
89 1 0

Stella Flores

"Mommy!" Asher yelled out from his room. I walked over, seeing Asher with his arms crossed pointing at his sister. "Taylor took my stuff and she won't give it back to me!" He pouted.

I look at her, her brown hair in two pigtails and her blue and green eyes staring at me. "He took my doll first!"

I sighed, rubbing my hand over my face. Harry came up behind me, placing his hand on my stomach. "Why are you guys terrorizing your mom?"

The kids exclaimed to Harry, explaining their situation and of course Harry solved it. Suddenly, Harry got a call from work.

He is the manager of products and advertisement at NYC INC. He' s been working there for about five years now. I am a stay at home mom with about three best selling poetry books on the shelves at every book store in the US.

After my first published book, my mom found out where I lived. She comes and visits here and there along with Taylor. They don't know the truth about why we moved up here. In fact, since it's been so long since the 'Snitch's' last killing, the cops kind of just settled the case. They never found out it was Harry, thankfully.

The phone rang, and I picked up. A facetime call from Isla. I smiled, answering. "Hi!" She exclaimed, showing me her hand. My eyes couldn't help but notice the giant rock sitting on her finger.

"Holy shit." I covered my mouth, hoping Taylor didn't hear. That little girl repeats everything. One time she overheard Harry call me a slut when we thought she was asleep. The next day she called me a slut, and said she overheard her dad calling me that. "Congratulations love!" I smiled.

She turned the camera to her fiance, Mia. Turns out Isla and Caden's was such a shit show because Isla is a lesbian. Mia is literally her soulmate. I love them together. "Congrats." I say to Mia and she smiles, thanking me.

Suddenly, Taylor squealed from behind me, "Auntie Isla!" She waved, jumping excitedly. We all know who her favorite family member is.

I handed the phone off to Taylor, letting her and Isla talk for a little. I praticall waddle to the guest bedroom, where Harry had his work desk, and I come behind him placing a kiss onto the top of his head. He turned around, smiling at me. "Hi baby."

I sat on his lap, lazily wrapping my arms around his neck. "So I was thinking we can just order takeout tonight?" I raised my eyebrows up and down, smiling like an idiot.

He laughed lightly, pinching his lip with his middle finger and thumb. "As long as it's not chinese food again."

I nodded, "Tacos sound good?"

He places a kiss onto my lips, pointing his finger at me, "Now we're talking."

I laugh, getting up from his lap. Harry has changed so much but so little over the years. He still has that sarcastic, charming personality, the same stupid smirk that still makes me nervous, and those same pretty green eyes. But his hair is so different now. It has a middle part, and it's so soft. He looks hot as shit, but I never doubted he wouldn't.

He ages like fine wine. Whereas to me, I stopped dying my hair blonde so I have brown curly hair, an amazing wardrobe, and stretch marks on my hips from my ever so lovely children.

My oldest, Asher Finn Styles, is the spitting image of Harry. He has the same green eyes, and the same sarcasm. He has sandy blonde hair, though Harry says that his hair was like that when he was younger.

Now Taylor Elise Styles, named after Taylor Swift. I told my sister that we named her after her but that was a lie. Taylor is three years old, and people always say that kids have a stage called 'Terrible Twos' but every since Taylor turned one, she has been crazy. She's a lot like Harry in that way, energetic, outgoing but she's also like me too. She has my same brown hair and she's very smart and head-strong. I admire her for that.

We walked to our room, and I layed on our bed. Harry layed next to me, rubbing his hand up and down my belly.

"New name ideas?" He asked and I nodded.

I smiled, turning to face him. "What do you think about naming her after your mom?"

His face went soft, "Really?"

I nodded, a smile on my face.

"Are you sure? I mean she's your daughter and you didn't even know my mum and-"

I cut him off, "She's our daughter. And from what you tell me your mom was lovely. She loved you just as much as I do. So, I would love for our daughter to be named after her."

He smiles, setting a soft kiss on my lips. "Then it's settled. Vanessa Anise Styles."

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