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Morning came my body is drained, another set of interviews. Argh i can't wait to get over this day already, fuck I'm so tired. I dozed off after coming back from the cemetery, i slept on the couch and damn my neck hurts. Maybe soaking my boding in luke warm water will relax my muscles. I fell my body strech as i soaked it in the bathtub. I still feel sleepy, but i have no choice but to go to work and listern to those rehearsed sleepy interviews. I won't even have breakfast in this house, I'll just grabb something from the cafeteria at work. I heard they sell the best muffins.

Traffic is pretty much a struggle especially in the mornings, luckily today there is none i made it to work way too early. Looks like I'll have my black bitter coffee with those muffins.


"Vuka maan! Do you want to be late for you're interview?" That's my monster mother.

"Eish my stomach kept me up all night." I lie, I'm so nervous. My intestines are knotted, i can't breathe. My first interview ever.

"Ok I'll make you home remedy then to make you feel better" my mother tells me. I woke up with a Jackie Chan Karate Kid from the bed sprinting to the bathroom. I can't stomach those bitter green leaves. Lord knows i don't like bathing i hate it with passion. I'll just wipe those important no go areas and go to that interview. I tiptoed back to the bedroom only to find my monster mother sitting comfortably on my plastic chair.

"Go back in that bathroom and bath that filthy body of yours. When last did you have a bath? You know what I'll come scrub you myself senselessly." I have no choice but go back and bath. God must create another method of bathing i can't take this abuse. I should report my mother for child abuse and this basin is too small for me. She says she loves me but she's making me a fool. I sometimes pray that there's medication for bathing, you just drink you're pills and you're done bathing.
What will i even ware to this stupid interview.

"Jehova sibawoti." My mum has so much drama what's wrong with what I'm wearing.

"What?" I don't see anything wrong with my clothes. I look pretty cute.

"Really Precious a church uniform?" She looks more like defeated. I take a good look at myself and i absolutely see nothing wrong with my outfit.

"But i like it nje."

"Who lools for a job wearing a church uniform? Will they take you seriously? Do you even love yourself?" That question touched a nerve. Ofcause i love myself more than anything. I decided to change and ware my simple black long dress not forgetting my grannies shoes ogogo ngiholile. Now this right here is a killer outfit.

"All done!" I tell my mother who looked at me from head to toes with an unexplainable expression.

"Go eat you're food before it gets cold" she says with a low tone voice walking out of thr room.

"MaPresh you're going to nail this" i say to myself looking at the mirror.

I can't wait to be hired so that i could have cornflakes for supper. R3500 is not alot but it will put food on the table. Minutes later i was done eating porridge, said a prayer with my mother. What will i do without my Apostolic mother madoda.
Reality kicked in, I'm having my first interview at twenty-three. I wanted so babdly to study drama but my application was rejected. My second option was to become a musician, Beyonce is my is my role model. If i had to make a wish, i would wish to meet Beyonce one day but i just know how impossible that is. My mother has been my rock, my hero, my ride or die. That woman worked so hard for us to go to school and not even once we went ro bed in an empty stomach.
My father has always been absent in our lives. My mother says he was all she ever wanted in a man, things got rocky whe she had a hard time conceiving. They tried for years but nothing happend. His family optioned for my father to have a second wife and he agreed to the set up. He got married to his second beloved wife, when he found out that she's pregnant, he kicked my mother out of the house like a worthless dog. At that time my mother was also pregnant with me, he questioned my identity until i was born. He never bothered to check on my mother, we were living in the streets, eating from the bins. She managed to build herself a three room shack so we could have a roof over our heads. When i was ten my mother feel pregnant again by the very same man i call my father. My sister is now thirteen and she's a brightest student ever. My father has one child with his beloved wife who's doing her fifth year in medicine. We have no relationship what so ever. I last saw my father two year's ago, and sometimes i wonder why doesn't my mother just divorce him since she's in this marriage alone.

"Sisi stop day dreaming, you can get off now" the drive brings me back to my senses. I look at my surroundings and indeed i have arrived. I get off the taxi looking up at the tall buildings, i missed a step and fell into a pit hole full of mud.

"Shit" i curse underneath my breathe.

"Eish sistera next time don't look up when getting off a taxi" he say suppressing his laugh.

"Get lost" i tell him. I'm so mad at myself right now. My dress is full of mud and my grannies shoes are so wet.

"What do i do now" i asked myself still siting in the on the road.

"Get up sisi" a woman helps me to stand giving me her face cloth to wipe the mud off. Argh this is a total disaster, what will people say. On second thoughts fuck people I'm Zikhali a Godly Weapon. I held my head up high with my muddy dress entering the building where everyone stares at me like I'm crazy.

"I'm here for an interview" i tell her without greeting. My palms are sweating and i don't know what to do with myself right now

"Ow morning Miss…." She stop, i think she wants my surname.

"Zikhali, I'm sorry for not greeting. I'm stressed out, alot happened this morning and i don't even understand myself.." i cut myself short before i say something I'll regret.

"Miss Zikhali it's oky apology accepted. You may have a seat" she said with a warm smile.

I sat down looking at these people with long nails and fake hair. How do they even srcub their viginas with those long nails. I sighed looking at my dress, it's starting to dry out.

"Miss Zikhali you up next" ow fuck that's so quick no i wish i didn't apply. Ow heavens i need to run for my life. Yes that's it I'm getting the hell out of here before i loose myself. Nkulunkulu wabantwana protect me as i run for my life. I ran out without looking back with my plastic bag underneath my armpit. I sprinted out like Caster Cement or what ever to the gates and to my suprise it's ficken locked.

"Shit this is not happening, do i climb up the wall. Think Weapon think!"

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