230 5 0

Stella Flores

"Well? Are you going to do something?" he muttered. 

I stood up and began running down the hall to find someone. I heard him mutter something about me being an idiot, I didn't care. I just wanted to find someone, anyone. In every other occasion, It was almost impossible to walk to the bathroom without running in to someone. Now, when I actually needed to find a person, there is no one anywhere. 

Lost in my thoughts with no sense of where Im going, I run into something, or someone. I shake off my daydream, and I look up to see Harry. The only person I was hoping not to run into. "In a rush?" He had a rasp in a voice, along with his accent of course.

I was at loss for words. I wasn't scared, I just was kind of shocked and upset that he lost his temper over something so stupid. Brandon was just being a teenage boy, trying to impress a girl. No reason for him to get his face punched in. 

Also, I didn't want to run into Harry because he wasn't going to help me solve the problem when he created it in the first place. "Im looking for someone to help Brandon." Harry smirks and raises his hand to my cheek, and slides a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"What happened to him?" He says with a prideful look on his face. This guy has some nerve. Putting me in the middle this situation, then disappearing, and THEN acting as if it didn't happen. I look at him with a slight scowl and I roll my eyes. 

"The attitude, loose it. It doesn't look good on you." A tense moment of silence passes when he says "That was a lie just then. It does look good on you blondie." he says with an arrogant smile.

"Haha, you are SO funny Mr. Styles. Thank you for blessing me with your humor." I mutter out in a sarcastic tone, placing my eyes on his. His eyes were fixated on mine, they were so green they appeared blue. The rim of his irises is dark, almost a dark blue then around his pupils was a light green. They are so pretty. 

"Don't be a brat darling. It was merely a joke." I roll my eyes and try to focus on the important thing, getting Brandon help. "Are you going to help me or not?"

He places a finger on his cheek as if he was thinking. "Hmm. Why would I want to help that idiot get out of the mess he put himself in? He made his bed and now he shall lay in it. Either way, I broke his nose not his legs. Im sure he'll figure something out." 

With his eyes still on mine, I let out a soft giggle at his words. Honestly, he was right. Brandon could walk himself to the office and make a call home. "Doesn't matter. He asked me to help-" He cuts me off and hums out a no. "Wrong. He asked if you were going to do something. He didn't ask for your help. I heard him yelling at you from all the way over here." I roll my eyes at him being anything but wrong. "Well as much as I hate to admit, you're right but we still have to help him." 

A cocky smile meets his lips, "Im sorry I didn't quite catch that first part. Can you repeat it?"

I held back a smile, as I found it extremely appealing on how this man was so fond of himself. "Fine. I'll play your little game but you need to help me." He nods in agreement with that same stupid smirk. "I said you're right. Now what do we do about Brandon?" He grabs my wrist again as If I were a small child, and pulls me back in the direction I was coming from. 

Heading towards Brandon, I couldn't help but think how stupid and over reacted this situation is. Harry punched him ONCE in the face and suddenly he can't even walk? Doesn't make sense.

Suddenly the bell rings, the doors open and all the students start flooding in the hallways from the lunchroom. As Harry is pulling me against traffic, I feel someone grab my waist and I see Isla with a concerned look on her face. Even if I wanted to stop and explain everything to Isla, Harry just kept pulling and pulling. So, I did't fight it and I just let him drag me along.

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