Jensen X Reader ~Rip my Uterus out~

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Here I was laying in bed scrolling through my phone with a heating pad on my stomach. Aunt flow had come early, so here I am all alone with chocolate and no hugs. I should've been filming today, but I felt like literal shit. Suddenly, a wave of nausea hit me like a fan, so I got up and ran to the bathroom.  I started to dry heave as pain erupted throughout my body, so I decided to call my uncle Eric to tell him I couldn't make it for me and Jared's scenes today. Although I would have to skip a day of work, it would be rewarding at the end of the day.

So after I called him I hoped into the shower washing every inch of my body. After that, I dried off and back on a new set of clothing as I walked to my bed I saw that my phone was ringing so I answered it. "Hello?" "Hey y/n is everything ok?" I heard a very worried Jensen ask as I climbed into bed and opened my laptop to watch Netflix. "Just dandy, Jensen." I sighed as I felt a cramp creep up as I let out a groan. "Your not, I'm heading over right now." "Jensen you don't know where I live." "I'll figure it out" "How?" "Your uncle will spill the beans." "Bet" "Don't challenge me, women." After that, I heard the line go dead as he hung up. "You asshole," I grumbled as I got situated in the bed as I pushed play on the show Black Mirror. 

I and Jensen had a brother and sister relationship, but I didn't care he came over at random times like this, so  I was kind of used to it. Every once in a while he would stay at my house during filming, but we didn't share the bed, I had a guest bedroom right across the hallway. But sometimes he would forget where I live because either I or Clif would have to pick up J2 from the airport or when we would go to set.
Yeah it is a 15 minute drive from set, but I really didn't care because he was my crush . I had developed a crush on the Texan when I was introduced to the two of them, I a demon that is nice and helps the Winchester's whenever they needed me to. Overtime my character will soon fall for Dean, and that effected the closeness between the two of us.

Braking away from my show I heard a knock coming from downstairs, so I sluggishly got up and walked down the flight of stairs. I ran up to the door and answered it to see Jensen standing there with a shopping bag in hand. "Hi Jensen, come on in."  I stepped aside and let him in as he walked over to the kitchen and he placed the bag on the counter. He started to place the contents onto the counter, as I saw chocolate ice cream. Instantly I snatched the ice cream and ran to my room. "Hey, come back here." "Never!" I yelled as I bounded the stairs, suddenly I felt him grab my ankle as pulled me down with him. "Gimmie!" "NO!" I giggled as he straddled my hips trying to grab the ice cream from me. I kept on  dogging his hands until eventually he caught my wrists.

"Ha, gotcha yeah." "Well done Ackles." I smirked as I kicked him in the balls earning a groan from him. So I got up fast and scurried away from him. I heard him get up and try to find me but when he did, he found me standing still as I looked down at my soiled shorts. "Fuck." I dropped the ice cream and ran into the bathroom out of pure embarrassment. "Shit, shit, shit " I mumbled as I took off my shorts and placed them in the sink as I turned on the water. "Hey, are you ok?" "Yea, no." I heard the door handle wiggle as he walked in seeing me in panic.

"Hey, its ok. You stay here while I go and find you some new underwear and shorts." I nodded my head in shock as he left the room and to my room. "Jensen, you don't have to do this." "Yeah I do, your my best friend y/n." "Best friend?" "Well yeah." "Your part of Team Free Will 2.0. Well in the show, you get what I mean." "I am, aren't I?" "Yeah. Here you go y/n, im gonna be in your room okay." "Ok."

After he left the room I got changed, so I walked out to my room as I let out a gasp. "Jensen, what is this?" On the bed was my favorite sweets and snacks next to Jensen as Black Mirror started to play. Jensen had changed into his night clothes. "Its because, your my best friend. Now come on i wanna see what you've talking about at work, cause it sounds so interesting."  I walked over to the bed and sat down next to Jensen as he wrapped his arm around me. I leaned into his embrace and started watching the show.

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