Jensen X Reader ~Wedding Bells~

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Before I start this imagine is inspired by Impala67Winchester13 story so I hope you enjoy! Oh before I forget it's also inspired by two songs: Marry Me by Thomas and From the ground up by Dan and Shay.

Jensens POV
I walked out to the mail box and grabbed the mail, while shuffling the envelopes I notice one from y/n. Y/n and I had a romantic history with each other, I mean we were Prom King and Queen, cutiest couple in high school and we loved acting. We practically grew up together, we watched each other grow.

But when college approached, we broke up. I was going to LA for acting and as for her, she was going into Teaching for history. But what I held in my hands broke me, it was a wedding invitation from her to me. "Y/n..." I whispered as I walked into the house.

"You know I love you right?" I said as I looked over at her. It was late at night and here we are on the beach with a towel underneath us, looking up at the stars. "I know Jensen, I love you too." "Promise me that when I get out of college we meet up again." I got up and rested my hand on my head while looking at her.

"Of course baby I will." She then leaned up and kissed me.

3 years later....
Y/n: I'm bored
Me: why?
Y/n: Cause I miss you
Me: I miss you to bestie
Y/n: Your the best Jensen
Me: I know I am 😘
Y/n: LOL
Me: Hey I gotta let you go, I'm going to audition. Wish me luck.
Me: I love you too

End of Flashback...
I didn't even notice that my phone was ringing so I shook my head and answered it. "Uh, hello?" "Is this Jensen?" "Yes, yes it is.. and who is this?" "Oh thank God, Jensen its me y/n dad." "Oh hey Bob, how's it going." "Not good." I sat up in the chair and leaned forward.

"What's wrong?" "Did you get the wedding invitation?" "Yeah w-" "She's being forced to get married from the grooms side." "Wait what the fuck?!?" "Some random lady who thought y/n needed a husband got her son and forced them together." "Fuck, me." "I know, I know. I couldn't stop it and now y/n is crying up in her room."

"I'm gonna end this wedding." "Well son I was kind of hoping you would do that. I Don't care how many people you bring with you but I want to see my baby happy. Oh and wear a tux."

"Wait why?" "You have my blessings." "Really?!" "Yes Jensen, because I knew you wanted to marry her from the start. I saw how happy she was with you." "Sir, I still love her." "I knew you would. Now when the wedding gets close I want to catch up with you for the plan." "Okay sounds good."

Day of Wedding Your POV
"Awe look at you, your a pretty princess." "I don't feel like one Nancy." "Aw come on, your marrying the most handsome man on earth." "Yeah right" I scoffed as I looked up at the reflection of me. I had what seemed like layers of whatever you call that shit on my face along with powdered pigments over my eyes.

"I feel like a painted whore Nancy." "But your not!" "Yes, I am." I snarled at her as I stood up fast. "I don't love the man I'm marrying." "Yes, you do y/n, your just saying that out of nervousness." "No... Im.... Not..." "Oh come on y/n stop being a bridezilla."

"You, think I'm a bridezilla! The man out at the alter right now isn't who I want it to be with for the rest of my life. The man I want is Jensen Ackles, I've known him since we were kids!" "That's nonsense y/n." "Really, really you think that I'm lying." "Yes, because your being  delusional right now! Just stop and accept your fate! Now come on, my son is waiting at the alter for you."

She grasped onto my arm and pulled me out of the hotel room. "Let me go you psycho!" I yelled, as I felt a hard slap go across my cheek. "I'm you new mother in law, I tell you what you can and can't do." She said as she pressed the elevator down button. I felt tears rolling down my face.

"Stop it you big cry baby, now we have to get pictures of you and the wedding party." The doors opened up and there was my bridesmaids and his groomsmen. "HI, guys." "I need air." I said as I ran out of her grasp and out of the hotel. I started to hyperventilate as tears sprung my eyes, I ran and ran hoping to get away from everything.

I somehow made it to the woods, where I found a stump to sit on. I started to paw at my face in order to get off all of the make up. I knew that my dress was trashed, but I didn't give a fuck.

Jensens POV
I parked the car and got out of it, I started to walk into the hotel when I noticed a big commotion. I found y/n's Dad and started to walk towards him. "Jensen, oh thank God your here." "Why what's wrong?" "She's gone, my baby just ran away." He said in a panicked tone. "Where did you see her headed towards?" "By the forest."

I took off running into that direction, I knew the area pretty well so I kept on running. When I reached the woods I started to frantically look for her. "Y/N!" I yelled. I noticed a piece of white fabric  on the ground and I knew it was her. I started to look around the area, until I heard sobbing.

Your POV
I heard a small crunch on the forest floor so I looked up and saw him, my Jensen. The man that I want to marry, the man that told me that he loved me, the man you knew me better than anyone else, and lastly the one who saw me for who I am. "J-J-J- Jensen?" I squeaked. He came running towards me, instantly I got up and ran towards him.

I felt him grab onto to me as I did the same. "Jensen." I cried. "Y/n, Shh I'm here." I looked up at him and crashed my lips into his.  We made out for what seemed like forever until he broke the kiss. "I want you to marry me y/n, I want to leave where we left off in our relationship." He panted. "I do to Jensen."

"I love you, I love you, I love you." I cried. I felt him take my cheek and he started to caress it. "It broke me to hear that you were getting married." "I'm being forced Jensen, I don't like the man. I want you instead." I felt him carefully pick me up bridal style as he carried me out of the forest and back to the hotel.

When we got back I noticed everyone was panicking even my dad, but that was short lived because once he saw us, a big grin was plastered on his face. "Oh my God y/n there you are!" Nancy yelled as she came up to me. Jensen carefully placed me down and held my hand.

"You look terrible, now come on we have to get you fixed up." "No she doesn't." "Excuse me, who are you?" "I'm Jensen Ackles, her fiance." "Umm no your not." "Oh yeah, Nancy this is my man that I want to marry." "You and your family can leave now." My dad said. "Ugh, I'm going to get you and my son wedded."

"Nope." Jensen said as he popped the p. "Your a disgusting women Nancy, I hope you rot in hell." My dad said as the three of us walked out of the hotel. "To the courthouse?" Jensen smiled. "Yes of course to the courthouse." I smiled as I took his hand in mine.

"Wait we need someone from your family Jensen to be there." "I got that covered Bob." Jensen chuckled.
Before we got to the courthouse I changed into a simple maxi dress. When we arrived I noticed that my family and Jensen's family were there waiting for us. " I know this isn't your dream wedding but, it was last minute." "It doesn't matter Jensen, as long as we're married then I'm fine."

He smiled as we went up to the clerk. "Mr. Ackles will you sign here." The women said as he signed his name. "And Miss y/ln sign here." I signed my name there under Jensen's.

"By the power of Texas's state courthouse I pronounce Mr. And Mrs. Ackles." Me and Jensen kissed each other as claps and cheers erupted in the room. I wrapped my arms around Jensen's neck as he placed his hands in my hips. "I love you Mrs Ackles." "I live you too Mr Ackles."

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