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Stella Flores

Dead body found in family home in Gainesville, Florida. Woman found inside with serious head trauma and multiple stab wounds to her lower abdomen. Neighbors say she had a 17 year old son, who is currently no where to be found. Police are looking for any potential suspects and are in search for the young boy. If you have any information please call 323-465-

"Mom! I was watching that!"

She walks over to me and grabs my plate that i clearly wasn't done with. "Dad's already waiting for you in the car."

I pick up my bag from the floor and walk over to her. I wrap my arms around her and place a soft kiss on her cheek. "Bye mom. Love you."

Third period was definitely my favorite period of the day. Office aide it varied from sitting around all day to taking little kids their lunches that they forgot at home. It was pretty relaxed and gave me some 'in school' time to work on homework.

"Stella can you come here for a second please?" Mrs. Romero calmly said from across the office.

I get up from my seat and begin walking to her direction. Next to her I see a boy. He doesn't look like he is from around here. He is wearing a white t-shirt that is rolled up on the sleeves, with black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees, with black and white converse.

"Yes Mrs. Romero?"

"This young man is new here and needs someone to show him to his classes. You're not busy are you?"

Seeing to as I was on a deep Pinterest dive while listening to music, a small trip to show a new kid around doesn't sound too bad. "No no. I can do it."

"Brilliant. Mr. Styles, Stella will be showing you to your classroom."

I give him a small smile before turning around and waving my hand in signal to follow me. He nods his head softly and follows me with his hands interlocked behind his back.

"Can I see your schedule please?" I put my hand out for him to hand me the paper but he just looks at me blankly. After a second he blinks quickly and shakes his head softly.

"Im sorry love what did you say?" Slipped out of his mouth in a calm tone. His accent surprised me, he didn't look English.

I feel my cheeks grow hot as he says that and quickly try to remember what I had said. "Oh, uh your schedule. Surely Mrs. Romero printed one for you?"

He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a neatly folded paper and hands it to me. I unfold his paper to reveal his classes neatly typed in order with room numbers. Harry E. Styles was printed finely in the top left corner. "If you don't mind me asking, what does the 'E' stand for?" I turn my head to him to see him already looking at me. When my eyes meet his, he quickly directs his attention to something else. "Edward, it was my father's name."

Was. I give him a half smile, not knowing what to say. I look back down at the paper and it says Liuepen. Oh how I just love Mr. Liupen. I had his class last year and lets just say I had to transfer out because of an offer he gave me that made me very uncomfortable.

Ah, public education.

"Why are you laughing?" I raise my head to look back up at him, literally. "What?" Then I realized, I was laughing. "Oh, uh I- I don't know." He looked straight into my eyes as if he was studying my face. Bouncing back and forth between my eyes like he couldn't choose which one to look at. A small smirk creeped onto his face and he chuckled softly. He looked down to the floor and just stayed silent as we continued down the hallways.

I point my finger to a dark green door located at the left end of the hallway. "1042. Mr. Liupen's history class." He forms his lips into a line and walks towards the door to the classroom I pointed to. I turn to walk back to the office but when I looked to my hands I saw his class schedule that I was still holding. As I turn around to go return it, I quickly realized he was standing mid- hallway staring at me. Just standing there, staring. He didn't even move his gaze when he saw me looking back at him. Why was he just looking at me like that? Did he realize I still have his class papers and turn around just now too?

Hesitant to move my feet and walk towards him, I breathe softly and move to him. "Your schu-" He grabbed the paper softly and turned back to the classroom without saying one word. When he took it from me, I briefly saw his hands. I noticed that the tips of his fingers were stained crimson, and his fingernails were freshly painted black. Silver rings of all different shapes covered his fingers on his left hand. On his right, one green emerald ring sat on his pinky. It looked like a women's ring but I'm not too sure. There were no more rings on his right hand. Just the one. He began to walk to the classroom I had earlier directed him to when he suddenly stopped. He turned his head to me and smirked "Thanks blondie."

I felt my cheeks grow pink, and I gave him back a small smile. I don't know whether I should take that as a compliment, an insult, or simply just a new nickname. Either way, I know that this boy knows what he's doing.

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