down towards the arrow. "what the hell?" I let out a little chuckle, as he soon looked in my direction. "SORRY! MIS-FIRE! THOUGHT I SAW A DEER".

Jensen started to walk towards my stand as the live soon ended. "Hello?" I poked my head towards the ladder and saw him standing there confused. "Password please." Jensen scoffed as he started to climb up the ladder. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THEE JENSEN ACKLES US RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME NOW HE IS NEXT TO ME! I thought to myself.

Jensen sat next to me and sighed. "You look familiar." "So?" "Wait you were the girl that tutored my and my friends?" "Yeah so?" "Just wondering."

A/N Yeah I know a short chapter... I'm tired and sore, I'll be working possibly 10 hour shifts next week due to missing 2 days of work and trying to catch up on next week's orders.....

Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ