Dean X Reader ~Im Here For You~

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Today felt off as if something bad was gonna happen but I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen. So here I am in the front seat with Dean as Sam was in the back sleeping until we found a secluded area for us to sleep. Dean was humming along to his music as I stared out the window overlooking the starry night sky passing by with the occasional tree, of course, Dean had his hand on my thigh rubbing it up and down every once in a while. I knew what was to come in the next few days I just knew it because lately, I've not been feeling like myself, I was always anxious and depressed, but hell, I hid it away from the boys.

I was deep in thought when I felt Dean set baby in park for the night as he turned off the car. "You okay y/n?" "Hmm?" I mumbled. "You ok sweetheart?" "Uh yeah I'm fine Dean, just tired." He looked at me sheepishly as he unbuckled his seat belt and took off his shoes as I followed him. Once he was done with that he laid down on the seat and motioned me to lay on top of him. I crawled up next to him and laid my head on his chest hearing his heart beating. I felt him run his hand up and down on my back occasionally rubbing circles.

"You seem off y/n, are you sure your ok?" "Yes Dean, I'm fine." I sighed as my eyes grew heavy. "Good night baby." "Good night Dean, I love you." "I love you to y/n" Dean gave me a chaste kiss, before going to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to the sounds of baby running and no Dean in sight. "Mmm, what time is it?" "Good morning sleepy head." I heard Sam said. "Morning Sam." I glanced around and saw that Dean was not in the car. "Relax y/n, he went to grab some breakfast for us." I hummed in response. Me and Sam sat in silence when I saw Dean walking out of the store with a paper bag in hand. Dean came around the car to the drivers door and opened up and sat down closing the door behind him.

"Alright on the Dean Menu today we have rabbit food for Sammy." Dean handed Sam a salad along with some apples and other fruit and veggies. "And for my lady, a cup of yogurt with granola and strawberries along with a Dr. Pepper." Dean handed me the food and I greatly took it from him, but that depressed feeling came again so I put the food to the side. "And for me a bacon cheese burger." He chuckled as he pulled out the burger from its container and started eating. I picked up the Dr. Pepper and drank from the bottle. I then grabbed the yogurt cup and started eating it forcing myself to eat.

I heard Dean start up baby as we headed out to Michigan to interview people for a decapitation that happened days before. We kinda figured it was a demon, so we were prepared for that. About an hour into the drive I felt at anxious feeling again but much worse. But of course I hid it away as always. But I couldn't hold it in much longer because I felt my body start to shake as my breathing became labored. "Y/n, are you okay?" I heard Sam say, but it sounded like he was miles away from me. I felt Dean looking at me as my breathing came out as pants and vision became blurry with tears. "Baby, whats wrong." I could here the worry in his voice. "Y/n?" I looked over at him as tears were streaming down my face. My voice trembled. "Dean i can't breath." All of a sudden my vision became blurry as I couldn't hear anything that the boys were saying. The next thing I knew was blackness.

When I woke up I felt someone's arms wrapped protectively around me, holding onto me with all of there might. My eyes started to flutter open as I saw the green orbs that I fell in love with. "Dean?" My voice very raspy. "Hi baby, how are you?" "Tired, where are we?" "Back in the bunker don't panic baby." I sighed a breath of relief as Dean placed his hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb over it. I felt a single tear roll down my face but Dean caught it. "What happened back there y/n?" "I had a panic attack Dean, normally I don't have them anymore but I guess my brain just said let's fuck up your day." I sighed.

"I knew it was gonna happen but the little things just got to me." I felt a tear roll down my face. "Baby why didn't you tell anyone?" "Because I was scared that you would hate me." I cried. "Oh sweetheart," Dean pulled me into his chest holding me. "I'm not that kind of guy that pushes away anything that involves from you baby girl." "I know but." "But what y/n? Your human baby, and you can't change anything about you."
I pursed my lips and looked down, but I felt Dean lift up my chin. "Baby, I just want you to know im here for you, and I'm only a call away." "Thank you Dean."

He gave me a reassuring smile before kissing me. "I love you." "I love you to Dean"

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