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Stella Flores

I had gotten down at Walgreens, a small drug store about four hours away from Miami. Harry stayed in the car, telling me that he only wanted gummy bears and a Coke.

He gave me a hundred bucks, insisting that I pay with his money. Fucker didn't even let me take my wallet from the car.

I bought a few necessities, shampoo, conditioner, soap, loofahs, face wash, razors and most importantly snacks. I only spent eighty bucks, but Harry didn't want to let me give him his change.

"Sour cream and onion? Seriously?" He mocked my choice of chips, laughing a bit.

I shook my head, scoffing. "Sour cream and onion is my favorite. Thank you very much." I gave him a small sarcastic attitude, throwing a delicious chip into my mouth. "Where are we going?" I ask curiously, continuing to munch on my chips.

He made his 'thinking face' and shrugged. "Well we've been driving for about four hours now, and we should stop somewhere to rest so I'm thinking Jacksonville?" He said with a questioning tone, basically asking for my approval.

I nodded, and shrugged. "I don't see why not."

"We should probably book a room in a hotel now, just in case." He speaks, now turning to me since we were stopped at a red light.

I grabbed a napkin, cleaning off my fingers. "That sounds like a great idea but I kind of left my phone at my house, figured that no one could find me that way." I take a sip from my Watermelon Arizona, giving him a guilty smile.

He laughed, pulling his phone from his pocket. "I was planning on getting rid of mine too. After I bought a new one." He smiled, making my heart feel tight in a good way. "Just call from mine. The price doesn't matter."

How does price not matter? I know I'm broke. I don't even have a bank account. I just have a cash app card and my balance is $134.67. Hotels are expensive as fuck. I don't even have enough to pay for one night.

What we were doing was crazy. We had no plans, no money, no direction. All we had was his uncle's shitty car and each other.

I booked us a room for tonight, considering tomorrow we were back on the road. We had to get as far as we could from Miami. We were running from our problems, our past.

I brought some clothes, shoes, books, and my vinyls. I also brought my Taylor posters. I had about ten minutes to pack anything I wanted, leaving the rest behind forever. How could I leave my posters?

I felt myself drifting to sleep, considering Harry was playing the most boring music ever. He was playing some artist who sounded like he was falling asleep as he sang.

I almost shit my pants when the song changed and suddenly he was playing classical music. Classical music was a big thing for me. My biological father used to have a love for it. He used to take me to concerts all the time. It's the only thing I remember of him. I was like ten when he left.

I sat up from my reclined chair, pressing the FM button, immediately changing it to the radio. Harry shot me a 'what the fuck' look, and he went to connect hsi phone again.

"Please, don't." I mutter helplessly, not needing any more sadness and confusion in my life right now.

His eyes did that scanning thing and I guess he realized that I was serious so he dropped it, leaving the radio playing.

"And here is Paper Rings, by Taylor Swift." The radio suddenly started playing one of my favorite songs in the world and I immediately picked my seat up, sitting up straight.

Shit was about to go down baby.

Harry Styles

This was the most adorable and weirdest thing I've ever seen any woman do. Anise was currently jamming out to a Taylor Swift song that was blasting on the radio. She was holding an imaginary microphone in her hand, throwing her head back, lip syncing the lyrics.

She even made me put down the windows, turning the radio up to the loudest setting. She turned her head to me, now singing to me.

I want to drive away with you

I want your complications too

I want your dreary mondays

The song started to slow down and finally she stopped jumping in her seat, now leaning her head onto her hand that was perched up on the center console.

I like shiny things

But I'd marry you with paper rings

That's right, you're the one that I want

She put her pointer finger on my chest, and god she was so distracting. Does she mean that? Those lyrics, does she want to marry me? Because I would lay my life down if it meant I got to marry her.

The song beat sped up again, and yet again she was jumping in her chair. Her hair was flying everywhere considering the windows were down. Anyone else would look so stupid doing that but her, she looked beautiful.

The song finally finished and she took a few exaggerated breaths, finally calming down. "That was awesome." She exclaimed, and she leaned back, reaching for something in her bag.

She pulled out a subtle green polaroid camera, turning it on. "I got this thing when I was like fourteen." She fiddled with it, finally getting it to open up and turn on.

Suddenly, I heard a quick clicking noise and I turned to see a wide smile on her face, and a small picture coming out of the top of the camera. She took it out, shaking it, to help it develop faster.

I stretched a bit to look at it, but she pulled it closer to her, not letting me see. "Baby, come on. Let me see." I pleaded, sticking out my bottom lip to give her the puppy dog face. I'm pathetic, I know.

She shook her head. "Nope. My eyes only." She then looked like she got an idea and smiled. "Unless you give me an offer I can't refuse." She wiggles her eyebrows and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What could you possibly want from me?" I furrow my brows, using a sarcastic tone. I knew exactly what she meant, and oh was she going to get it.

It was already daylight. Here I was, sitting next to the woman I love, running away, at five AM on a Monday morning.

What have I gotten us into?

i've updated so much today. this is what happens when school is over and you have no life. alright, love you babes  <3  -L

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