Dean X Reader *Surprise Pooch*

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I've been living with the boys for about 3 years now, and 2 years dating Dean. But something was missing, a child. No. More people. No. An animal? Yes! So here I am driving out of town to buy some "groceries" for the bunker but in reality I was getting some form of animal.

The boys were out on a hunt and Dean of course being the over protective boyfriend he is, is calling me right now. "Hello?" "Hi baby I miss you." "Hi Dean I miss you to." "What are you doing." "Dean leave your girlfriend alone." I heard Sam in the background say. "Sam relax." "I'm heading to the store to get a couple of things." "Ok, be safe and get me some pie." "Of course Dean I'll get you some pie." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Where are you guys at?" "Ahh, we are in Nebraska so we should be home tomorrow night maybe at the latest." "Ok sounds good. Hey I gotta let you go, im at the store." "Ok, I love you. Call me when you get back to the bunker." "I love you to. Bye Dean." "Bye"

We both hung up the phone as I turned off the car and grabbed my wallet from the center console. I got out of the car and walked over to the pet store where a variety of animals were painted on the glass. I opened the door and started to browse around the store at the cute adorable animals when a puppy caught my eye. It was golden retriever that had the biggest eyes in the world, I also noticed that it had a pink collar on. "Hello, need any help today?" "Ah yes please can I adopt this puppy right here." I said as I pointed to the puppy.

"Ah yes, she's been here forever." "Awe poor thing." "Ill be right back for some paper work, while I go do that you can start picking out things for her." "Ok thank you." The lady walked away as I started to look around at all of the things you need for a dog.

First things first is a collar and leash, so I started looking when a purple leash and collar stood out to me. So I picked it up and started looking at the different kinds of toys, but then I realized that she could go and pick them out. "Ma'm." "Oh I'm sorry." I said as the lady handed me the paper work. "Ill go get her, while your filling it out." "Okay." I smiled. I started to fill out the paperwork when my phone started to ring.

"Yes, Dean?" "Can you get more beer." "Sorry i can't I just left the store." "Damn, well I love you." "I love you to Dean." I sighed as we both hung up. The pet shop lady came over with the dog and one of the puppies toys. Me and the lady traded things as I held onto the puppy and her toy  "Now does it matter what kind of food I give her?" "As long as she eats it she's fine." "Ok, thank you so much for the help." "Anytime dear."

I set down the puppy as I started to look at the food when I found one that I was satisfied with I brought up to the check out. "Oh, this is a good brand." The lady said as she checked out everything. "You have a name for her yet?" "No I haven't decided, ill have to ask my boyfriend." "Ok. Well you have a fantastic day." "You too."

"Come on girl let's go home." The puppy barked as we headed out to the car. I opened up the passenger door for her as she hoped in. I set her things in the backseat as I came over and shut all of the doors. I then dialed Dean phone number as I backed out of the parking lot. "Hey, baby." "Hi Dean, im headed back to the bunker." "Sounds good." "HI Y/N!!!"  I heard Sam yell in the background. "Hi Sam." I giggled. "I can't wait to see you baby." Dean said I a seductive voice. "Me to Dean." I giggled. "Dude are you seriously getting a boner just talking to your girlfriend." "Shut up Sammy" "okayyy, well I'm at the bunker  so ill see you in a while." "Bye y/n. " "by Dean."

I hung up the phone as I placed the car in park. I looked over at the puppy and saw that she was out, so of course I took a picture. After I was done with that I got out of the car and grabbed the puppy's stuff and headed into the bunker to drop the stuff off. I then went back up to the car and grabbed the very sleepy puppy. Her little eyes started open as I carefully carried her down the stairs, she let out a little yawn. "You just took at nap little one." I chuckled.

When I made it to the final step I placed her down on the floor, she started to sniff her surroundings as I took her supplies to mine and Dean's room. I noticed that she started to follow me throughout the bunker. She let out a little yelp as we made it to the room. "I know little girl, welcome to your mommy and daddies room." I chuckled as she tired getting up on the bed. "Awwooo" she whined. I slowly picked her up and placed her on the bed, once I did that she walked around in a circle before ploping down. "You dork." I giggled.

I set out her food and water bowl and placed it in the bathroom, I then put out her toys next to the bed. After that I took off my clothes and put on my pajamas before getting into bed. "Girl, your in the way." *little whimper*  I rolled my eyes at the small animal.

The next morning I felt I warm liquid being poured onto me. "Deaaaann, stoooooopppp." I groaned. "Dean?" I opened my eye and saw the puppy peeing on me. "Shit!! NO NO NO." I picked her up and carried her to the tub. "Ughhhhh." I groaned as I looked down at my shirt where there was a wet spot on me. The dog started to whine. "Yelp we gotta potty train you." I groaned as I took off my shirt and threw it in the hamper along with our bed sheets.

I took out another shirt and placed on the new shirt, after that I took out the puppy and placed her on the ground. I then grabbed hamper and started walking towards the laundry room with the dog trailing behind me. When I arrived I plunked the material into the washer and added the soap and softener in there before closing it. "Come on girl." I said as I patted my leg. I wandered into our room as I dug out her collar and leash. I picked her up and placed on the bed before putting her collar around her neck.

"There you go cutie pa tutie." I said as I petted her head. "Now let's go on a walk before the boys get home. Okay" She stuck her tongue out and started to pant. I grabbed her leash and cliped it onto her collar before putting her on the ground. "Follow." I commanded as she started to follow me. We walked around the bunker trying to get her used to the leash.

All of a sudden I heard the bunker door open as I heard Dean and Sam's voices echo throughout the bunker. "Y/n babe where are you?" "I'm on my way!" I said as me and the dog walked into the library to see them, I un-clipped the leash from her and held it in my hands. "Hi, guys." I said as I walked over to them. Instantly Dean picked me up as I let out a squeal. "I missed you sweetheart." He said as he kissed my neck. "Awooooo" "Y/n why is there a dog in here?" I heard Sam asked. 

Dean carefully placed me down as I saw the puppy playing with Sams shoe laces. "Hey, no, no. Bad girl." I said as I picked her up. I heard Sam let out a chuckle as he petted her. "You got a dog?!?" "Yep, and I don't have a name for her, any ideas."  "Why, a dog y/n." "Cause I thought we could have a furr baby in the bunker." Dean rubbed his face as he looked over at me and the dog. "I love you  but if that thing shits or pissess near or on baby. She's out." "Ok" I let out a sigh that I didn't realize that I was holding.

I set the dog down as she walked over to Dean as she wagged her tail. "Piper." "What Dean?" "Lets name her Piper." "I like that name for her guys, it suits her." Sam chuckled as placed his stuff down as Piper walked over and started sniffing his stuff. Dean walked over to Piper and picked her up. "Hi. Girly, im your friend or dad, I should say." Dean chuckled. "Shes a golden retriever so she will have big shit." "Hell, at least im not picking it up." "I punched Dean in the arm. "Ow, what was that for?" "Your still the father." I chuckled as I started walking to our room.

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