Dean X Reader ~The future ~

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A/n:   Ok so I haven't watched Season 5 Episode 4 in what seems like forever, so I was lazy and just made some things up lol! Enjoy.

"Night Dean" "Night y/n" Dean kisses me goodnight as he cuddled up behind me. "Dean" "Hmm?" "I love you." "I live you to, let's get some rest okay sweetheart." "Ok"

The next morning...
I felt Dean stirring next to me. "What the hell?" He grumbled. I slowly opened my eyes to see the hotel that we were staying in was trashed. "Where's our stuff and what the hell happened?" "I don't know buts something's not right."

Dean looked outside as I followed his gaze. The outside looked like a war had been fought, no businesses were open nor were people out in and about enjoying their day. "Come on." Dean waited for me by the door as I followed him.

"Where is everyone?" "I don't know? It's funny we were peacefully sleeping in a nice hotel and now we're in this shit hole of a place." Dean grumbled as we walked down the street. Suddenly we heard movement so we turned around and saw what looked like dead people.

"Run. NOW!" Dean took my hand in his as we ran throughout the rubble dodging every hazard in our path. "Shit!" I yelped as I crouched down clutching onto my ankle. "Dean!" Dean stopped running and saw blood trickling down my shoe.  Instantly he ran back to me and carefully picked me up and continued to run until he found a fence with wire around the perimeter.

"There has to be a way in." He mumbled under his breath. Then blackness appeared.

When I woke up I noticed my arm was handcuffed to a chair and I had 2 wraps on both my arm and my ankle. I looked around at my surroundings and noticed that I was in a nice house, then I looked over and saw Dean just waking up.

"Dean!" I said as I kind of scooted to him. I noticed that he also had a wrap on his arm. "What the hell?" Dean noticed that he was handcuffed. "I don't know Dean. But I'm scared." "Hey, it's okay." He said as he took my hand in his.

"Oh good your both awake." We both looked over and saw Dean. "Dean?" "Yeah." They both said at the same time. "Holy shit there's two of you!" "Fuck." My Dean said. "Where the heck are we and what the hell is going on?" I said as I scooted closer to Dean, he took notice and tried to comfort me.

"Well, you're in the future." "Ok, well that doesn't answer my other question." "Listen smart-ass the Croatoan Virus killed half of the population. I fucking lost you and  Sam is now Lucifer." "Wait Sam is Lucifer?" My Dean said. "Yes." "Lovely," I mumbled. "How about letting us go yeah?" "Nah." "You son of a bitch."

"Come on, let us go!" "Especially you, people think that you're dead." "What?!" "I lost you during the raid, you were ahead of me but when an explosion happened I didn't see you afterward." "Nice story chuckles, now let us go." "Listen to me! You keep that girl safe with all your might you understand." I saw my Dean clench his jaw tight as he stared at himself wildly.

"You two stay here, I have some important things to attend to." Future Dean left the house leaving just the two of us. I heard metal clanking against metal as I saw Dean breaking himself out. "Dean." "What?" "What the hell are you doing?" "Getting the hell out of these handcuffs." "Well, could you help me too?" "Of course sweetheart." After Dean said that we both heard a click as he broke himself free.

Dean crawled over to my one hand and broke me free. Instantly I lunged at him, engulfing him in a hug. "I'm so fucking scared, that Sam is Lucifer." "I know."  Dean broke the hug and looked into my eyes. "I love you." "I love you to Dean." Dean gave me a quick kiss before standing up to help me up.

"Come on we need to find Cas." I nodded as Dean opened the door and what we saw next made us gasp. Outside it looked like a little hoover vill but with people that had guns on their bodies. "What the fuck." "Come on." Dean grabbed my hand as we started to walk around the little town.

"Hey, there you are Dean!" We both turned around and saw Chuck running towards us. "Chuck?" "Holy shit y/n, your back!" Chuck, engulfed me in a hug. "Your alive!" "Oh yeah?" "Sorry for taking her away from you Dean. Anyway, we need to send out scouts to the border."

Dean gave him a weird look before answering him. "Oh yeah, go ahead." "Ok, thank you, Dean." "Chuck walked away from us as we stood amazed. Then a woman with black hair walked up and slapped Dean across the face.

"What the hell?!" I said as I walked up to her. "Who the hell are you" "I'm his girlfriend." I snarled back. "Oh yeah, who was his first true love?" "Me." "That tells me nothing." "My name is y/n y/l/n." "Y/n? I'm sorry." "You better."

The girl walked away as we continued to search for Cas. "Hey y/n?" "Yeah, Dean." "That was hot back there." "Yeah right," I said as I rolled my eyes at him, suddenly I felt him stop me.  "Do you realize that you gave me a boner because of what you did back there"

"Maybe I didn't do it on purpose." I seductively said as I grabbed him. "Fuck." He sighed as he looked down at where my hand is. "Come on let's go find Cas." I started to walk away as Dean followed behind me. "Your such a tease y/n." "I know but I'm your tease." I giggled as he took my hand in his.

Suddenly I felt someone tackle me to the ground. "Ah!" "I told you both dickwads to stay in the house!" "Yeah well, we're trying to Cas dumb fuck." "Why are you two so hell-bent on finding him?"

"Because we want to know how and why we're here!" My Dean yelled. "Fine, come on!" The future Dean stood up and walked away. "You okay." My Dean said as he helped me up. "I'm fine Dean." I kissed his cheek, but instead, he turned his head in time to kiss me.

"You're a dork." I chuckled as I followed future Dean. "Ha"

Around 10 ish minutes later future Dean lead us to where Cas is. "He's in here." "Good to know assbutt." I snorted  When we entered the house Cas was surrounded by women that had very revealing clothing on.  "Cas?!" Dean yelled as a very scruffy Cas poked his head up from the ladies. His eyes softened as he noticed our presence.

"Ah, Dean and y/n?" "Hi Dean..." the women all cooed as they starred at my man. "What are you doing here y/n, we all thought you died." "Well guess what I'm alive," I grumbled. "Fiesty, I like it." "Listen, Cas can you come here real quick" "Dean sighed as he headed outside. "Ladies, get prepared for an orgy."

I felt vomit come up my mouth as I ran outside and vomited at Castiels remark. "Babe you okay" "Cas has a fucking dirty little mouth." "What'd he say?" "Ladies, get prepared for an orgy.  Oh god." I threw up again as I heard gravel crunching under Dean's boots. "Dean is she okay." "Yeah, she's fine." Dean hummed as he rubbed my back.

"So Dean, you needed to see me?" "Yeah, what the hell happened." "What do you mean?" "Oh, shit. Okay, what he means Is why are we here?" I said as  I stood up. "What?" "Listen Castiel, we were in the year 2009 and now here we are in whatever year it is." "Zachariah, he brought you here because of the colt." "The colt?" "Yes, he brought you too here." "That still doesn't answer anything." "Well im sorry you to, but I have to go." "No wait." Castiel went back into the house leaving behind me and Dean.

Time skip brought to you by Daniel Bruhl sniffing clothes.. 😆

There stood Sam/lucifer on future Dean's neck as me and my Dean watched the scene in front of us unfold. "Oh, lookie here Dean and his slut of a girlfriend." "SHUT up" "Nah" I felt an invisible force shove me to the nearest wall keeping me there.  "Dean looked between us and clenched his fists. "How.?" "How what Dean? Huh, let's see your angel friend died, your girlfriend over there dead. All because of me!"

The world around us turned back to our hotel room as I fell off the wall gasping for air. "Y/n, you okay?" "Yeah, im fine, just call Cas damnit."

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