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"Start from the beginning and don't leave any detail behind," Atwell tells me. I have to be transparent from the get go.

"I met Amanda two years ago i was coming from my brother's burial. She was a woman who was stranded  ineed of a place to stay. She told me that she had a fall out with her family. I believed her cause she looked broken and miserable. I took it lightly, guess i also needed a shoulder to cry on. I stayed with her for about a month than i decided to rent a flat for her because i needed my own space back. She started changing bit by bit showing me her crazy side until she called my child my son a basterd. I gave her one thunder, i didn't mean to but she kept on pushing me. The following day she came back with two officer's to arrest me and Precious delt with them." I tell him

"Woah, what do you mean if you say she delt with them?" He asked.

"She noticed something was not right with Amanda's bruises. I only gave her one smack on her cheek, the following day she comes with a bruised face. Precious took a dripping wet cloth and forcefully rubbed Amanda's face only to find out she had make-up on." I answer.

"So what happend after that incident?" What i love about my lawyer is that when he listens he listens attentively.

"I last saw her that day, i haven't seen her for about a month until she pooped out of nowhere to seduce me," I've just layed my heart out, and i spoke nothing but the truth.

"I see, Thank you I'll take it from here. I'll gather all the information about this woman as possible. About your wife, she still doesn't know does she?" He asked me and i felt my heart skip a beat.

"No" i answer shamefully.

"The sooner you tell her the better." He stood up. "Will see you in court day, by then i would have gathered as much information as i could. Don't worry too much."  I watched him as he walked and i sighed going back to my cell.


"This can't be happening. I don't have money in my bank card!" I'm fusious right now, how does my money disappear just like that.

"Let's go inside the bank and find out" Nokwanda suggested, i just want my money nothing else. We walk inside and felt like screaming a piercing scream ever.

"I WANT TO SEE THE MANAGER! Your atm stole my money, infact it drank my money and got drunk." I'm definatly sounding like a mad black woman.

"Keep it down will you." Did she just pinch me? She didn't know that she is making me more mad.

"Don't pinch me! I want my money!" I snap. "Hay, hay don't at me like that I'm not your snack wena. I will dig out your eye balls and feast on them. So help me father God i will funeral each and everyone in this bank statement!" I'm screaming, my emotions are all over the place. People are looking at a mad woman.

"Sisi this way please," one of the consultants tell me. If she's going to bribe me than she has another thing coming. "Please take a seat and tell us your complaint." Professional skeletons, i thought to myself.

"Your atms are full of sgebengus, it stole my money. All my rands and cents are gone! Even my one cent vanished without a trace." I tell her.

"Can you please give me your ID, so i could check on the system what seems to be the problem." Consultant tell me, at first i was persistent but i have no choice to give her what she wants. I want my money back safe and sound that's all.

"Unfortunately mam you are not registered on our brunch system. Are you sure this is your ID?" She tells me leaving me confused.

"What does that suppose to mean. What are you on about? Can't you talk to your system?" I ask her.

"What I'm trying to say is, it says her your surname does not exist mam." She hands me back my ID.

"This is some kind of a sick joke, I've always used my Zikhali surname. What the hell is going on with you people!" I clicked my tounge shoving my ID inside my bag and stormed out of the bank.

"Let's try another bank maybe you will be assisted." Is Nokwanda kidding me right now. After the humiliation i went through but than again she's right i have no other option. We headed to another brunch hoping and praying that i atleast get the money. I need to register G for school next year. It's about time he went to school, he will be turning seven next year. Mr Lucas sent me money whenever G came by for the child emergencies but never really used it. I sometimes use it for transport when i head to driving school afer work.

"This must be some kind of a joke two of these flippen banks say one and the same thing. That means I'm not a South African citizen. Where the hell do i come from? Don't tell me the stone gave birth to me." I will sue the whole of South Africa including the president himself.

I feel Nokwanda's xhaustion, "Let's go home tomorrow we will go to the home affairs as they suggested. Things like theses do happen, cool down it's going to be oky." I had no energy in me, i just want to go home and rethink about everything. Hendry doesn't want me to see him and his adding stress to my problems. He claims his protecting me only God knows from what. Now this happens, ayikhona nginesinyama akugeji.

The first thing i did when i got home was to throw myself on the bed. I'm emotionally exhausted, now i have to wake up early tomorrow morning to squeeze myself in those long lines. I swear I'm not from South Africa. Now I'll have to tell Mr lawyer I'm moneyless. He has no choice but to give me money until Hendry comes back.

"Don't stress yourself too much, I'm sure it's something that could be fixed." So my mother decides to sing the same song Nokwanda has been singing to me all day.

"You should have seen the embarrassment when my card declined on the atm. I know i do have money, Henry sent it to me two weeks back." This is just emotional blackmail.

"I'm sorry baby. How's the case going?" My mum asks.

"I'll ask Mr Lawyer" i just want to be alone right now. Why does my life have to be this hard. Let me take a nap so i could call Mr Lawyer for assistance.


"You should come clean to her. Her account was frozen due to incorrect information. Her ID says something and the system picks up another thing. You see a big glitch there. Tomorrow she's going to home affairs to sort out this issue. I hope you are ready for the confrontation." Atwell tells me. I don't have anything to say but I'm hell as sure that i don't regret what i did.

"I will tell her when the time is right." I answer, i hope by that time it won't be too late.

"She's ineed of money for registration. Your son needs to be registered." He reminds me.

"Shit i have totally forgotten about that. She knows where my safe is. The pin is her date of birth." I answer, how will i face Precious after this. In that safe there are very important documents. Documents that contains our lives. This is one fucked up situation. I asked Atwell to have her followed where ever she goes, i don't trust Amanda one bit. Rather be safe than sorry. That devil disappeared into thin air, once i get my hands on her she will regret every messing with me. I have to bring the old ruthless Hendry Lucas back.

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