Barty Crouch Jr.

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Barty Crouch Jr.

It had been quite some time since Barty could go on a raid of any kind. So when the Dark Lord gave him an assignment during the Quidditch Cup, to say he was ecstatic was an understatement.

Of course he was thankful that the Dark Lord gave them some time to heal and practice since they had been out of it ever since entering Azkaban, but he couldn't help being bored.

The raid was simple..and technically it wasn't a raid at all. Just a bit of fun. A job to stir the pot a bit. And to keep Hadrian Black, entertained. Barty had never met the boy, but he had heard some interesting things about him.

One of those being, he was his Lord's chosen Consort. One of two, the other being Lucius' boy Draco. Barty personally didn't care for the Malfoys or Blacks..he didn't care for most distinguished families. Being from one himself. But the things he heard ranged from laughable to downright terrifying.

The boy had magic on the same level as Voldemort and not only his own inner circle, but a mid-inner circle. A group of "friends" that only the inner circle Death Eaters and Voldemort himself knew about. Supposedly only the Dark Lord and the Inner Circle would know their identities.

The outer circle would be introduced but that would be all.

It was both terrifying and exhilarating to think that they could be in the presence of another Dark Lord. Young as he may be.

But Barty was also suspicious of the boy. Voldemort was powerful and had plenty of followers but he also trusted this Hadrian Black. So many possible ways to betray the Dark Lord..and Barty didn't like that thought. No one did.

So when a house elf informed him that Heir Black and a few of his friends had stepped into Riddle Manor the very day after the incident wanting to meet him, he was eager to assess this Hadrian Black.

He didn't bother with his uniform as he followed the elf up to the second training room. In total there were three but the second one was only used by the Inner Circle. A room for them when they wanted to assess their skills with one another without having to stop to help outer circle members.

Barty could often feel explosions from the basement due to Bellatrix's extensive training. That woman was terrifying all on her own.

"Heir Black is waiting inside." said the elf with a small bow once the two stood outside the large double doors that seperated Riddle Manor from the magic inside. At that very moment Barty felt several different magical signatures inside, each ranging in power but none weak.

There was one magical presence in particular that sent a chill down his spine.

Barty opened the door, his eyes roaming the expanse of the familiar room then finally settling on the young wizards inside. He knew this wasn't the entire group. But the five inside had to be very close with how in sync their magic was.

The first was Draco Malfoy. The tall, handsome blonde was dodging a spell performed by a slightly taller male with dark hair and grey eyes. Once their spells hit each other and exploded, creating a small shock wave that had Barty stumbling just slightly to keep his footing.

The next two were a pair of red heads. Twins. To his surprise they were both dueling just one boy. A boy with raven red streaked hair and sharp features. But it was his eyes that had the hairs on the Death Eater's arms standing on end. A vivid green, avada kedavra green. Eyes like death, flecked with crimson and circled by a deep ring of violet.

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