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"Hendry Lucas! If you do not come down right this minute I will funeral you into…………." Damn my tounge is tied, I've just ran out of words. I look at him walking down the steps like his just stepped out of a magazine with his cologne filling up the room. I was about to strangle him a few minutes ago to death. Looking at him now make my breasts dance kwasa kwasa.

"Close your mouth woman." He says giving me a perk on my open lips.

"Damn your mother birth you, my breasts are dancing kwasa kwasa. Awusho are you really my husband like really, like mampela? Jehovah my blesser."

He shakes his head and kisses me again giving me those tingling sensations, "let's go." He takes my hand leading me to the car. G decided to spend the weekend with my mother because he gets to watch all the cartoons he wants. Hendry on the other hand says he has something important to show me, more like something that belongs to me.

"Pap and Grill mjitha, I thought you were taking me to Amazon or something." I say and he frowns grabbing my hand and I follow behind like a lost puppy. I hope they make my favourite sandwiches here, I can't go a day without eating banana and white bread.

"Follow your husband and focus." He says, and I follow behind quitely as instructed.

"I didn't know you have offices back here." I say admiring the place. The two offices are very spacious and elegant. I'm just imagining myself working here being the Queen of the jungle.

"Yes we do, take a seat so we could have a talk. When I talk you listen don't disturb me. Do you understand?" His voice is firm and what ever it is sound serious.

"Erm yes I get…. I mean I understand." I take a deep breath.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush, I will go straight to the point. You do know that we are married in community of property right?" He asks, and I nodd my head in agreement.
"Good this is what happened, you see this restaurant is under you name which means it now belongs to you. If I loose H.L it will be transferred under your name also. I took a decision upon myself to give you this restaurant because I  trust and believe in you. I somehow have faith in you. Even if I die I know my kids will be taken care of, I know you will continue to love G as your own. So I'm pleading with you to not disappoint me infact prove me wrong and be a wife that will stand by me no matter what. I need you to be my support system through thick and thin. I want you to hold my hand through every obstacle. I beg you in the name of the Lord, DON NOT let money change you cause you are amazing just the way you are. I love you for who you are, Don't let power change you." He says looking deep into my eyes with no emotions.

"Wow I don't know what to say, but what I know is I promise on my grandmother's grave to be me till death do us part. I promise to fight every battle you face, you are my sauce of happiness Mr Lucas. Money doesn't make the world go round, but love say's it all. I want to be the reason for the blushnesness on your face, I want to turn your face red like tomatoes. And that's a pinky promise." I say, we locked our little fingers sealing the promise.


We spent the whole day with me learning more about the business. He made me understand the ethics of it and damn running a business is no child's play. The restaurant has been bringing in more money for the last couple of months which means we are still very much stable. Me, myself and I is a whole owner. Am I dreaming or what? Singing all those papers and reading that claws felt like a dream. If only he has a relationship with his family.

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