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Harry Styles

Here I was, standing at Ashwood Park, our park. It's been sixty five minutes. She's not coming. I was going to wait five more minutes. If she doesn't come, then I'll leave.

God, I really hope she comes.

I finally killed my father. The man who has caused me and my mum so much pain, he's finally dead and I don't feel any better. If anything I feel worse.

The pain that I felt when I was forced to kill my mum, the pain I felt when I found out my lame excuse for a father would hit my mum, and now the pain of knowing Anise hates me. If she didn't hate me, she would've come to see me.

It had started to rain. I looked at my watch, and it had been an hour and ten minutes. She really isn't coming is she?

I took a deep breath, and I felt my throat get tight. I couldn't help but cry. I was so fucking pathetic. I've killed so many people and I don't even feel better.

And now I lost her. My one source of happiness, gone.

I pulled out the keys to my car, unlocking it. I dreadfully opened my car door. The harsh rain made a loud noise on the roof of my car.


Great, now I'm hearing her voice.


I turned around, and there she was. My beautiful girl.

Her hair was all wet from the rain, and I assumed she ran here. Her clothes were soaked, and she was out of breath. She had a duffle bag on her shoulder, and the largest suitcase I've ever seen in her hand.

Once my attention was turned to her, she stopped. She just stood there, looking at me. But she wasn't looking at me differently, she was looking at me the exact same way she always has.

Without one word, she walked over to the passenger seat of my car and got in. She threw her soaked duffle bag in the back seat, along with her suitcase that looked like it weighed triple my weight.

I got in the driver's seat, closing the door to stop the rain from coming in anymore then it has. She looked at me, both of us breathing heavy and fast.

What the fuck is happening?

Suddenly, she kissed me. All of my pain was gone the moment my lips connected with hers. This kiss wasn't rushed or hungry. We didn't even use our tongues. It was just us feeling comfort in each other's touch.

"I will never leave you Harry." Her voice sounded weak, and that's when I realized that she was crying. And so was I.

"I'm so sorry. I never-" I took a deep breath, calming myself. "I never wanted to hurt you." I tell her the absolute truth.

The moment I laid eyes on her in that office at school, I thought she was this stuck up, pretty little princess who took everything that was supposed to be mine. But that was the biggest lie, one I wanted to believe so it could make everything easier.

But she's not. She's an angel. Her only flaws are the ones she makes herself believe that she has. She's so perfect. Before I met her, she was in her own little world, so happy, and delightful. Now I've come and I brought deceit and pain but maybe that's what she needed. Maybe she needs me just as much as I need her.

Why else would she be here?

"I don't forgive you and I don't know if I ever will." Her words were like a knife in my chest, and her tears were twisting the imaginary knife. "But I do understand you, and that's why I'm going to come with you."

My jaw physically dropped. Did she really just say that?


She sniffled, using her hand to wipe her tears away. "I love you and I can't see myself ever living without you so I want to come with you. Wherever you're going, let me come." Her voice cracked, coming down from crying.


She furrowed her brows, "What?"

I want her to come with me. But I'm done being selfish. "You can't come. This is my mess."

"Harry, this isn't your decision. It's mine. You've told me everything, right?" She sounded serious, and sure. I nodded, answering her question and she wasted no time speaking again. "Exactly. I know everything, and I still want to come. You think you're protecting me by making me stay but you're not. Trust me, as much as I would love to stay and move on with my life, I can't." She took a deep breath, moving closer to me. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So please, let me come."


She smiled, cupping my cheek in her hand, pulling me in to kiss her.

"I love you." I muttered in between our kisses, and I feel like my heart is about to explode.

I don't even fucking believe in god but this girl was sent to me from heaven.

She pulled away from me, throwing herself back in her seat. "Well, my mom should be getting home any minute now, and I left her a note saying I was too sad when I saw Jim on the floor dead, so I was leaving. I told her that we were running away together. So, we should probably start going before she finds me and drags my ass back home." She laughs softly, and smiles.

I knew it wasn't the happiest smile ever. Even though she knows the man she thought was her father is actually a piece of shit, that must still hurt her. I wasn't upset that she left her mum that note. It actually gave us a perfect cover story, separating both of us from what the media calls 'Snitch' and his murders.

It makes sense. Girl's father was killed and in a moment of desperation and sadness, she ran away with her boyfriend.


I don't know where we were going, but I didn't care. I have her now.

if you don't agree with stella, please don't be rude. this is just a book, and me writing that she ran away with her murderer boyfriend doesn't reflect on me at ALL. i'm not saying i support murderers or anything, it's just fiction. thank you for your support :)  -L

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