Birth is a Bitch ~Jensen~

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Before I start I wanted to give you a heads up on how and why I know these things. Its because I'm currently taking the 2nd portion of Child Development in school so I'm possibly adding a shit ton of real things of the birthing process.


It was a wonderful August day here in Austin Texas; Jensen had the whole month off because well I was 9 months pregnant and boy did I want this baby out of me. We decided that we wanted a home birth so we had the birthing tub on the patio waiting for it to be filled up so when the time came we were ready.

I sat in the baby's room organizing the clothes and bottles when I felt a sudden contraction.
"Jensen!" I yelled.
I heard him bounding up the stairs as he ran into the room.
"Is it time?"
"I don't know, I just had a contraction. But it might be Braxton hicks."
Jensen walked over to me and knelt down to my stomach, I felt him place his hands on my stomach.
"Kiddo, I want to see you soon."
I felt another contraction as I scrunched my face.

"Another contraction y/n?"
"Ill go and call the midwife. You stay here okay."
"Oh and call me if there's another one ok."
Jensen stood up and kissed my lips before leaving the room to call the midwife. I decided to sit down in the rocking chair and I placed my hand on my stomach. Soon after Jensen came back into the room and sat on the footrest watching for any signs of discomfort from me.
"Uhh." I moaned as another contraction hit me.
"Another one?"
"Yeah, but stronger than the last one."
"Lets get you down stairs ok baby."
"Ok" I panted.
Jensen grabbed my hand and hoisted me up.
"Alright here we go babygirl."

The both of us walked down the stairs and into the living room. I sat down on the couch as Jensen did the same but on the leg rest again watching me intently.
"What Jensen " i chuckled
"Just watching you becoming a mother slowly but surely."
I chuckled. "Your a dork!"
"But I'm your dork."
The door bell rang as Jensen got up and answered door.
"Come on inside, she's in the living room."
Jensen lead the 3 ladies into the room as he sat down next to me.

"Hi Mrs Ackles, how's the contractions"
"Mmm, there getting bad"
"Another one?" The midwife asked.
I shook my head up in down.
"Ok, sounds good. Now Mrs Ackles can you take off your pants so we can take a look down there to see how things are going down there."
"Yeah, Jensen can you help me."
"Of course baby."

I stood up slowly as Jensen looked at me as he slid his thumbs around the waist band of my shorts and pulled them down along with my underwear.
I slowly laid down onto the couch as Jensen took my hand in his holding it as I spread my legs open.
The midwife then put on some gloves and started examining down there.
"Good news your 6 centimeters dilated. So about 4 more centimeters to go."

"Jensen if you could, can you bring in the birthing tub in here."
He nodded and kissed my forehead before getting up to get the tub.
"Any idea of the sex yet?" The one midwife asked.
"Were hopping its a girl."
"How exciting."


By now me and Jensen were sitting in the tub that was now filled with luke warm water. Jensen had changed into his swimming trunks and a black tank top. I had on a black sports bra and nothing down there because now I was in the process of pushing. My head was by his chest and my hands linked with one of his.
"Alright Mrs Ackles push."
Jensen counted up to 3 as I let out a groan or moan (idk lol) and I stopped pushing.

"Alright again"
I pushed extra hard and then I stopped when he said 3. I let out another sigh and started to push again.
"Almost there y/n!"
I pushed until I head her say that the baby was born.
Loud wails were coming from the baby, I felt Jensen kiss my sweaty forehead before getting up to cut the cord.
"Jensen what is it?"
"Its a boy!" Jensen had tears in his eyes as the midwife handed me out little boy to have that skin to skin contact.

"Hi baby boy." My voice trembled as I looked down at our son. He was covered in veranic and other bodily fluids. The midwife took him away so she could weigh and check him out.

About an hour later I held onto my son Brooks as he was feeding. Of course Jensen had to call Jared and his family to come and see the new family member.
"Hey, how is he?" I looked over at Jensen and smiled.
"Hes fine, just really hungry."
"Thats my boy." He let out throaty laugh as he came over and hugged my side.
"I love you."
"I love you to Jay."
We both met in a passionate kiss.
"God your amazing women."
I felt Brooks pull away from my nipple so I started to burp him. Jensen grabbed my shirt and covered up my chest as the door bell rang.
"Wait Jay." I said as I got up from the couch and walked over to him.
"I gotta go and change, can you continue to burp him?"
"Sure thing."

I carefully handed Jensen Brooks and the burp rag as I walked up the stairs and into our shared bedroom. I took off my shirt and got on a wireless bra and a loose fitting shirt. I placed my hair in a messy bun and walked back downstairs to see Jensen cradling Brooks as he talked to his best friend Jared.

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