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I've been watching this clip over and over again. Is this girl okay upstairs? There's defiantly something wrong with her. Who comes to an interview looking all dirty? Who backchats during the interview process? I hired her because of her simpleness, she's an open book and one hell of a handful character. I applaud her voice, she surely could sing, too innocent but beautiful. When was the last time i laughed like this?  I want to watch her craziness from right beside me.
The song she sang touched me deeply, it made me think of my brother Gerald. That was a very traumetic experience for me, maybe being to Gerald Jnr will bring me closure.
My brother's death has always taken a toll on me, i can't moveon, i can't accept thathis goneand not coming back. How do i open up my heart to someone else?


Monday came and I'm so freaken scared. They sent me an sms informing me to wear appropriately  and presentable. Just because i was muddy doesn't mean I did not look presentable. Argh these people are just too…., i don't have the right word for them. My shit starts at 6 O'clock till 3 O'clock in the noon, i just cant wait to meet the rest of the worker's.

The morning breeze is making my face hard as an ice.
"Damn it's so cold" i didn't know working will make you wake up this early. Luckily the taxi was fast enough to drop me off at work very early. I look around trying to spot anyone cause damn I'm definatly lost.

"Good morning" a voice sattles me from behind, i scream holding my chest ready to run for my life. "Yoo girl you should have seen you're face. You're the new girl right" i nodded still frightened. "I'm Nokwanda by the was" she optioned for a handshake which i kindly accept.

"Precious is my name" i tell her.

"Indeed you are precious, come let's go change. You're uniform is in you're locker not too sure if it's going to fit" she tells me. She's so welcoming and i think i like her already.

"Well there's only one way to find out" i respond, "this building is very huge. If you didn't come to my rescue my mum will be probably dealing with Khumbule'khaya" she laughs out loud shaking her head.

" You haven't seen anything yet my darling. We normally start with the toilets and the open spaces. We only clean the offices if the owner has arrived. Ow and word of advise just focus on you're work and nothing else" she tells me but im just keen to know what she means.

"Why?" I ask her.

"Just do what you're paid to do. One last thing you're responsible for the bosses office Mr Lucas. No one is allowed in there clean other than you." Is she serious right now. That man doesn't smile and has scary blue eyes like a fish. Jehova I'm doomed.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like bananas, before i knew it, it was after work and I'm so dead tired. I miss my boyfriend so bad, i need to get rid of these spider webs dlwn there. I'll pass by his place i know he misses me too. The yard looks empty, i knock a multiple times but there was no response. I sighed and dropped the door handle and the door opens. Maybe his asleep, shame my poor thing. My boyfriend is doing his second year in varsity, his doing IT. His very good with computer's. I sit comfortably on the couch and waited for him. Minutes later he walks in holding hands with my bestfriend Swazi, they both freeze on the spot when they see me.

"Precious what are you doing her?"  His furious and i don't know why, i always came unannounced and not even once he had a problem with it.

"Is that the way you great you're bunny chow?" I ask him

"I will ask you again. What the hell are you doing here?" This time his a bit harsh.

"Habe I'm here to see you nkwenkwe ndini. What is Swazi doing here anyway?" I'm confused as hell. Mlungisi and i have been dating for five years now.

"This is my boyfriends place." Helang the mosquito Swazi answered me with somuch attitude. I wish i could mopp her face with a scrubbing brush.

"Boyfriend?" I asked wanting to be sure if my ears are not deceiving me.

"Yes boyfriend, are you that dumb" I'll just pretend this bitch didn't call me dumb.

"When? How?" I'm not leaving without getting any answers from them.

"Do you really what to know?" Mlungisi asks me with a smile creeping on his face.

"Yes i want to know" I'm calm as hell.

"You're ugly Precious, you're stiff in bed like a hard numb rock. You don't make me happy, you have way too much baggage which i cannot stand. And the choice of you're clothing is fuck zero. I've tolerated you for five full year's just because i felt sorry for you. I never loved you Precious, you're not even my type." The smugg on his face was noticeable.

"Wow" that's all i managed to say, part of me wants to think that all of this is a prank. "I got the job i applied for, i will now change my style of clothing and be more flexible in bed. I'll take classes even if i have to." I beg him.

"You sound so pathetic right now." This is not my Mlungisi. What happend to my sweet Mlungisi? "Do me a favour, take you're trash with you and leave my house." He throws me a black plastic bag that has my clothes in it. "Go buy clothing with the money that you earned from scrubbing toilets." He laughs out so loud.

"Mlungisi it's me you're Weapon MaPresh, you're Mbalezinhle." I try to rewind his mind but felt like i was ticking him off.

"Leave ntombazane my baby wants to bond with his daddy." Swazi said giving me that look as she brushed her medium tummy. I thought she was my best friend but clearly i was wrong.

"The madam has spoken. I don't want ro steess her. Please leave."  To say I'm shocked will be an understatement, I'm beyond hurt no wonder his been so distantly lately. He blantly ignores my calls, blue ticks me on whatsApp and he also unfriended me on Facebook. All the signs were there, but i was blinded by love. I pick up my plastic and walk out of the room with a tale stuck inbetween my legs. Did he really mean all those things? Maybe his joking I'll give him time to cool down. He will come back to his senses.


I'm drained emotionally and physically. The death of my brother is haunting me, i decided to work from home since i had a hard time concentrating. I need to find a hobby, do something that will make me feel better. I need to release all the tension in me,  a gym will do. I drag my tired body down the basement to do a work out.

Now i feel better after that session. My knuckles hurt but totally worth it. I can't go a day without watching that lunatics vidoe. I wonder how was her first day at work, whenever i think about her i just laugh my lungs out. I instructed the cleaners that i want her to be responsible for my office, i seem to trust this girl but yet i don't fucken even know her. As I'm still watching the video i feel the back of my hair stand, and i just knew that it's my brother. I know something is bothering him, his restless and his trying to reach out to me.

"Talk ro me brother, i know you're here. Just make a sign that you ineed of something." My bedroom light flicked on and off.
"What is it Gerald?" Now I'm more than concerned. "Why are you restless brother? I feel a cold breeze pass through me and i felt my skin crawl. Gerald's Jnr teddy bear fell on the floor. That's strange. Could it be he wants me to go fetch him since it's my time to be with him this week? Something cold touched my forehead making me to relax closing my eye's. A picture of Gerald Jnr being molested by the person who was suppose to protect and be a step father to him. I open my eye's trying to catch my breathe, without any time wasted i grabbed my car keys and sprung out of the house like I'm being chased out by a ghost.

"Not my son, no, no, God no, not him." My emotions are all over the place. I was suppose to protect from the vultures of this world. Whatdo i do now? Parr of me wishes my mother was a woman enough to be my mother.

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