Jensen ~Driver's Start Your Engines~

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(Pretend that Dannel and Jensen arent together like divorced) oh and there's a lot of time skips.

The smell of rubber and gas assaulted my nose as I was making my way down to pit road where my team was at. We were at the Kansas Speedway, on this fine June day, hoping to grab a win so we can make it to the all star race.
As I was walking to my pit stall I noticed someone that I haven't seen over 5 years and that was my high school sweet heart Jensen Ackles.

Jensen and I were both homecoming king and queen and we were best friends, but we grew apart since he married Dannel Harris. When I approached him he was talking to my crew chef Matt about probably me.
"Hey Matt"
"Oh, hi y/n. You ready for this race."
"Hell yeah!"
Jensen turned around and saw me all decked out in my fire suit with all of my sponsors names on my body. I had my hair up in a loose bun as I held my helmet in my hands.

"Hi Jensen long time no see." I said as I brushed passed him to my car.
"Everything should be good there y/n" Matt said as him and Jensen followed me.
"Great, thanks Matt."
"Anything for our rookie driver."
"Oh hush." I chuckled.

"Attention all drivers please go to your cars at this time for prayer." The PR announcer said.
"Well a its almost my time to shine." I heard Jensen say as I placed my earphones around my neck.
"Good luck out there y/n."
"Thanks Jay."
"Jay? You haven't called me that since high school."
"I know, now get going Ackles."
I saw that he got frustard as he walked away.

Timeskip to national anthem/prayer

"Attention everyone please welcome our guest that will be singing the national anthem Eric Church."
As Eric was singing i glanced up at the sky and saw the American flag being flown above us.
About 5 minutes later all of us drivers got into our cars and put on our helmets and such. In the distance I could see Jensen holding onto a microphone intently looking at Jammie Little for his cew to say the famous words.

"DRIVERS, START YOUR ENGINE'S!!" Jensen yelled into the microphone.
I turned the key on and saluted to my crew chef and the teams owner Rick Hendrick, as we drove out of pit road.
"Let's win this son of a bitch" Matt said into my helmet.
"Hell yeah" both me and my spotter Derek said.

About a half hour into the race I heard his familiar voice ring in my ears.
"Hey y/n, your doing fantastic keep it up. Your in the top 5 keep going."
"Thanks Jay, I will."
"Hey y/n"
"Yeah Jay?"
"Me and Dannel divorced."
"Yeah, I caught her in bed with some jerk."

"Wreck 5 cars behind you y/n. Caution is thrown out." Derek said.
"Fuck, ok thanks Derek. Who was it?"
"14 car and Byron."
"Damn it. Is he ok?"
"Yeah he's fine, he's gonna have to use his back up."

"Sorry about that Jay"
"Your fine sweetheart, just focus so you can win this race"

Time skip to lap 296

Everyone was sitting on edge as I was in 2nd.
"No. 4 on your bumper." Derek said.
I felt Harvick pushing my bumper a couple of times, until I had enough. I pressed my foot into the floor and started to catch up with the 18 car. I started to pass but his fender hit my bumper hard. The car turned sideways as the 4 car t-boned me so hard I did a roll towards the grass.
"Hang on, hang on!" Matt yelled.
When the car stopped on all 4s I let out a grunt.
"Y/n you ok?" Both matt and Derek asked l.
"Y-yeah, I think im fine."
I unbuckled myself from the restraints and took down the window guard. In the distance I could hear the sirens from the ambulance coming close behind as I saw a man running towards the car.

I took off my helmet and tossed it out the window as I started to climb out the window.
"Ah, fuck my leg." I moaned as I climbed out. I held onto the car for steadiness as I waved to the fans before collapsing.
I looked up and saw Jensen running up to me.
When he came over to me he knelt down next to me.
"You okay?"
"I think so, my leg hurts so bad."
He gave me a bone crushing hug as the paramedics arrived.

"Come on sweetheart ill help you up."
I nodded as he stood up while pulling me up with him. I held onto his broad shoulders as he placed on arm around me and started walking to the ambulance.

You guessed it another time skip

During the time of me being in the hospital Jensen stayed with me the whole time till the time I had to do interviews.
"Y/n!" Y/n!" Was all I was hearing as I passed victory lane, where Kyle Busch was celebrating his 1st win of the season.
"I hate the public Jensen especially after someone wrecks you!" I yelled extra loud so that Kyle could hear me.
"Come on let's get you to your trailer."
"Okay but first my teammates."
"No, missy your going back to the trailer."
Jensen said as he picked me up bridal style and headed back to my trailer.

When we back to my trailer I put my key code in and walked inside.i sat down on the couch as Jensen did the same.
"I want there to be a us again y/n."
"How long have you been divorced?"
"Since 2012, baby like I said I want there to be a us."
"Jensen, you know I'm ready to us a chance."
"Thank god!"
Jensen leaned in and gave me a kiss that lingered forever until we were both needing air.

"I missed you."
"I missed you to. But you know your gonna being traveling with me sometimes."
"That doesn't bother me."
I giggled as sat and talked about the things we both missed in each other lives.

I learned that he was in a show called supernatural and he learned that I won my first championship last year for the Xfinity race.
"I should get going." He said.
"No stay with me." I mumbled into his shoulder.
"Fine, only because I love you."
"Thanks Jay."
Jensen slowly picked me up and took me to the bedroom.
Jensen got rid of all of his clothing besides his shirt and boxers.
I felt him pull me close as he snuggled with me.

"I missed you."
"I missed you to Jay."

Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now