Dark Times Ahead

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Dark Times Ahead

Severus Snape hardly called meetings for Slytherin House anymore.

That was reserved for Hadrian and his own inner circle, however this particular meeting was not for Slytherin House.

Hadrian and Draco were standing in the Chamber of Secrets along with the rest of the Inferno and his Hollows.

The two groups did not meet often, as Hadrian wanted the Hollows to be a secret from Dumbledore, but now that they were in the same room, the young Dark Lord could see they got along quite well. Though, the Inferno were always smug because they were closest to Hadrian.

Though right then, there was no warmth in the air, just a strange tension.

Severus seemed grim, anger behind his red eyes and Hadrian knew whatever they were about to hear, wouldn't be good.

His eyes met Draco's and Hadrian frowned when the man stepped forward, placing a hand on his Consort's shoulder.

"Draco. Your father has been hurt very badly. At the moment he is asleep. He won't wake up any time soon. Your mother is at his side and the Dark Lord is doing everything in his power to make sure he makes a full recovery. I myself have brewed my best healing potions to help the process but to wake up, is up to Lucius." murmured Severus.

Draco seemed paler than usual, his eyes wide with what looked to be a mixture of fear and anxiousness, as well as anger.

Hadrian himself felt rage boiling up under his skin.

"Who? Who would dare leave Lucius in such a state?" he hissed, his subjects tense with the feeling of his magic beginning to lose control.

"Moody. We have him in my Lord's dungeons. However, the war has begun. Once the third trial ends and your subjects meet my Lord's officially, we will storm Hogwarts and take Frank Longbottom. We will kill him and drop the corpse on Dumbledore's door step. After that we will continue to plan attacks on various locations that support Dumbledore. I will warn you, people will die on both sides. This isn't a game. This is war." said their long time potions master.

The man seemed older than before as he gazed around at the children he had the privilege to watch grow and teach. Young wizards he had not expected to grow so fast and become so powerful and ambitious so quickly.

Perhaps he was around Remus too much, because Severus had never felt so..sad before.

Even Draco was not the boy he had raised. No longer did he look in awe at the world.

Hadrian scowled at that but nodded once, pacing the room.

"So, we need to be more prepared. I know several healing spells but Blaise is an expert with torture, so he most likely knows better than I, how to heal. We'll need to make sure you all can focus on yourselves in battle as well as each other. You must hold your own. Tom and I, will be fighting Dumbledore himself. The Inner Circle will take care of the more troublesome teachers. Flitwick and McGonagall being the two that are most experienced in dueling. We also have Madam Pomfrey on our side.." Hadrian trailed off now, sensing that Draco was on the verge of tears.

He turned to the blonde and immediately brought him into a tight embrace, running his fingers through his silky hair.

"To me, dad has always been untouchable." whispered Draco, not caring that everyone could see him in such a vulnerable state, but they didn't seem to fault him either.

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