Dean X Reader ~Christmas 🎄~

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All around us was lights strung up on many houses down the street, as we drove down the snowy town streets. I laid in the back seat trying to get some much needed rest while the two Winchester siblings were yet again arguing about God knows what.

"Dean dude these are old tapes you seriously gotta get rid of them." "Sammy these babies are classics. Just because you can't use your I pod thingy, doesn't mean you have to rain on my parade of music choice." "Ugh, Jerk." "Bitch." "Shut up!" I said annoyed.

"Who pissed in your cheerios y/n?" "Dean, I'm gonna kill both you and your brother if you both don't shut up!" I yelled as I tossed my shoe at Sam. "Hey!" "Sorry not sorry Sammy." Dean started laughing at my remark.


It was around midnight when we arrived back at the bunker, I was the first out of the car as I trudged down the stairs and into my room. Once I arrived I started playing some classical country music as I started to decorate my room for Christmas. "Y/N TURN THAT SHIT OFF!!" I heard Dean yell from his room. "Never ass-hat!"

I heard Dean stomping down the hallway and then opening my room door forcefully. "What?" I giggled as I strung up the last of the Christmas lights. "What the hell are you doing at this time of night. "Its called hyperness and festive Mr." I poked him in the chest as he rolled his eyes.

"You drive me crazy women." "I know" I giggled as I turned off the music. "You should get to bed." "Why should I Dean?" "Because I know your tired and I know something bothering you. So would you-" I silenced him with a bow to his head before walking away to my bathroom. "Alrighty good night then." I heard him say as I slipped off my pants.
"Good night Winchester."

The next morning when I walked past Dean's room I heard him snoring, I shook my head in announce as I made it to the kitchen. "Morning Sammy." "Oh hey, your up early." "Yeah and?" "You have Christmas decorations." "Yeah and?" I mimicked him. I set the box down and started digging out the decorations.

"Any plans today?" "No the world is sane as far as I know." Sam chuckled. "Ugh. Finally" I reached up and hung a strand of lights up as Dean came into the room. "What the hell are you doing y/n?!?" "It's called being festive Dean!" "I know but." "But what Dean. Christmas is this weekend and it seems like none of you boys celebrated my favorite holiday, how dare you." I sighed as I plugged in the lights.

"Were hunters were not supposed to celebrate any holiday y/n." "Yeah, but I want to Dean." "No!" Dean un-plugged my lights as he threw them into the box. "Dean Winchester, we are having a nice holiday Mr grinch!" I plunked the lights out of the box and placed them back up. "I SAID NO!" Dean ripped the lights off the wall and threw them across the room. "I hate you Dean! I try to make something so innocent and fun, but you have to fucking ruin it!"

I grabbed my box and ran to my room crying. "Fuck you Dean!" I yelled as I slammed my door shut. I threw the decorations across the room as I slouched down against the door crying. Christmas was the last ever holiday I ever celebrated with my family before they were killed by werewolves, and I've been dealing with Dean's idiocy for the last 2 years. Yeah, we flirted every once in awhile but I knew deep down he hated me.

After an hour of crying I heard a knock at my door and then a voice."Hey it's Sam, could you open your door." "Sam, just leave me alone." "NO, Your upset and I wanna help you." "I can unlock the door." "Fine." I slowly got up from my position and opened my door to see Sam standing there with a worried expression.

"Hi." "Hi, are you okay. Do you need to talk." "No, I'm fine Sammy, just sad." "Sad, is this about Christmas?" "Yeah." I sighed as I looked down at my hands. "Sam I. Sam Christmas is my favorite holiday because, well it was the last ever holiday I got to spend time with my family before they died." "I'm so sorry." "It's fine Sam, at least you like Christmas." "Yeah, I do." I felt him sit next to me on the bed as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close to him.

"Dean, is in the same boat as you but, he never got the Christmas like the rest of the world. He hates the holidays so when ever a holiday comes up he becomes a grinch." "Really?" "Well yeah, haven't you learned by now." He chuckled as he looked down at me. "Yeah, I guess." I shrugged. "You'll be fine y/n. How about this, you celebrate here in your room." "But, Sam it's not the same." "I know it isnt, just make the best of it." "Thanks Sam." "No problem, call for me if you need my tallness."

"I will Sam." Sam got up from my bed and walked out of my room. I stood back up and walked over to my phone and connected it to my Bluetooth speaker, once that was done I hit play on a Christmas song Playlist.

In the background it was playing 'Let It Snow' by Frank Sentara, as I was back to hanging up lights. Once that was done I went into the bathroom to go and take a nice shower.

Once I was done, I placed back on my comfy clothes and walked to my room. What I saw next was amazing, there was a Christmas tree all lit up with Dean placing the last ornament on the limb. "Dean, what are you doing?" "Getting into the holiday spirit." "Wait-what?" "I'm getting into the holiday spirit."

"Dean! I fucking love you!" I ran over to him as he caught me in his arms. "Wait, you like me?" "I've always did Dean." Dean leaned down and kissed me as me held onto each other.

Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora