Jensen X Reader ~Red Carpet~

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Tonight was the night my first Supernatural red carpet viewing, and boy was I scared shitless. So here I am in our room with the door locked and Jensen knocking on the door. "Y/n. Sweetheart are you okay?" His voice was filled with fear and worry as I wouldn't respond back to him. "Jay I-I can't do this!"

I heard him picking the lock as I started to cry. Jensen came bursting through the room to see me on the floor a crying  mess. "Oh honey." Jensen came down next to me with his arm around  my shoulders whilst kissing the top of my head. "Jay" I sobbed into my hands. "Shh, it's okay I'm here."

After a moment of silence I spoke up. "Jay, I'm so scared. I mean this is the fans first time seeing me and you as a couple. What if they don't like me, or what if they'll just make fun of me." I sobbed. "Hey-hey don't think of that sweetheart because they can go fuck themselves if they don't like you or us as a couple you hear me." "Yes. I'm sorry Jay." "Hey look at me."

Jensen placed his hands on my tear stained cheeks as we both looked at each other. "I love you, and I know damn well you are stronger than this. You are a beautiful women that happens to steal my heart everyday. Again so what if they don't like you, all that matters is just you and me baby."

I let out a happy sob as I kissed his plump lips as he smiled into the kiss. "Come on my lady, Jared and Genevieve are waiting for us!" He said In a posh English accent as he helped me up from the floor. I felt him place his hand on the small of my back as he lead us to the front door.

Yall know I'm lazy so here's a time skipp

The limo came to a hault as my nerves started to spike up again. Of course Jensen being Jensen sensed my quietness. "You've beautiful y/n, just remember I'm here Jared is here, and Genevieve is here. I'm not leaving you side Missy." He reminded me. "Okay, I can do this"

As soon as the driver opened the car door for us, flashes from left to right were blinding my vision. Jensen took my hand in his as we both got out of the car where he lead us to thee red carpet. "Jensen! Jensen! Who is the girl your with?" Millions of people asked as the world became a blur. "This is my girlfriend y/n y/l/n." He smiled as he looked down at me with passion as I was trying to control my breathing.

"Your doing good, sweetheart. We're almost done with this part, okay?" I nodded up at him as we finally made our way to the famous red carpet where a reporter was already waiting for us.

"Welcome to tonight's awards, here we have Jensen Ackles along with his supposed girlfriend miss y/n." A lady with black hair spoke to a camera.  "So Jensen, is this indeed your-" Her voice became muffled as I felt my eyes roll back to my head.

3rd person PoV

The young lady besides Jensen fell down to the ground, luckily for Jensen he had cat like reflections. He caught her in his arms as panic arose in his throat, people all around him started snapping pictures of the scene before them as Jensen tried to calmly assist her lifeless body in his arms. In the distance you could see paramedics rushing towards the young couple as Jensen tried his best not to lose control of his emotions.

Instantly the paramedics cleared the scene besides where Jensen stood, as they carefully placed the women onto the gurney where they then buckled her in. Jensen followed the paramedics to the ambulance, along with Jared  and  Genevieve.

Once the trio arrived at the hospital they watch y/n being wheeled into a room as Jensen followed them in.

Back to your pov

"Come on babygirl please wake up." I slowly opened my eyes so that they were slit open. "Mmmm, where am I." The bright lights along with the smell of bleach, and Jensens cologne attacked my senses."Hey, I'm here babygirl. Your at the hospital."

Once I gave in I opened my eyes and saw a very, tired, worried, handsome Jensen. "Hi" I croaked at him. "Hi, how are you feeling?" "The nerves are still there." "Damnit you scared me back there." "I'm sorry, just a very weird panic attack." "Why didn't you tell me?" "Cause, Jay it was your night and I didn't want me to ruin it. But apparently I did" I sighed as I ran my hand over his cheek.

"It's okay, baby. Just please next time when your feeling like this just tell me." "I will Jay, I love you." "I love you too y/n."

A/n: Hiya guys I hope yall liked this imagine thingy magiger. I've been very stressed out lately cause 1 I almost bought a car last weekend. 2 I almost almost bought a car last night but it turns out it has a lemon title, fuck it I'll show the meaning of it in the pic below. And lastly 3 my job as been supper slow, so we don't know if there's gonna be layoffs at all cause we're having at least 3 company convenient days in the past 3 weeks. Meaning if there's no work for us, you can volunteer to go home with out being paid.

 Meaning if there's no work for us, you can volunteer to go home with out being paid

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