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these are both of stella's outfits for the chapter<3

Stella Flores

Annoyed with Isla, and her endless texts about Caden, I threw my phone in my locker. She was going on and on about if she should forgive Caden. Supposedly, the had amazing make up sex last night after we left the boutique.

I couldn't believe her.

She asked for my advice, and I told her that she should just cut ties and move on. Of course, I'm going to stay by her side through whatever she decides but why ask for my advice to just ignore it?

Caden had cheated on her a million times, causing them to break up like eight times a week. It was toxic as hell, and I hated to see one of the people I love most in this world go through something like that. Especially, when she doesn't deserve it.

I shut my locker, leaving my phone in there, only taking my science textbook. I walked my way over to the classroom, taking my usual seat. And of course, the seat next to Harry.

I immediately slammed my textbook down, and looked at him with pursed lips. "Do you want to explain to me why the hell you paid for my dress?" I crossed my arms, the familiar green gems locking with my eyes.

"What can I say? I'm a gentleman." He smirks, chewing on a thin stick that I'm assuming has a hard candy attached to the end in his mouth.

"You're a narcissist." I roll my eyes, holding back a smile. I adjust myself in my chair so I am no longer facing Harry but the front of the classroom.

I feel his eyes roaming my body. I may have purposely worn a small, floral, yellow skirt along with a small yellow top that barely fit into the school dress code. Which is another misogynistic thing in our world.

I kind of started seeing my body differently lately. Maybe, just maybe, I'm starting to like it. As terrible as it sounds, especially coming from a raging feminist, but male validation means a whole fuck lot to me. Specifically when that male is Harry.

And it wasn't really that he commented on it, or sexualized me. Just knowing that he found my body attractive the way it is, made my confidence boost.

I hadn't eaten anything today besides a granola bar this morning. When I brushed my hair, I realized that I was literally shedding. My floor was covered in my hair considering it was falling out non-stop.

It has been hard. Going through an ED is no fucking joke. I almost passed out the other day because I was so hungry. I hated to think that other girls who are truly beautiful have to go through this as well. Because some ignorant people who don't understand it will just say 'Oh but just eat. You are choosing to starve.' It's not a choice. Who would choose to put themselves through this? It's not fun.

Everytime you eat something with this disease I have, you feel guilty. The type of guilt you would feel if you had done something bad. But eating shouldn't be 'bad'. Fueling your body shouldn't make you feel disappointed in yourself. EDs are disgusting and I wish I would've never let the unreal expectations of society create this for me.

The point is, I'm just glad that I'm starting to create love for myself whether a man was a part of that process or not.

"Are you going to tell me the color of your dress Anise?" He turned his face to me, and smirked.

I hadn't changed my mind. Ever since I was in middle school I had dreamed of the perfect prom-posal. That's what I wanted and I don't want to give that up just because Harry can't bring him and his huge ego to actually ask me.

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