Dean x Reader ~Im sorry~

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After a successful hunt of killing a pack of  werewolves Dean thought it would be a great idea to celebrate by going to the local watering hole near our hotel.
I really don't like going to bars or just out in general, but Dean just forced me to come with him and Sam. So here I am in the back seat of baby waiting for the car to be parked.

"I'm hoping to get a hot girl tonight guys I can just feel it."
Sam just rolled his eyes making his way  out of the car as Dean soon followed behind him not even noticing i was there. So I texted Sam, so I could at least get out.

Sam he locked me in the car again.

On my way

Thanks 😒

About a minute later Dean, which surprised me came out to unlock the car.
"Hey sorry about that y/n."
"Its fine, I guess."
I knew that deep down tonight he would be going home with a way better looking girl from the bar. Unlike every girl he's into, I don't match his likeness. I mean I was a nerd like Sam but I love hunting things like Dean along with the same temper, but Dean could give 2 fucks about me.

I felt Dean wrap his arm around my shoulder as we walked into the bar together. Instantly Dean let go and found a girl to flirt with while I went over to a dark corner away from everyone and sat down. I started to fiddle with a coaster when a very attractive man came over to the table and sat down across from me.
"Hello, I'm Aric " The man smiled.
"So whats a very beautiful girl sitting by herself doing in this bar?"
"I got dragged in with some friends."
"Oh, I see. I was to."
We both chuckled.

"Hey I recognize you, your the number 10 driver for Stewart-Hass!"
"Yes I am. I can't believe you recognize me y/n."
"Its because I'm a big fan of yours." I blushed.
"Aw, thank you." He blushed.
"No problem!" I smiled.
"Hey you smiled, I made you happy."
"I guess you did."
"Hey wanna get out of here?"
"Of course I hate bars."
Aric chuckled as he took my hand in his pulling me close behind him.

I glanced over to see Sam giving me a thumbs up while passing by him.
When me and Aric got outside we walked to his car and he opened the back seat door for me before climbing in behind me.
Immediately his lips were attached to mine as we started to make out.
He leaned in and started to suck on my pulse point on my neck, earning a moan from me.
"Aric, fuck."
His lips moved down to my collarbone and then between my breasts. I held his head between them before a loud knock came from the door.

We both groaned as Aric opened the door while holding onto my hips.
I grinded my hips against Arics, so he moaned.
"Y/n out now!"
"No Dean."
Me and Aric met with a sloppy kiss making out.
I felt Dean grab my arm and pulled me out of the car.
"Dean leave me alone!"
"Yeah leave y/n alone." Aric said as he got out of the car.
"Dean I'm with Aric so don't worry about me, he's a nascar driver."
"What does that mean to me y/n?"
"Ill protect her." Aric chuckled.

"Dean fine! I'm sorry Aric." I gave Aric a  sweet kiss goodbye.
"You know how to contact me."
"Of course Aric." I winked at him.
I heard a growel from Dean as we both walked to the impala where Sam was waiting for us.
"I hate you Dean. I mean I had a bad night and then Aric saved me."
"He didn't save you, he was trying to use you."
"Use me! Dean for fucks sake I trust him because I practically watched the co-owner of his team race when I was little."
"So what."
"You gotta be fucking kidding me. Dean im a grown ass women not some kid!" I yelled.

We all got into the car leaving the bar and headed back to the hotel room. I was the first one out of the car and the first to enter my  hotel room slamming the door shut.
"Fucking Dean." I mumbled as I got out my pj's and headed for the shower. I stripped off all of my clothes heading into the nice warm shower.
I sat down on the ground and cried.
Over the past 6 years of hunting with the Winchester's I had fallen for Dean, but he didn't see what I saw in him. Sure he got every girl he wanted with a flick of a wrist, but tonight I wanted that distraction from him and that's why I clicked with Aric.

I suddenly heard the door to the room being picked so I stood up fast and wrapped a towel around me. I slowly opened the door to see Dean sitting on my bed, looking tired.
"Dean? Wha-what are you doing here shouldn't you be out with some girl?"
He looked up at me and gave me a sad smile.
"No, my girl almost got taken and I overreacted to her."
I knew damn well he was talking about me.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry."
I stood there looking down at the ground thinking of what to say next.

"Your probably wondering who that girl is."
Dean stood up and made his way over to me.
"That girl is you y/n. When me and Sammy saved you from that hunt 6 years ago I fell in love with you."
"I guess I got overprotective of you tonight and I'm sorry."
There was a long silence before I spoke up.
"Dean, I like you to."
Dean closed the distance between us and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he held onto my waist.

We both looked at each other after braking away from the kiss before chuckling.
"Will you be my girlfriend y/n?"
"Of course Dean."

Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now