Demon!Dean X Reader ~Demons lie, right?~

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The breeze flowing through my hair as if it was a wave on the beach. Currently I was heading back to the bunker to see my boyfriend of 2 months;Dean Winchester. We both met at a bar down in Balltown Iowa. Instantly we hit it off, and that's why I moved into the bunker with him and his brother.

Anywho, I was just driving down the gravel toad to the bunker when my phone starts to ring.
"Hello?" "Y/n, where are you?" "I'm down the road. Is everything okay Sammy?" "No, Dean turned into a Demon and me and Cas are trying to find a cure for him" "Jesus Christ! Sam I leave for a week to go and see family-" "it was the mark that did this to him." I let out a sigh as I set my car in park.

"Well Sam I'm here." "I'll be up in a bit." "Okay." I thought it was kind of strange that Sam was coming up to get me, or maybe Dean is that dangerous. So I got out of my car and took my things out just as Sam showed up.

"Hey Sam." "Hi, y/n." "How is he?" "Locked up in the dungeon. What more can I say." "C-Can I see him?" I nervously said while we walked down the stairs. "As long as you got proper protection then you should be good." I nodded.

"Imma gonna take a shower." "Okay Moose." I chuckled as he walked away. I wandered into me and Dean's shared bedroom and sat my bags down onto the bed. I then looked around and noticed a picture of the both of us.

"Dean where are you taking me?" "Relax, it's nothing big. I just thought we could go out on a little drive." He said as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Your a mischievous little shit, aren't you Dean Winchester." "Why yes I am miss y/n."

When we got to our destination Dean took of both his shirt, pants, socks and shoes just leaving him in his boxers. I stared as his chiseled chest and then his groin. "Like what you see sweetheart." W-W-What. Oh no." I stammered. "Rrrrright" he chuckled as he walked into the water. "Come on in y/n the water is fine!" I rolled my eyes as I took off my clothes besides my underwear and bra.

I walked down to the shore line and looked over at Dean swimming. He had the biggest grin on his face as the sun shined onto his back. I walked in more into the water to finally reach Dean. "Its a bit cold isn't." "Yeah a bit." I chuckled. Dean wrapped his arms around me as he pulled me into a hug.

"I love you." I mumbled under my breath. "What did you say sweetheart?" "Iloveyou." I muttered. "Sweetheart speak up." Dean said as he lifted my chin up. "I love you Dean." Dean slammed his lips into mine as we kissed. "I love you to."
End of

That picture was taken after I said I loved him. Anyway, I unpacked my stuff and made my way to the Dungeon. When I arrived I saw a normal looking Dean, or what I thought was normal. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here Dean's little slut." After he said that his eyes flickered black. "Oh, it's just the Demon/mark talking." I mumbled to myself.

"Oh but honey it's true." "SHUT up Dean." "Aw come on he likes it when you get mad." "Listen here asshole, get out of my boyfriend!" I said as I walked towards him. "Oh this is fun. Isn't sweetheart." "Only Dean can call me that." "Oh but y/n, I am Dean. Only new and improved." "Fuck you." "Ah I prefer not sweetheart."

I had it with him so I slapped him across his face. "Oh, good job y/n you made him angrier." "Your just saying that." "Oh my dear it's true, hell he hates you." "Stop it." "Never. You. Worthless. Slut." Realized kind of hit me hard, I threw myself at Dean every time he was home or when we were at bars together as our "dates". When I was visiting family he never called, oh God he hates me.

But I had to keep my hunter head high because all of what Demon Dean is saying, is all a lie. Or is it. "How is he?" I felt like a thousand bricks fell onto me, my knees grew weak as I fell down.

"Y/n!" "Be careful Sam, she's a slut." Dean chuckled. "Its all fake don't listen to him y/n." "Why should she, im telling the truth." I felt Sam hoist me up so that I was standing back up. "Cas!" Sam called as I felt tears trickling down my face.

"Its trues, isn't Sammy." "Hey-hey-hey. It's not true he's just trying to get a hype out of you." "Yeah, right." "Oh honey it's all true." "Dean, shut the fuck up." Sam grumbled. "You called?" "Castiel please take y/n to her and Dean's room." "Ok." The angel said as he placed two fingers onto my head.

Suddenly we were back in our room. "Castiel please cure him, I need to left alone so please leave." "Me and Sam are trying to do the best we can do." "Okay." I sighed as I got into bed. "Get some rest to clear your mind y/n" "Okay Castiel thank you."

"Wake up y/n the power went out and Dean's loose." "What wait?" I grumbled as Sam hoisted me out of my bed. "Come on!" "Ughhh Sam just-" "Sammy where are you?" His voice rang throughout the bunker. That definitely woke me up, so I grabbed my gun and knife as I followed Sam.

"Come on." Sam whispered. "Come on Sammy let's end this!" "DEAN STOP!" I yelled. "Oh goodie, you have Dean's little whore." "I'm gonna find him Sam, he's my boyfriend." "No wait." I ran off away from Sam.

"Come on Dean, find me." I catcalled "Oh sweetheart I will." He chuckled. I held my knife close to me as I ducked in and out of rooms until I felt his grasp onto my arm.

He shoved me into the nearest wall and trapped me between his body and mine. "Well, good job Dean you found me." "Yeah, I did."

"Babe, it's movie night!" Dean yelled from our room. "I'll be there in a minute just getting the food and drinks!" I yelled from the kitchen. "Alright!" I grabbed a bag of chips, pie and beer from the counter and headed to our room.

When I arrived Dean had a stack of DVDS on the bed along with a plush blanket. "I need your help to decide." "Your a dork." "But I'm your dork sweetheart." Dean chuckled.

I set the food and drinks on the bed before crawling up next to Dean deciding what movie to watch. "Oooo, Rush." I gasped as I picked up the DVD case that had Daniel Brühl and Chris Hemsworth on the cover. "Awe come on y/n we both know you have the hots for. (you pick)

"Dean that's not true." I blushed.
End of flashback....

"Dean if your in there fight this son of a bitch, because I missed you and I know he's lying." "Oh, come on y/n he's not coming back for your ugly face." "SHUT up." "Dean." I unleashed my arms from his grasp as I placed them on his cheeks.

"Listen to me Dean, I need you, Sam needs you and Cas does to. I missed you so damn much I cried every night because I missed your voice, and just you in general." I felt soft tears falling.

"Please baby, fight him." I placed my lips on Dean's. Suddenly I felt him stab me in the stomach as I heard Sam running towards us. I saw Cas holding onto Dean as he let out a screech and Sam running towards me.

"You okay." "Just get me stitched up then I'm fine." I chuckled.

When I woke up I felt two strong arms wrapped around me. So I turned towards the body and saw it was Dean. "Dean?" I whispered. His eyes fluttered open as I saw his normal green eyes. "Hi, babe." "Is it really you?" "Yeah, im finally cured." I jumped into his arms holding onto him for dear life.

"You know all of the shit Demon me said wasn't true." "Of course Dean, because I trust you." "Thank god." He placed his hand on my cheek. "I missed you y/n." "I missed you to Dean."

Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora