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this is stella's outfit for this chapter :)

Stella Flores

I slid on my AF1s and walked downstairs where Isla was waiting for me. We were going to Caden's party tonight.

I hope Harry wasn't going to be there because I really didn't want to see him after what he did earlier. It was so messed up.

I went to open my front door when a deep voice interrupted me, "And where are you going?" I turned to see my dad standing there, awaiting an answer.

"Caden's house with Isla. We are going to play board games and stuff." I shot him a convincing smile and then ran up to him, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "Love you."

I ran out the door before he could object, and walked over to Isla's car. As soon as I opened the door, her jaw dropped, "You look hot." She clapped her hands, and waved for me to get in.

I smiled and mouthed "Thank you." before jumping in and putting on my seatbelt. "Do you know if Harry's going tonight?" I looked at her, hoping the answer would be no.

Unfortunately, she shook her head, forming her lips into a line, and she shrugged. "No clue." As usual, she grabbed the aux cord, handing it to me so I could play music.

As I searched for a song, she pointed out my dress. "Where did you get that?" I look down and smile.

"I bought it, like last week." I look at her sort of confused. It wasn't something out of this world, like something I would never wear. I would wear this dress, I just usually wouldn't go places that are appropriate for it. Meaning, I just usually wouldn't go anywhere that I could wear it to.

She shrugged her shoulders and continued her driving. I looked over to her outfit, and she was wearing a tight little red dress with red lipstick to match. It was so Isla.

I averted my gaze back to my phone, looking at my music library. I scrolled and scrolled but didn't find anything that seemed right for this evening. To be fair, the night had just begun.

We walked into Caden's house and there were a bunch of people there already. People crowded the hallways, making me feel very claustrophobic as I walked down with Isla. There had to be at least 50 people in just this hallway.

I followed Isla while she continued her mission of finding Caden. I had nowhere else to be so why not?

"Get us drinks, I'll be right back." She yelled over the blaring music before disappearing into the crowd. I turned to see the small set up of a bar, walking over to it.

I stood behind a girl who was getting her drink made when I turned my head to see Harry and his arm around the same girl from this morning. They were walking in together and she said hi to about every person here.

I wait for what seems like forever until finally, the bartender waves his hands, meaning it was my turn.

I hadn't planned to get drunk tonight. To be completely honest, I wasn't even going to drink.

I look back over to Harry and his new girlfriend or whatever, and they were smoking together, making different smoke shapes and stuff.

Yeah I'm definitely drinking tonight.

"I'll have two shots and two drinks of your choice, as strong as can be please." I smile softly, and once he turns away, I throw my head into my hands. I had to decide that I was going to let myself get shit faced. What was the worst that could happen, I'm hungover tomorrow?

I wasn't going to let myself drink enough to black out or something, I just wanted to forget about my problems for tonight.

He turns back to me, handing me what I had requested. I yell softly over the music, "Thanks." I nod, and look down at the drinks.

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