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Those journalists did a number one on us luckily they didn't manage to take any pictures of us.

"So you were being referred as Mrs Lucas, tshisa wena," my mother has been making fun of me, she's busy laughing her lungs out. I don't see anything amuzing about this.  Imagine if G was there, he was going to cry and worstly he doesn't like crowded places.

"Imagine if G was with me. My poor baby would have been traumatized!" I tell her, everything about this is making me wanna go mad.

"You right, so what happens now 'Mrs Lucas'?" She's emphasizing the status with a high pitched toned voice. She's seriously enjoying this, i need a new mother as soon as possible!

"Where ever you go a scary man will accompany you, i didn't sign up for this," i tell her "this man  whose in a holding cell is making my life difficult. How dare he dictates my life! Come sunshine, come rain i will traditionally deal with him." I'm fuming in anger.

"So you mean to tell me i will be Queen Elizabeth," i look at my mother in disbelief. Did she just say she will be Queen Elizabeth?

"I don't believe this, this is exhausting i just want a normal life, i don't want G to be traumatized. I don't want him to live his life in fear. This will just draw attention to us and i don't want that honestly." I've never imagined my life to be this complicated.

"Yoh, i can't wait for that day to held my head up high, waving my hands like a Queen. This life is new to me. Ay don't look at me like that. I've never been treated like a slay queen. Mama MaWeapons aka Slay Queen. Jehova wami." Is this woman serious right now? Did she just hear what i said?

"Mama how can you say that, I'm crying my heart to you and you're not taking care of me. I need to buy a new mama from shoprite." I stood up and went to my room leaving her laughing at me. I just have to focus on my life and forget about everything that is happening at the moment.
I've been meaning to apply at UNISA online. Now that i have a laptop i will take my time going through my online application. I wonder what will Hendry say when he finds out that i took one of his laptops, not that i care. Besides i deserve it after playing that fake title of being Mrs Lucas.


"She wanted to kill you" Atwell tells me, that was expected of her. I'll never allow her to see me after this, she will definitely go Jackie Chan on me. This girl is very unpredictable.

"I knew she will go mad. Do you think she saw the documents." I ask him, i don't know how i will face her after she saw them.

"No, but she has the body guard issue. It doesn't sit well with her. Ow and the guys informed me that she locked Amanda inside the house, freezing the house into 360 degrees coldness." Atwell says shaking his head.

I smile thinking of a tough cookie that she was becoming, "that's my woman" i say with a proud voice.

"What do we do about her?" He asked me.

"As clumsy as she is, let her handle this one. I believe she knows what she's doing." I lean back on the chair imagining her. This woman has me by my balls.

"Everything is set for the case.  I'll present every evidence infront of the judge." He reminds me, Atwell is my best lawyer and someone i can always rely on. I wouldn't call him a friend but i could say he is someone very close to me amd always had my back.

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