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"Can anyone tell me, what a boggart is?" remarked Remus several weeks later, just before the third years would go to their first trip to Hogsmeade.

Parvati raised her hand and the wolf nodded towards her.

"A boggart is a creature that feeds on fear. It changes its shape to the thing you fear most. No one has ever seen what a boggart really looks like." she said and Remus smiled. "Good. Very good. Five points to Gryffindor. Can anyone tell me how to defeat a boggart?"

Ron raised his hand and Longbottom rolled his eyes as Remus smiled toward the boy.

Hadrian and his friends were always the favorites among the teachers.

"Laughter." he said and Remus hummed. "Precisely. Five points to Slytherin. You see, boggarts are creatures that feed off of fear. However, it can not feed if no-one is afraid. But can anyone tell me, the best way to defeat a boggart? And take a look around before you do." said Remus and the class began looking around the room, until Blaise raised his hand.

"By grouping together. If there is more than one person in the room, the boggart will get confused on what to transform to."

"Exactly! Ten points to Slytherin. A boggart is easier to defeat if you are in a group, than if you are alone. I want each of you to take turns facing the boggart I've managed to catch in this wardrobe. When you face it, think of the funniest, happiest image you can imagine, then say, riddikulous." said Remus as he pulled the old black wardrobe closer and Hadrian wasn't surprised when the Gryffindors lined up first, eager to prove just how brave they were.

Parvati was among the first and Remus gave her a look. "Are you ready?" he asked and she nodded firmly.

He opened the wardrobe and the boggart flew out. To Hadrian's surprise, the boggart had transformed into him, however, he looked disappointed and fairly angry as he glared at Parvati. The Gryffindor witch flinched back, swallowing, her wand hand shaking as she faced the false Hadrian.

"You've failed me Parvati. I expected more from you. But it seems that you are nothing more than another foolish lion. How pathetic." boggart Hadrian said, his voice dripping with malice and cruelty. Parvati went pale in the face and Hadrian frowned. The other students were giving the girl strange looks but the raven ignored this.

"Parvati. Do you really believe that? If you weren't useful, if you had failed me, you wouldn't be here. And you know that." he said and Parvati blinked. The young witch seemed to think this over, then nodded, her skin going back to its original shade as she faced the boggart.

"You are wrong. I would never fail Hadrian. Riddikulous!" she said and the boggart transformed into Longbottom, the boy dressed in his grandmother's clothes. The Slytherins erupted in laughter, as well as a few Gryffindors, and Longbottom scowled over at Parvati.

Parvati ignored this though as she went to stand beside Theo.

"I'll go next." announced Longbottom, stepping closer and Draco rolled his eyes as the boy faced the boggart. To most of the Slytherin's amusement, Longbottom's boggart was also Hadrian. Though this version of Hadrian was taller and looked a tad older. His eyes were glowing and Anubis was on his shoulders, hissing at the boy.

Hadrian Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now