Dean X Reader ~Pretty Heart~

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"Ah Dean!!" "Mmm, your so fucking beautiful." "Mmm, Dean baby pull my hair." "Ah, fuck!"

"YOU TO SHUT UP ME AND SAM ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" I hit the wall a couple of times. The moans and groans became louder. I screamed into the pillow as Sam walked around the hotel room trying not to kill his brother.

"Sam please kill your brother I can't stand the porno noises." "Oh Deeeeaaann fuck me harder" "I'm going to kill your brother!" I got off of my bed and walked to the room and down the short distance to knock on Dean's door. "Dean there are people wanting to sleep so if you could. STOP HAVING SEX WITH EVERY GOD DAMN WOMEN THAT COMES INTO VIEW!" I yelled.

I heard angry stomps from behind the door, as the door opend. "Stop. Now. I'm enjoying myself with a beautiful girl." "Dean we, meaning me and Sam get that, but we need sleep. We've been on the road since 1 am and yet your happy to have sex." "Yeah, and you got a problem with that?" "Yeah." "Then leave," "W-what?" "You heard me, leave. If your not happy that you aren't getting some and." "That's not the point Dean! The point is. Is that me and Sam are tired!"

"Dean baby is everything ok?" The girl come up by the door and wrapped her arm around Dean's waist. "Yeah, just talking to a friend." "Fuck you Dean, I hope to never see you again!" I ran off to my Sam and Is room and started packing. "Y/n what's wrong?" "Your brother is what's wrong." "Why?" "He's a man whore and he can't open his fucking eyes to see that I have the hots for him. I've been giving him hints! He told me to leave so I'm leaving."

"I'm gonna kill him." "I don't care what you do to him." I sighed. "I'm sorry Sam."  "It's fine, I get it. Just please be safe and don't do something stupid." I hugged Sam. "I won't Sammy." I broke the hug and headed out of the door never looking back. I ran my hand against the impala for the last time before taking off running into the rainy night.

3 hours later......

I found a barn in the middle of nowhere, so I decided to camp out there for the night. I sent Sam a picture of were I'm staying for the night. Sam: Please be safe! Me: I will Sam😒 Sam: Really? Me: Yeah Really lol Sam:😆 Me: Night Sammy.  Sam:Night.

The next morning I felt a breath on my face so I slowly opened my eyes to see a jersey cow calf sniffing me. "Hi pretty girl." I slowly reached my hand to her wet nose as she backed away a little. "Easy-Easy girl. I ain't gonna hurt you." 

I slowly got up and grabbed my duffle bag and headed out of the barn and back onto the side of the road. The sun was just starting to rise, as the steam rose from the fields around me. My phone started to vibrate so I looked at the called ID and it was Sam. "Hello?" "Hey how's it going?" "It's going Sam." I sighed. "Hey Sam?" "Yeah y/n?" "I'm sorry..."

I hung up on the youngest Winchester and threw my phone into a small little creek as I continued to walk. I felt tears slowly falling down my face, realizing that Dean hated me this whole time, and I had just left my only friends I've got left.

I reached a farm that looked oddly familiar from my friends farm, so I walked down there long lane. I heard there dog TJ (rest in peace) barking at me as I turned the corner to see my Marcus and his mom talking.

"Marcus?" He turned on his heads towards me and smiled before running towards me. "Hi Marcus" I hugged him tightly before hugging Marcus's mom, Heather. "What brings you here?" She asked me. "Got my heart broken by my crush." "Winchester right?" "Yeah." I sighed." "Dean?" Marcus asked. "You bet."

"Cmere" Marcus opend his arms as I embraced him. "Damn Winchesters." I sighed. "Honey stay as long as you need to." "OK, Thank you. And if your wondering I threw my phone into the creek." "Adda girl." Marcus chuckled. "Come  on we got some catching up to do!" We ran up to house and he helped me get settled into my new room.

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